Title: Where Does Your Time GO?
1Where Does Your Time GO? 168 Hours in a
Week -56 Sleep ------- 112 -21 Eat (3
hours a day) ------- 91 -45 Study (3 hours
per 1 hour class) ------- 46 -15 Class -
------ 31 for work or personal time A Typical
Week in the Life of a College Student
27 Steps to BETTER MANAGEMENT of your Study
3Step One Decide That How You Manage Your Time
Is Important
4Step Two Evaluate Your Study Needs For This
Term -Use a simple method to find out what
kind of time and skills you will need to
5Step Three Find Out How Much Studying You Are
Now Doing -Keep a daily record to analyze and
find out where your time goes.
6Step Four Make a Study Schedule Based On Your
Needs and Desires -A step-by-step procedure to
develop your weekly schedule
7Step Five Set Up Your Study Management Schedule
Using the PLRS Learning Cycle -The crucial step
that takes what you now know to the action stage
8Step Six Persist In Managing Your Study
Time -The hardest step in any skill-MASTERY
is really up to you
9Step Seven Revise Your Schedule, If
Necessary -Keep an extra weekly schedule form
to use if you add or drop a class or change your
work hours
10PLRS learning Cycle Preview, Lecture, Review
Study 1. Preview Immediate Preparation Before
Class Review Syllabus Review Notes and
Textbook Review Written Assignments or
Problems 2. Lecture Class Lecture
Activities Listen Make Notes Ask
Questions Recite/Discuss Take Tests
11 3. Review Immediate Review After
Class Edit and Summarize Notes Set
Purposes for Later Study 4. Study Intensive
Study Session Review Lecture
Notes Study-Read Textbooks