Title: P2P??????? ????????????????
2P2P??????? ????????????????
- ????
- P2P??????????????????????
- ??????????????????
- ????
31. ????
P2P??????? ????????????????
- ?????????????????????
- ?????
- Lamport, Ricart and Agrawala, Suzuki and Kasami,
Maekawa, - Raymond , Agrawal and El Abbadi
- Tree, O(log n) ?????? ? P2P ??????
- ?? ?
- LOTOS????????????????????
- ??? ?
- P2P ????????????
P2P??????? ????????????????
repeat await ltp0gt ltpigt ltdelaygt until
ltpigt critical section p0
p?????i??? ??
5P2P??????? ????????????????
- ??????p???
- ? ???????????????
- ??(contention)????????O(n)???
- ?
- ??????????
- ?????(Balking pattern)
- P2P?????(reliable multicast)
- O(log n)????critical section
- 80????????
62. P2P??????? ???????????????2.1
P2P??????? ????????????????
- 2(h-1)?n?2h -1
- ?????????
- O(log n)
72. P2P??????? ???????????????2.2 ??????
P2P??????? ????????????????
- ???????(Dijkstra ?????????)
- Fisher ??????????
- node 1
- p???????? broadcast
- node 1 ??
- CS ??????node ??? node 1 ????
- node 1 ??p???????
8node 1
P2P??????? ????????????????
integer p0..n initialize p0
9node 1
P2P??????? ????????????????
when this request the critical section, do if
p0 then begin p1 broadcast 1
critical section p0 broadcast
0 / release / end od
10node 1
P2P??????? ????????????????
when this received x, do if x0 or p0 then
begin px broadcast x
end / otherwise, the node p is already being
to enter the critical section / od
11node i (2?i?n)
P2P??????? ????????????????
integer p0..n initialize p0
12node i (2?i?n)
P2P??????? ????????????????
when this request the critical section, do if
p0 then begin send i to node 1 end od
13node i (2?i?n)
P2P??????? ????????????????
when this received x, do px if pi then
begin critical section send 0 to node
1 / release / end od
142.3 critical section ??????????????1?????????
P2P??????? ????????????????
node 1
Critical section(CS) ??????????0
15P2P??????? ????????????????
node 1
node x
node x ? S1???????????CS ????1?? ??????CS ?????
16P2P??????? ????????????????
node x
S1 (px)
17P2P??????? ????????????????
node y ? S3???????????CS ????1?? ??????CS
182.4 critical section ?????
P2P??????? ????????????????
- ?????O(log n)
- ???????? O(log n) ? ??O(log n)
- CS ??????????
192.5 ??(contention)???
P2P??????? ????????????????
- node 1 ? x (?0)?broadcast ???O(log n)??p0
?????0? - p?0??????CS????????
- (Balking Pattern)
- ???cs?????????????????????????????node 1????
- ?? ??????????? starvation free ?????FCFS?????
- ???????????????????????
P2P??????? ????????????????
- ?????????????????
- Draw, ?????????, Web??????????????????
- ????????????????????
22??????????????????Critical Section
P2P??????? ????????????????
234. ????
P2P??????? ????????????????
- P2P???????????????????????
- ????????????
- 80??????????
- 80??????????????????
- ????????????
24P2P??????? ????????????????
- ??
- ?????????????
- ???, ???
- www.tobata.isc.kyutech.ac.jp/yamanoue/