Hardware - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hardware and the stupidity of a computer – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hardware

Hardwareand the stupidity of a computer
Hardware and software
  • In order to make a computer do something useful,
    we need both hardware and software
  • Hardware The physical parts of the computer
    (monitor, keyboard, mouse and whatever is inside
    the box)
  • Software The computer programs (Word, Messenger,
    Counterstrike, Internet Explorer,) we use for
    solving various tasks using the computer

The computer way
  • In order to understand hardware, you need to know
    a little about how a computer thinks
  • A computer does not think, it calculates!
  • How can you make pieces of metal calculate
    anything useful?

On or Off
  • A computer calculates using metal and current
  • A computer can only sense if a current is On
    or Off
  • How can we employ this for doing calculations?
  • A transistor is used for this exact purpose

  • A transistor is a very simple electronic device
  • Two wires lead into the transistor, one wire
    leads out
  • The smart part The transistor can perform a
    (sort of) calculation, based on whether or not
    there is a current in the two input wires
  • A so-called logical function

A smart (?) transistor
  • So, what calculation is that?
  • Not so impressive, actually

Off Off On
Off On On
On Off On
On On Off
Logical, right?
  • The calculation performed by the transistor is an
    example of a logical function
  • A logical funtion takes one or more input values,
    and pro-duces a single output value
  • BUT these values can only be either true or false
  • Also know as Boolean logic

Logical functions - example
Two input values
false false
false true
true false
true true
Four possible combinations
Logical functions - example
false false false
false true false
true false false
true true false
false false true
false true true
true false true
true true true
Three input values
Eight possible combinations
Logical functions - transistor
If we put Off false On true
false false true
false true true
true false true
true true false
Zeroes and Ones
  • If we now exchange true with 1 (one), and false
    with 0 (zero), the previous table becomes

0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
  • This is how we usually denote On and Off
  • A numeral system using only 0 and 1 is also known
    as a binary numeral system

The binary numeral system
  • Computers use the binary numeral system (aka
    base-2), humans (mostly) use the decimal numeral
    system (aka base-10)
  • In the context of a base-10 system, 110 means
    1x100 1x10 0x1 110
  • In the context of a base-2 system, 110 means 1x4
    1x2 0x1 6
  • Alternatively
  • 11010 1x102 1x101 0x100 110
  • 1102 1x22 1x21 0x20 6

The binary numeral system
  • Even if binary numbers appear a bit strange, the
    rules for calculation are the same as for base-10
  • In base-10 5 7 12
  • In base-2 101 111 1100
  • Using a carry works just as before
  • 0 0 0
  • 0 1 1
  • 1 0 1
  • 1 1 0, and 1 to carry

Transistors revisited
  • The transistor we saw before was not able to do
    correct binary addition
  • However, if you are clever enough, you can
    combine transistors to implement other logical
  • Proper binary addition is just a special logical

11 ?
Transistors revisited
  • The original transistor worked like this

0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
Transistors revisited
  • If you combine two transistors, you can implement
    a different logical function

0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 1
Transistors revisited
  • The combination before was not very useful, but
    we can of course just build more complex
    combinations, involving more transistors
  • Our goals is to be able to do binary addition
  • Binary addition is just a special logical
    function, taking three input values and producing
    two output values
  • Can be considered to be two separate logical

Binary addition
A B Carry in Y Carry out
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
This should do the trick
  • Some clever person found out that the below
    combination implements proper binary addition

The first building block
  • We have now found a way to do proper addition,
    using metal and current
  • Implementing the other arithmetic operations is
    then not particularly complicated
  • This actually forms the foundation for the first
    electronic computers

  • Built around 1945
  • Weighs about 30 tons
  • Based on vacuum tubes
  • Ca. 18.000 transistors
  • Used for calculating projectile trajectories
  • Was only operational about half of the time

60 years later
  • Today we do not use individual transistors. A
    chip contains a (large) number of transistors
  • Most advanced chips contain a few billion
    transistors within an area of perhaps 1 cm2
  • What if car technology had progressed at the same
  • Price 1
  • Gas consumption 10.000 km/l
  • Max speed 100.000 km/h

Moores law
  • Within two years, the number of transistors on a
    chip will double

From 0 and 1 to Counterstrike
  • Even if we can now make metal and current do
    calcu-lations, there is still a very long way
    from 0s and 1s to Counterstrike
  • A computer can handle vast amounts of data, at
    vast speeds
  • How fast?
  • How much data?

