Title: What is Mythology?
1What is Mythology?
2Myths attempt to Explain
- a. Nature
- Where did earth come from?
- Heavens
- Sun, moon, stars, comets, clouds, storms,
thunder, lightning - Seasons
- Climate, rain, fertility, agriculture
- Geography
- Oceans, mountains, forests, rivers,
3Myths attempt Explain
- b. Man
- Where did man come from?
- His life
- Birth, growth, reproduction, death
- His victories
- Glories in battle and against adversity
- His defeats
- Misfortunes, adversities, unhappiness
- His end
- Rewards and punishments, the afterlife
4Myths attempt to Explain
- c. Gods
- Where did the gods come from?
- How many gods are there?
- What regions do they inhabit?
- What roles do they fulfill
- Powers and weaknesses, characteristics and
character flaws
5How do we know these things?
- The major source of our knowledge of ancient
myths is from literature. - Homers Iliad and Homers Odyssey
- Hesiods Theogony and Works and Pays
- Virgils Aeneid
- Ovids Metamorphoses
- There are several other minor works of Greek
mythology, as well as mythos from other cultures
including Norse, Chinese, and Native American
culture. - Roman mythology is largely based on Greek
mythology, with many of the names and stories
changed to fit Roman values and needs however,
the universe and hierarchy of the gods is quite
6Why is Mythology important?
- Because its
- Interesting
- Entertaining
- Shows how the ancient people viewed their world
- Going to show up in references all around for the
rest of your life
7Where does Mythology show up?
- In Literature
- Famous examples include
- Dantes Inferno
- Sophocles Oedipus
- Euripides Trojan Women
- Goethes Iphigenia In Taurus
- Shakespeares Troilus and Cressida
- Racines Andromache
- Aeschylus Prometheus Bound
- WM Morris Life and Death of Jason
8Where does Mythology show up?
- In Music
- Ravels Daphnis and Chloe
- Maeterlincks Peleas and Melisande
- Holsts The Planets
- Glucks Orpheus and Eurydice
- Wagners Ring of the Nibelungen
- Mozarts Jupiter Symphony
9Where does Mythology show up?
- In the Arts
- Mythology has been a source of subject matter and
inspiration to painters and sculptors since art
began. - The Renaissance saw the reintroduction of the
myths into various art forms. - Todays artists borrow heavily from ancient myths
and create their own myths through surrealism and
symbolic art
10Where does Mythology show up?
- In advertising
- Brand names based on mythological characters
indicate high quality - Atlas Cement
- Midas Mufflers
- Mercury Cars
- Ajax Cleaner
- Venus Pencils
- Apollo Pianos
11Where does Mythology show up?
- In History
- Study of the Iliad and Odyssey and other myths
can - Produce facts about ancient people not
discoverable through formal research - Cite causes for war
- Show religious beliefs of an ancient people
- Provide anthropologists with keys to
understanding a peoples history
12Where does Mythology show up?
- In Language
- Mythology is the source of words such as
- Janitor- Janus
- Martial- Mars
- Museum- Muses
- Volcano- Vulcan
- Hypnotism- Hypnos
- Days of the Week
- Thursday (Thors day) Missiles (Nike)
- Months of the year (March Mars) Birds (Phaethon)
13Mythology is of special use to
- Psychologists
- Who see in myths the expression of subconscious
needs for love, acceptance, self-worth, and power - Theologians
- Who study religions and myths to understand
people and their own religion - Students of Literature
- Who must understand myths to understand much of
poetry and other works
14For more information, click on the individual
deities in this group portrait of THE OLYMPIANS.
These twelve immortals dwelt in a magnificent
palace on the heights of Mount Olympus, from
which they took their name.
15DIONYSUS (dye-oh-NYE-sus Roman name Bacchus) was
the god of wine. Dionysus was the son of Zeus and
the mortal heroine Semele. Dionysus rescued
Ariadne after she had been abandoned by Theseus.
Dionysus also saved his mother from the
Underworld, after Zeus showed her his true nature
as storm god and consumed her in lightning. It
was Dionysus who granted Midas the power to turn
whatever he touched into gold, then was kind
enough to take the power back when it proved
- APHRODITE (a-fro-DYE-tee Roman name Venus) was
the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. She
was also a protectress of sailors. The poet
Hesiod said that Aphrodite was born from
sea-foam. Homer, on the other hand, said that she
was the daughter of Zeus and Dione.
17The Goddess of Love
- In Homer's Iliad , Aphrodite saves Paris when he
is about to be killed in single combat by
Menelaus. The goddess wraps him in a mist and
spirits him away, setting him down in his own
bedroom in Troy. She then appears to Helen in the
guise of an elderly handmaiden and tells her that
Paris is waiting for her. - Helen recognizes the goddess in disguise and asks
if she is being led once more to ruin. Aphrodite
had bewitched her into leaving her husband
Menelaus to run off with Paris. She dares to
suggest that Aphrodite go to Paris herself. - Suddenly furious, the goddess warns Helen not to
go too far, lest she be abandoned to the hatred
of Greeks and Trojans alike. "I'll hate you,"
says the mercurial goddess, "as much as I love
you now."
- APOLLO (uh-POL-oh Roman name Apollo) was the god
of prophesy, music and healing. Like most of his
fellow Olympians, Apollo did not hesitate to
intervene in human affairs. It was he who brought
about the demise of the mighty Achilles. Of all
the heroes besieging the city of Troy in the
Trojan War, Achilles was the best fighter by far.
