Title: Chemical Bonding
1Chemical Bonding
2Bond Polarity
- Nonpolar Covalent Bond when 2 atoms are joined
by a covalent bond and the bonding electrons are
shared equally
3Bond Polarity
- Polar Covalent Bond when 2 atoms are joined by
a covalent bond and the bonding electrons are not
shared equally
4Differences between polar, nonpolar, and ionic
5How do you determine if a bond is polar,
nonpolar, or ionic?
- Subtract the electronegativities of the bonding
6Electronegativity Differences Bond Type
Type of Bond Electronegativity Difference Range
Nonpolar Covalent Bond 0.0 0.4
Polar Covalent Bond 0.5 1.67
Ionic Bond greater than 1.67
7Determine if the bonds between the following
atoms are polar, nonpolar, or ionic
1. Hydrogen and Carbon 2. Oxygen and Carbon 3.
Potassium and Chlorine 4. Fluorine and Fluorine
H 2.1 C 2.5 0.4 Nonpolar
O 3.5 C 2.5 1.0 Polar
K 0.8 Cl 3.0 2.2 Ionic
F 4.0 F 4.0 0.0 Nonpolar
N 3.0 O 3.5 0.5 Polar
8Polarity of Molecule
- Polar Molecule a molecule with a positive and
negative end (like a magnet has a and end).
Polar bonds must be present. - Take into account if the molecule is symmetrical
and if polar bonds are present.
9Polarity of Molecule
- It is possible to have polar bonds but not a
polar molecule! - Carbon dioxide has 2 polar bonds and is linear
(symmetrical). - Bond polarities cancel out b/c they are in
opposite directions.
Look at the ends does it look like a tiny
magnet? Polar does nonpolar does not.