Title: Last Minute Notes Before the Exam
1Last Minute Notes Before the Exam
- AP English Language and Composition
- Conn
2Things to Review
- Some of your Rhetorical Devices
- Sample Essays (Upper-half scores ONLY) from
throughout the year - Your own past essays
- The books, documentaries, articles, etc. that we
have encountered in class- they are perfect to
use on the argument essay and they are a clear
demonstration that you know stuff
3First Step
- Relax
- Get enough sleep
- Rise earlier than you normally would
- Eat a healthy breakfast and pack a healthy snack
(this is not the morning to have your first cup
of coffee) - Make sure that you bring a couple of pencils and
pens (black or blue ink) - Arrive at the Del Mar Fairgrounds with time to
4In the Testing Room
- Know where the clocks are
- Make sure your pencils are sharp and that your
pens actually write - Sit down a couple of minutes before the test
begins - Relax
- Relax
5During the Multiple Choice
- Bracket
- Star
- Circle the EXCEPTs
- Circle transition words within the pieces
- If you can eliminate at least two then go ahead
and guess - Read closely, accurately, and quickly
- Relax
6Between the Multiple Choice and the Essay Section
- Stretch
- Have a healthy snack that will sustain you for
the essay section - Try not to talk too much about the multiple
choice section - Know that you have done well and develop
confidence about the essay section
7During the 15 Minutes Before You Write
- Develop your own position on the synthesis
question and then outline - Read all the documents carefully and thoroughly
- Summarize the documents
- If time, read the other questions and begin
brainstorming for them as well - Relax
8During the Essay Section
- Relax
- REMEMBER You can write the essays in any order
you so desire - For Synthesis, remember to incorporate AT LEAST 3
SOURCES!!! - For a possible defend/challenge/qualify question,
think MATURE ACADEMIC PERSPECTIVE!!! - For a possible rhetorical strategy question,
remember to talk about how the strategies ADD TO
- Remember the rhetorical triangle
9During the Essay Section
- Pace yourself
- Dont give them any time back
- Go back over your essay
- Correct your errors and fix your mistakes
- Finish knowing that you have done the best you can
10Remember the Ten Commandments of Advanced
Placement English Literature and Composition
- 1. I am the Prompt, thy Prompt thou shalt have
no other Prompt before me. Thou shalt read the
Prompt with rapt attention the Prompt is thy
friend. Thou shalt address the Prompt. Thou shalt
not just get the general idea of the Prompt, nor
shalt thou fight the Prompt or substitute your
own ideas for the Prompt. - 2. Thou shalt not postpone, omit or bury thy
Thesis Statement.
11Remember the Ten Commandments of Advanced
Placement English Literature and Composition
- 3. Thou shalt not dwell with Summary, for it is
an abomination in my sight. Neither shalt thou be
satisfied with mere Reading Comprehension for thy
Prompt is an analytic and interpretive Prompt. - 4. Thou shalt not commit free-floating
generalization, but shall support and develop
thine every assertion with Concrete Details.
12Remember the Ten Commandments of Advanced
Placement English Literature and Composition
- 5. Thou shalt not mistake complexity for
confusion, or subtlety for indecisiveness thou
shalt not attribute thine own insensitivity or
ignorance to authorial ineptitude. The fact that
thou gettest not the point doesn't mean that the
passage hath no point thou hast missed the
point. Deal with it. - 6. Thou shalt read every MC question with the
same exquisite care that thou devotest to the
Essay Prompt thou shalt not "get the drift." By
the same token, shalt thou strive to read what
the writer actually wrote, not what thou
expectest him or her to have written.
13Remember the Ten Commandments of Advanced
Placement English Literature and Composition
- 7. Thou shalt not finish early. Thou shalt spend
plenty of thy time planning thine essay responses
and any time left over editing them. - 8. Honor thy percentages by guessing thoughtfully
when thou art not sure of the answers. - 9. Thou shalt not merely identify rhetorical,
stylistic, and literary devices, but shalt show
how they function.
14Remember the Ten Commandments of Advanced
Placement English Literature and Composition
- 10. Thou shalt never permit thyself to become
discouraged I am the prompt, thy Prompt. Thou
shalt maintain thy focus, attention and
confidence. Yea, though thou hast totally screwed
up thy last essay, this next essay maketh a fresh