Title: Hark, the herald angels sing
1(No Transcript)
2Hark, the herald angels sing
3Glory to the new born King
4Peace on earth and mercy mild
5God and sinners reconciled
6Joyfulall yenationsrise
7Join thetriumphof theskies
8Withangelic hostproclaim
9Christ is born inBethlehem!
10Hark, the herald angels sing
11Gloryto the new born King
13Christthe everlasting Lord
14Late intimebeholdHimcome
15Offspringof a virgins womb
16Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see
18Pleasedas manwithmento dwell
19Jesus, Our Immanuel!
20Hark, the herald angels sing
21Glory to the new born King
22Hail theheaven-bornPrince ofPeace
23Hailtheson ofRighteous-ness
24Lightandlife toall Hebrings
25Risenwithhealingin Hiswings
26Mild He laysHisglory by
27Bornthatmanno moremay die
28Borntoraisethe sonsof earth
29Borntogive themsecondbirth
30Hark, the herald angels sing
31Glory to the new born King