He had easily defeated the Trojan captain Hector
in single combat. But Apollo helped Hector's
brother Paris slay Achilles with an arrow.
- When someone died suddenly, he was said to have
been struck down by one of Apollo's arrows.
Homer's epic of the Trojan War begins with the
god causing a plague by raining arrows down upon
the Greek camp. - As god of music, Apollo is often depicted playing
the lyre. He did not invent this instrument,
however, but was given it by Hermes in
compensation for cattle theft. Some say that
Apollo did invent the lute, although he was best
known for his skill on the lyre. - He won several musical contests by playing this
instrument. In one case he bested Pan, who
competed on his own invention, the shepherd's
pipe. On this occasion, King Midas had the bad
sense to say that he preferred Pan's music, which
caused Apollo to turn his ears into those of an
20Ares, God of Bloody War
- ARES (AIR-eez Roman name Mars) was the god of
war, or more precisely of warlike frenzy. Though
an immortal deity, he was bested by Heracles in
battle and was almost killed when stuffed into a
jar by two giants. When another hero wounded him
during the Trojan War, he received scant sympathy
from his father Zeus. In appearance, Ares was
handsome and cruel. He is often depicted carrying
a bloodstained spear. His throne on Mount Olympus
was said to be covered in human skin.
21 Ares, God of Bloody War
The Roman god Mars, with whom Ares was
identified, was the father of Romulus and Remus,
the mythological founders of Rome. Thus he was
more important to the Romans than his Greek
counterpart. He was also more dignified.
22Athena, Goddess of Wisdom
- ATHENA (a-THEE-nuh Roman name Minerva) was the
goddess of crafts and the domestic arts and also
those of war. She was the patron goddess of
Athens. Her symbol was the owl. She was
originally the Great Goddess in the form of a
bird. By the late Classic, she had come to be
regarded as a goddess of wisdom Zeus was once
married to Metis, a daughter of Ocean who was
renowned for her wisdom. When Metis became
pregnant, Zeus was warned by Earth that a son
born to Metis would overthrow him, just as he had
usurped his own father's throne.
- So Zeus swallowed Metis. In time he was overcome
with a splitting headache and summoned help from
the craftsman god Hephaestus (or, some say, the
Titan Prometheus). Hephaestus cleaved Zeus's
forehead with an ax, and Athena sprang forth
fully armed.
- ARTEMIS (AR-ti-mis Roman name Diana) was the
virgin goddess of the hunt. She helped women in
childbirth but also brought sudden death with her
arrows. Artemis and her brother Apollo were the
children of Zeus and Leto. In some versions of
their myth, Artemis was born first and helped her
mother to deliver Apollo.
- DEMETER (dee-MEE-tur Roman name Ceres) was the
goddess of agriculture. Demeter as the sister of
Zeus and the mother of Persephone. Persephone was
gathering flowers in a meadow one day when a huge
crack opened up in the earth and Hades, King of
the Dead, emerged from the Underworld. He seized
Persephone and carried her off in his chariot,
back down to his realm below, where she became
his queen. Demeter was heartbroken. She wandered
the length and breadth of the earth in search of
her daughter, during which time the crops
withered and it became perpetual winter.
26Hephaestus, God of Metalcraft
- HEPHAESTUS (he-FEE-stus or he-FESS-tus Roman
name Vulcan) was the lame god of fire and crafts
or the two together, hence of blacksmiths.
Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera or, in
some accounts, of Hera alone. He limped because
he was born lame, which caused his mother to
throw him off Mount Olympus.
27Hera, Queen of Olympians
- HERA (HEE-ruh Roman name Juno) was the goddess
of marriage. Hera was the wife of Zeus and Queen
of the Olympians. Hera hated the great hero
Heracles since he was the son of her husband Zeus
and a mortal woman. When he was still an infant,
she sent snakes to attack him in his crib. Later
she stirred up the Amazons against him when he
was on one of his quests.
28Hermes, Winged Messenger Of Gods
- HERMES (HUR-meez Roman name Mercury) was the
messenger of the gods and guide of dead souls to
the Underworld. A prankster and inventive genius
from birth, Hermes aided the heroes Odysseus and
Perseus in their quests. Hermes was the son Zeus
and a mountain nymph. As a newborn he was
remarkably precocious. On his very first day of
life, he found the empty shell of a tortoise and
perceived its utility as a sounding chamber.
Stringing sinews across it, he created the first
29Poseidon, God of the Deep Blue
- POSEIDON (puh-SYE-dun or poh-SYE-dun Roman name
Neptune) was the god of the sea, earthquakes and
horses. Although he was officially one of the
supreme gods of Mount Olympus, he spent most of
his time in his watery domain. Poseidon was
brother to Zeus and Hades. These three gods
divided up creation. Zeus was ruler of the sky,
Hades had dominion of the Underworld and Poseidon
was given all water, both fresh and salt.
30Zeus, King of Olympians
- ZEUS (zoose or zyoose Roman name Jupiter) was
the supreme god of the Olympians. He was the
father of the heroes Perseus and Heracles, the
latter of whom once wrestled him to a draw. Zeus
was the youngest son of the Titans Cronus and
Rhea. When he was born, his father Cronus
intended to swallow him as he had all of Zeus's
siblings Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter and
Hera. But Rhea hid the newborn in a cave on Mount
Dicte in Crete. (To this day, the guides at the
"cave of Zeus" use their flashlights to cast
shadow puppets in the cave, creating images of
baby Zeus from the myth.)