Bits and bytes
  • For a computer, the basic unit for data is an
    entity which is either 0 or 1
  • This entity is called a bit
  • A computer performs operations on bits.
  • A more practical unit is a sequence of 8 bits
    this is known as a byte.
  • Why 8 bits? Why not 7 or 9? Tradition
  • We can for instance define a character set using
    8 bits

Bits and bytes
  • How many distinct bytes are there?
  • One byte is 8 bits, each bit is either 0 or 1
  • Combinations 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 256 (28)
  • Each combination can now be interpreted as a
    specific symbol (letter, number, etc), for
    instance the letter H
  • With 256 combinations, we have enough
    combinations for capital letters, small letters,
    numbers, etc..
  • Example ASCII codes

ACSII codes
Amounts of data
  • Amounts of data are usually measured in bytes
    (each byte being 8 bits)
  • For a computer, all kinds of data are just
    sequences of bits
  • It requires a program written by humans to
    interpret a bit sequence as e.g. music, video, a
    Word docu-ment, and so on
  • How many bytes does each type of data require?

Size of some data types
Plain text (no pictures) Music (mp3 format) Video (DVD quality)
Kilo-byte Half a page --- --
Mega-byte 500-page novel One minute One second
Giga-byte Large book-shelf 16 hours 20 minutes
Tera-byte Large library Two years Two weeks
Speed of calculation
  • When a computer calculates, it processes many
    sequences of bits simultaneously
  • All calculation units must be syn-cronized for
    this to work properly
  • A conductor manages when the calculation units
    should calculate
  • The speed of the conductor defines the speed of
    the computer

Speed of calculation
  • How many beats per second (hertz) can the
    conductor manage?
  • Old computer (ENIAC) about 10.000 beats per
    second (10 kiloHertz)
  • Modern PC about beats per second
    (3 GigaHertz)
  • Also known as clock rate

32 Hertz
  • Three billion beats per second is quite fast
  • For every beat, light only travels 10 centimeters
  • The physical size of the chip begins to matter
  • Unfortunately, energy consump-tion rises with the
    clock rate, at a quadratic rate

  • Where are calculations actually performed?
  • Calculations are done in a unit called the CPU
    (Central Processing Unit)
  • This unit is basically just one large chip, which
    looks fairly uninteresting

The CPU and Primary Storage
  • The job of the CPU is to perform calculations on
    streams of bits, but who provides these bits?
  • Somebody has to feed bits to the CPU, and
    consume the results produced by the CPU
  • For this task, the computer uses the Primary

Primary Storage
  • A calculation involves the below steps
  • Input data is moved from primary storage to the
  • The CPU performs the calculation
  • The result is moved from the CPU to primary
  • The primary storage is thus just a container
    for a certain amount of data
  • The primary storage is passive no kind of data
    processing is performed here
  • Primary storage is usually of the type RAM
    (Random Access Memory)

Primary Storage
  • What is primary storage physically?
  • Just some chips, which contains a certain amount
    of data
  • A modern PC will typically have 2-8 Gigabytes of
    primary storage
  • What could the data represent? For instance data
    from an mp3-file, for which the CPU must perform
    some calculation to transform it into music

Primary vs. Secondary
  • Primary storage (RAM) has a large advantage
    transfer of data between the CPU and RAM is quite
    fast (several Gigabytes pr. second)
  • Fast but compared to what?
  • There are however also several drawbacks
  • RAM is expensive (compared to what?)
  • When power is cut, all data in the primary
    storage will be lost
  • We thus also need secondary storage

