Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio Networks


Dr. Liang Hong (615) 963-5364 College of Engineering Tennessee State University Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio Networks – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio Networks

Dr. Liang Hong (615)
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
Wei Chen Liang Hong College of
Engineering Tennessee State University
APDCM 2013
Boston, MA, May 20, 2013
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
  • Introduction
  • Problem Statement
  • Cooperative MIMO Network Model and Communication
  • Cooperative MIMO Paradigm for Overlay Systems
  • Cooperative MIMO Paradigm for Underlay Systems
  • Numerical Analysis and Experiments
  • Conclusions

College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
  • MIMO Technology
  • Multiple antennas transmit same data streams
    simultaneously it can be used to reduce energy,
    or extending communication range and error rate.
  • Multiple antennas transmit different data streams
    simultaneously it can be used to provide higher
    data rate (multiplexing gain)

MIMO transceiver
Wireless MIMO network
However, it is unrealistic to equip multiple
antennas to small and inexpensive wireless
devices (e.g., wireless sensor nodes).
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
Cooperative Communication MIMO Technology
Distributed individual single-antenna nodes
cooperating on information transmission and
reception as a multiple antenna array
MIMO links
Cooperative MIMO Schemes
Other hops
First hop
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
  • Cognitive radio A promising paradigm in wireless
    communication that enables efficient use of
    frequency resources
  • Coexistence of licensed primary users (PUs) and
    unlicensed secondary users (SUs) in the same
    frequency band
  • Cognitive capabilities
  • Basic approaches (1) spectrum overlay, (2)
    underlay, and (3) interweave

Problem Statement
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
  • Existing overlay schemes require the relay SUs to
    be in the convenient location, typically halfway
    between source and destination
  • Existing underlay schemes cannot guarantee that
    the aggregated interference generated by SUs is
    maintained below the threshold

This Research Develop energy efficient
cooperative MIMO paradigms that can maximize the
diversity gain and significantly improve the
performance of both overlay and underlay systems.
Network Model and Communication Schemes
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
Underlying network Network G (V,E) of
single-antenna radio nodes. d-Clustering the
distance between two nodes in a cluster d.
d-clusters are called Cooperative MIMO nodes, and
the nodes of G are called primary
nodes. D-Cooperative-MIMO links Let A and B be
two d-clusters, and A and B be the subsets of A
and B, respectively. Suppose there are mt nodes
in A and mr nodes in B. If the largest distance
between any node of A and any node of B is not
larger than D, a D-mtmr virtual MIMO
transmission link can be defined between A and
B. Heterogeneity The size and the diameter of a
cluster, and the length of virtual MIMO links can
be different.
Cooperative MIMO Paradigm for Overlay System
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
SUs assistant PUs communication (SUs can use
the PUs channel when PUs communication
  • Step 1 data transmission from the primary
    transmitter to m SUs via 1m SIMO link
  • Step2 data transmission from m SUs to the
    primary receiver via a m1 MISO link
  • Optimization (at SUs)
  • Maximize the distance that the secondary users
    can be away from the primary users.
  • Minimize the energy usage at the secondary users.

Cooperative MIMO Paradigm for Underlay System
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
SUs utilize PUs channel obliviously SUs share
the PUs frequency resource without any knowledge
about the PUs signals and under the strict
constraint that the spectral density of their
transmitted signals fall below the noise floor at
the primary receivers
  • Optimization at SUs
  • Maximize the communication performance (minimize
    error rate)
  • Minimize the energy usage at the secondary users.

College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
Numerical Analysis and Experiments
  • Energy Model
  • Energy consumption per bit at each primary node
    for local/intra data transmission
  • Energy consumption per bit at each primary node
    for local/intra reception

College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
  • Energy consumption per bit at each primary node
    for data transmission in long-haul mt mr
    cooperative MIMO link
  • Energy consumption per bit at each primary node
    for data reception in long-haul mt mr
    cooperative MIMO link

College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
  • Parameters

Pct 48.64 mw Pcr 62.5 mw
Psyn 50 mw Nf 10 dB
Ttr 5 µs s2 N0/2 -174 dBm/Hz
GtGr 5 dBi ? 0.1199
Gd G1dkMl (G1 10 mw, k 3.5, Ml 40 dB) Gd G1dkMl (G1 10 mw, k 3.5, Ml 40 dB)
Numerical analysis in Overlay System
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
  • Step 1 data transmission from the primary
    transmitter to m SUs via 1m SIMO link
  • Step2 data transmission from m SUs to the
    primary receiver via a m1 MISO link

Numerical Analysis in Underlay System
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
  • Since only transmission energy brings
    interference from SUs to primary receiver, only
    the transmission energy is considered
  • Intra/local transmission
  • Long-haul transmission

Numerical Analysis Results
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
In overlay systems the SUs can assist/relay the
PUs transmission even when SUs are far away from
primary transmitter (Pt) and primary receiver (Pr)
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
In underlay systems the SUs are able to share the
PUs frequency resource without any knowledge
about the PUs signals and under the strict
constraint that the spectral density of their
transmitted signals fall below the noise floor at
the primary receivers.
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
  • System Evaluation in Real Wireless Environment
  • Build a cooperative cognitive testbed using the
    universal software radio peripheral (USRP)
    platform and GNU Radio
  • Each node consists an USRP motherboard
    RFX2400 daughterboard
  • signal processing module implemented in GNU Radio
    running in a general purpose computer under
    Ubuntu operating system
  • BPSK modulation and demodulation is used for all

Underlay System
Overlay System
Licensed Primary Transmitter
Licensed Primary Receiver
unlicensed Secondary Transmitter
unlicensed Secondary Receiver
unlicensed Secondary Users as Relay
unlicensed Secondary Cooperative Transmitter
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
  • Overlay System Underlay System
  • (Bit error rate performance) (Packet
    error rate performance)
  • Single-relay Cooperation
  • Multiple-relay cooperation

Amplitude With Cooperation Without Cooperation
800 0 24.85
600 6.12 70.28
400 13.72 97.1
Average 6.61 64.08
Trial (Node distance 2 m) With Cooperation Without Cooperation
1 2.21 9.13
2 2.27 12.73
3 2.89 10.76
Average 2.46 10.87
Multiple Relays Coop. (Node Distance 30 ft) Single Relay Cooperation Without Cooperation
2.93 2.21 9.13
College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
  • Proposes energy efficient cooperative MIMO
    paradigms for cognitive radio networks.
  • In overlay systems, SUs can relay the primary
    transmissions even when they are far away from
    the primary users
  • In underlay systems, SUs are able to share the
    primary users frequency resources without any
    knowledge about the PUs signals, even when they
    are close to the primary receivers
  • Performance evaluation in real wireless
    environment verified the advantage of the
    proposed paradigms.

College of Engineering Tennessee State University
Cooperative MIMO Paradigms for Cognitive Radio
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