Title: Goal intervals in dynamic multicriteria problems
1Goal intervals in dynamic multicriteria problems
Juha Mäntysaari
2Decision problem of space heating consumers
- Under time varying electricity tariff space
heating consumers can save in heating costs by - Storing heat in to the house during low tariff
hours - Trading living comfort to costs savings
- A dynamic decision problem
3Space heating problem
- Space heating consumers try to
- MIN Heating costs
- MAX Living comfort
- subject to
- Dynamic price of the electricity
- Dynamics of house
- Other (physical) constraints
4Dynamics of the house
Q(t)Q(t-1)Dtq(t-1)-d(t-1) where d(t)
aDt(T(t) - Tout(t)) Q(t) T(t)/C, (b
1/C) Þ T(t) T(t-1) bDtq(t-1) -abDt(T(t-1) -
Tout(t-1)) Units Q kWh, a kW/C, C
5Example houses
House 2
House 1
6Information summary
7Goal models
1. Hard constraint (pipe is hard)
2. Soft constraints (pipe is soft)Interval goal
3. Hard constraint with a goal inside(pipe with
a goal)
8Hard constraints
9Soft constraints
10Hard constraints with a goal
11Goal models (summary)
1. Hard constraints
2. Soft constraints
3. Hard constraints with a goal
12MultiObjective Household heating Optimization
13Idea of MOHO
- Minimize heating costs using hard lower and upper
bounds for indoor temperature - The case of hard constraints
- Ask How many percents would you like to
decrease the heating costs from the current
level? - Solve again trying to achieve the desired
decrease in cost by relaxing the indoor
temperature upper bound - The e-constraints method (upper bound must be
active in order to succeed)
14Example House 2 (1/4)
Minimized heating costs
15Example House 2 (2/4)
Decreased costs by 5
16Example House 2 (3/4)
Decreased again by 5
17Example House 2 (4/4)
And again by 5
- Model and parameters of the house identified
- Depending on the definition of the living
comfort different multicriteria models can be
used - Benefits of the simplified approach
- Only bounds of the indoor temperature asked
- Comparison and tradeoff only with heating costs