1The Role of Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI) in
selection Dr Jon Dowell, Admissions Convenor,
Dundee Medical School
- Rationale behind MMI for selection
- A brief history
- What do MMIs assess
- How do MMIs work
- Performance in UK context
- Feedback from applicants and assessors
- The future?
3Medicine has previous
Alexander Monros 1720 - 1846
"I dislike him his lectures so much that I
cannot speak with decency about them. He is so
dirty in person actions."
- Personal qualities considered important but
not reliably assessed by interview and without
much predictive validity. - (Goho Blackman 2006. cognitive r 0.06,
clinical r 0.17) - Introduced for medicine at McMaster, Canada
(Reiter, Eva et al). - Piloted 2002 12 x 8 min. Generalisability
since /- 0.7 - Predicted OSCE performance ß 0.44 (interview ns)
- Clerkship ratings ß 0.57 (interview ns)
- MCC Part 1 (selected components) ß 0.3-0.4
(interview ns)
5Increasing detail emerging
- A cost efficiency comparison between the multiple
mini-interview and traditional admissions
interviews. Set up costs, running
equates - Rosenfeld JM, Reiter HI, Trinh K, Eva KW.
- Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2008
Mar13(1)43-58. - The multiple mini-interview how long is long
enough? 10 8 5 mins - Dodson M, et al. Med Educ. 2009 Feb43(2)168-74
- Factors affecting the utility of the multiple
mini-interview in selecting candidates for
graduate-entry medical school. 8Q reliability
0.7 - Roberts et al. Med Educ. 2008 Apr42(4)396-404
applicant 22 variance - Should candidate scores be adjusted for
interviewer stringency or leniency in the
multiple mini-interview? Rasch Modeling - Roberts C, Rothnie I, Zoanetti N, Crossley J.
Med Educ. 2010 Jul44(7)690-8
6Increasingly widespread
- Countries
- Canada,
- Australia
- UK
- US
- Disciplines
- UG Medicine
- UG Veterinary
- UG Dentistry
7MMI in Dundee 7 minute x 10 stations
- Reliability
- 2008/9 n 450 0.7
- 2009/10 n 500 0.69
- 2010/11 n 600 0.69/.67 (0.88)
- 2011/12 Dental school collaboration
8MMI in St Georges 5 minute stations x 8
StationsMuriel Shannon Aileen OBrien
- Reliability
- 2009/10 n 1078 0.69
- 2010/11 n 1333
9MMI in Belfast 5 minute x 9 stationsKeith
- Reliability
- 2010/11 n 500 0.56
10MMIs typically aim to assess
- Interpersonal and communication skills (inc
empathy) - Teamwork and leadership
- Preparation and motivation
- Critical thinking, problem solving
- Ethical/moral reasoning
- Integrity
- Capacity (n 600)
- 20 applicants per Run per session
- Two teams in parallel (80/day)
- 8 days total
- Staffing (2 academic leaders 2 admin)
- For each run
- 5 faculty (interview)
- 5 student or Simulated Patients (interactive)
- 2 actors (employed junior students)
- 3 role players (students or SP)
13Preparation big job
- Stations - Drafted and piloted with students
- Assessor instructions
- Candidate instructions
- Resources (script, shapes, materials, UCAS forms
etc) - Actor training
- Training at start of every session
- 30 min general
- 20 min station specific
14 Station/Assessor/ Candidate Information
Domain Scores
Overall Judgement
Red Flag Narrative
15 16Performance of Dundee MMI
17 Score Distribution
18Station Reliability
Overall Alpha 0.69 Item-Total Correl Alpha if Item Deleted
1 0.34 0.67
2 0.31 0.67
3 0.17 0.70
4 0.37 0.66
5 0.43 0.65
6 0.47 0.64
7 0.34 0.67
8 0.28 0.67
9 0.38 0.66
10 0.39 0.66
19Domain Reliability
Number of Stations Number of Scores Cronbachs alpha
Communication 9 12 .767
Critical Thinking 6 6 .453
Moral Reasoning 4 4 .170
Prep Motivation 3 4 .515
Teamwork 2 3 .395
Integrity 1 1 -
20Gender difference - YesInteractive One - one
Females performed significantly better than
males. 2009 Female average 109 /150 vs 105 p
lt .01 Effect size 0.14
21Applicant Group difference?
2009 2010 2010 - 2011
22Apologies but we are intending to eventually
publish from this data so have removed it from
circulated slides.
23Assessors Survey 2008-9
- 116 /201 (58) assessors completed online survey.
- 91 thought the process fair.
- 88 thought applicant stress moderate or less.
- All stations rated highly relevant, except for
the Question of Ethics where opinions divided.
24Candidate Survey 2008-9
- 324 /433 (75) completed online survey.
- 94 felt MMI was fair.
- 90 felt it is a valid way to assess
candidates. - 71 preferred MMI to traditional interview.
- Student Counselor (role play) most enjoyable
25We are happybut where next?
26Hawk-Dove Effect
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9 10
27Dundee 2011 Rasch vertical ruler
MFRM creates a common scale for candidate
ability, examiner stringency, item difficulty and
...... Comparing raw and fair scores for 350
offers 34 (9.7) different candidates selected.
28Conclusions and Next Steps
- MMI appear very promising
- Set up costs considerable
- Running costs comparable (if students used)
- Student involvement positive
- Applicants are positive
- Predictive validity emerging and encouraging.
- Outstanding issues
- Rotating content.
- Application of IRT (DIFF, Fair scores etc)
- Oh yes and the bloopers are great.
29Thank youDiscussion?