Title: Literacy and Numeracy
1Literacy and Numeracy
2Numeracy and Literacy for Life
Good qualifications in English and maths are what
employers demand.
Without reading and writing skills they find it
difficult to access the curriculum and achieve
well in their examinations.
Michael Gove Education Secretary
As a result, too many young adults lack the
functional skills to make their way in the modern
world. They are more likely to be unemployed,
unwell, in prison, or supported by the state.
Sir Michael Wilshaw Ofsted Chief Inspector
3Numeracy and Literacy for Life
4Supporting our Pupils
- At Batchwood School we offer a wide range of
personalised support to help our pupils to
develop their literacy and numeracy skills. - Pupils receive support which is specific to their
needs and can include - Toe by Toe
- Daily Basic Skills lessons
- Twice weekly numeracy lessons
- One-to-one literacy/numeracy
- Speech and Language Therapy
- After school one-to-one tuition
5Personalised Learning
- We aim to enable all pupils to achieve
qualifications in English and maths. - We provide a range of nationally recognised
qualifications to suit each pupil - GCSE
- Entry Level Certificate
- Functional Skills