1Dont Get Angry Stress Management Techniques
- Justin Averill
- Snyder Hall- University of Illinois Urbana
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It may help to write about things that are
bothering you. Write for 10 to 15 minutes a day
about stressful events and how they make you
feel. Maybe even considering writing in a Stress
Journal. This will help you figure out what
exactly is making you feel stressed. After
knowing what the cause is, itll be easier for
you to figure out how to cope.
Talk, laugh, cry, and express your anger when you
really need to. Talking with friends, family
members, a counselor, or even members of your
clergy about your feelings is an extremely
healthy way to relieve stress.
This can be a variety of activities. You can pick
from one of your hobbies, such as gardening or
scrapbooking. Doing something creative helps as
well, like arts and crafts. Volunteer work is
also another great way to relieve stress. Even if
you feel like youre too busy to do this, just
set aside a little time for yourself and youll
notice a difference!
While you may think it sounds a little odd,
during meditation youre able to focus on things
that are happening right now. A simple way to
meditate is to just sit/lie down, relax, and
focus on how you are breathing. Another way is to
just sit in a chair with your eyes shut and focus
for about 15-20 minutes.
Guided imagery is when you are able to relax,
focus, and picture yourself where you think you
would feel most relaxed. This could be in a field
on a sunny day, a beach, a park, anywhere that
you think you will feel the most calm.
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to
manage stress. Walking is a great way to get
started. Even everyday activities like yard work
and cleaning can help reduce stress. Stretching
is also a great way to reduce muscle tension.
While the ARC is a great way to exercise, dont
forget that theres an Exercise Room in the Upper
Level of the SDRP.
Breathing Exercises are another great way to
reduce stress. A great technique is the 4-7-8.
While inhaling, count to 4. Hold your breath and
count to 7. And when youre exhaling, count to 8.
Make sure youre counting on the same interval!
Setting aside some time to read for leisure
really can give you some time to unwind and
relax. Though everyone does get a bunch of
reading assignments for classes, its important
to make sure that you pick something youd like
to read and feel youd enjoy.