Title: Energizing Meetings
1Energizing Meetings
2Le déroulement dune rencontre
- Les trois temps dune rencontre
- Les mouvements du groupe entre les temps (les
passages) - Laccueil Lorganisation vs la participation
- Les interruptions
- Momentum
- Le contact entre les personnes
- Les choses plus énergisantes au début
- La place pour les nouvelles
- Le chant
- Donne le ton et introduit/appuie ce quon veut
vivre - Pour rassembler (et non pas  shut!... )
- Pour créer des liens
- Etc..
3Finding the FocusThe theme of a meeting
- One idea only
- Only one image/symbol
- Only one message
A single idea provides the leading tread When we
use a symbolwe have to wonder how this symbol
is integrated in the whole message
4The symbol
- A figure or an image that aims at helping to
understand a reality of the mind - Speaks to the heart, not to reason
- Hits imagination
- Carry a universal message
- Is constant
- Is concise
- Sign and symbol
5The sending off
- Short message given to each participants in order
to send them in mission in the name of the group
- Personalized
- Emphasis on the talent of the person
- Presenting a challenge to meet
- Make others the witness of the mission
6Giving instructions
- Get the attention
- Talk with a little bit more volume than usual
- The sequence of a presentation is important
- Objective of the activity
- Identify the persons/players/sub-groups
- In order for the people to remember what related
to them - What people have to do
- Demonstrate
7Talking to and audience
In general, people will remember a new idea if
they have been exposed to this new idea 3.4 times
What the audience will remember
Format After 3 hours After 3 days
Verbal presentation 25 10
Verbal and visual aides 72 20
Mix verbal, visual, kinaesthetic 85 65
Length of a conference Downtime
20 min 10
40 min 25
80 min 40
8Occupying the space together
Space for mime
9Sharing in small groups
Why are some sharing better than other?
- The questions
- Directive / non directives questions
- Open / closed questions
- Intellectual vs experiential questions
- The technique of projection
10The mimeReliving the Scripture
- The planning
- Review the text
- Tell the story using simple words
- Repeat
- Distribute the roles
- Listen to ideas
- Costumes and accessories
- The presenter is attentive to what is happening
- Provide space for spontaneity
11Check listOrganizing a meeting