Secondary storage
  • Who provides data to the primary storage? That
    data is provided by secondary storage
  • What is secondary storage? In principle the same
    as primary storage a passive container for data
    - but
  • Is much cheaper than RAM (per byte)
  • Data is preserved when power is turned off
  • Presently, the most common form of secondary
    storage in a PC is a hard drive

Quite hard(old school)
  • A (traditional) hard drive con-tains a number of
    magnetic platters, on which individual bits are
    stored by magnetising a specific area of the
  • A modern hard drive contains 500-2,000 Giga-bytes
    of data

Quite hard(new school)
  • A SSD (Solid-State Drive) hard drive contains a
    number of memory chips, on which individual bits
    are stored in transistors (but retained when
    power is turned off)
  • A modern SSD contains 60-500 Giga-bytes of data

Hard drive vs. RAM
Hard drive (Traditional) Hard drive (SSD) RAM
Typical amount in PC 500-2000 GB 60-500 GB 2-8 GB
Price pr. Gigabyte 0,5 kr. 10 kr. 100 kr.
Data transfer speed 0,1-0,3 GB/sek 0,5-1 GB/sek 4-8 GB/sek
Preserves data without power Yes Yes No
Technology Mechanical Electronic Electronic
Harddisk vs. RAM
  • In other words
  • RAM
  • Very fast and stable, BUT
  • Expensive, does not preserve data without power
  • Hard drive
  • Cheap, large capacity and preser-ves data without
    power, BUT
  • Rather slow, mechanical technology (except SSD)

Other types of secondary storage
USB-key CD, DVD and Blu-ray Floppy disks Online
Capacity (Gigabytes) 2-256 0,7-30 0,0015 (!) ??
Price (kr pr. GB) Ca. 10 Ca. 1 gt100 ??
Speed (MB pr. sek) 10-100 25 lt 1 Depends on connection
Technology Electronic Optical / Mechanical Magnetic / Mechanical Internet
Note Same tech as SSD Stagnant Almost extinct On the rise
  • A PC contains a board, on which the central
    components of the PC are mounted this board is
    usually denoted the motherboard
  • The motherboard will (at least) contain
  • CPU
  • RAM (primary storage)
  • Auxiliary components
  • Sockets/slots for adding other components

Other components
  • Examples of other components are
  • Graphics card
  • Sound card
  • Network card
  • TV card
  • In some PCs, these components are found directly
    on the motherboard, on others they are found as
    extra components, inserted into slots on the
  • Why?

Other components
  • Even though a modern CPU is very fast, it may
    benefit from being relieved from certain tasks
  • Graphics card
  • Specially designed for effective graphics
  • Takes computational load off CPU
  • May increase graphical performance by a factor
  • Typical application GAMES!

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Data exchange by bus
  • All these units and components need to exchange
    data in order to do their job
  • How do they do that?
  • Data exchange is done using so-called data buses
  • A data bus transports data between two units

Data exchange by bus
  • A data bus sends data
  • A number of times pr. second
  • A certain amount of data each time
  • Example a 32-bit bus running at 100 Mhz
  • Carries 32 bit (4 bytes) each time
  • Sends 100 million times pr. second
  • A PC contains a number of buses running at
    different speeds

Countryside bus
  • A bus is also used for exchanging data with
    additional components, like a graphics card
  • Types of buses for extra components
  • PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) those
    slots in which additional components (such as a
    graphics card) can be inserted
  • USB (Universal Serial Bus) used by many
    external devices such as printers, USB memory
    keys, etc..
  • Fortunately, buses follow a standard

External devices
  • Devices which enable communication between humans
    and computers
  • Typical external devices
  • Keyboard and mouse
  • Monitor
  • Speakers / headset
  • Printer
  • But also
  • Digital camera, phone, USB-key,
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