Title: Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University
?????????????? ??????????????????????
?????????????? ??????????????????????
?????????????????????? ??????????????????????
?????????????? 21 ?????? 2556 ? ?????????? 401
???? 4 ????????????? ???????? ??????????????
Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University
23 November 2016
???????????????????????? ??????????(Show and
Share,SS)????????????? (????????????????..)
??(Good Practice)
Page 2
3Page 3
4Page 4
5Page 5
6Page 6
7?????????????? ?????????????????????? 7
????????????????????????????????????? (???.)
Page 7
8??????????????????????? ??? 5 ????? ?????????????
????????????? ????????? ??????????????????????????
????????? (QA) ????????????? ??? ???????
????????????????????????????????? (QA)
???????????? ????? ???. ?????????? 5
?? ??????????????????????.....??????????????
????????? ???. !!! Why ?
Page 8
9??????????? ????? ???? ? ????????????????????
QA ??? ???????????........... QC (Quality
Consciousness ???????????) ??? QI (Quality
Instinct ????????????????)
Page 9
10????????????????????? ? ???????????? QA
??????????? ???????????????????
?????????????????????????? ?????????????????
?????????????? ????????? QC ??????????????????
??????????????????????????????????????????????? ?
??????? QC ?????? ?????????? QI
Page 10
11????????????????????? ....... ???????????????
?????? 10 ??? ?????????????????????? 2.55 ??.
Page 11
12??????????????? QC ??? QI ???? ?????????????????
????????..???? ???????????? QA ??????
????????????????????????????? ????????
???...??????????? ????????? ?????? QC ??? QI
Page 12
- ???????????????????? (Goal Oriented)
- ????????????? (ICQ)
- ????? ???????
- ?????????????????? (Thinking backward)
- ??????...???????? ???????????????????
- ??????????????????? ?????????????
- ????????????????????????????????????????
- (International Competitiveness and Quality, ICQ)
Page 13
14- ?????? (ICQ) ??? ???
- ??????
- ??????????
Page 14
15???????????????????????? ??????????????? 8 ????
1) ???????????????????????? 2) ???????? 3)
???????????????????????? 4) ??????????????? 5)
????????????? 6) ???????????????????????? 7)
??????????? 8) ????????????????
Page 15
16?????????? ? ????????????????? ??.
AIA Annual Internal Auditing ??????????????????????
AGM Annual General Meeting ????????????????
ANB Asian Networking and Benchmarking (Replaced byIHP) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
APSP Academic Position Stimulus Policy ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
DDS Domestic Doctoral Scholarship ?????????????????????????????????
DO Days Out ????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????
ERM Risk Management ???????????????????????????????
HIS Health Insurance for Staff ??????????????????????
Page 16
17?????????? ? ????????????????? ??. (???)
IHT In House Training ?????????????????????????
NNB National Networking and Benchmarking ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
ODR One Day Return ????????????????????
PDS Predoctoral Scholarship ????????????????????????????????
SAP Study Abroad Programme ?????????????????????????
ScAWAKE Science, Addition of Wisdom Ability Knowledge and Expertise ???????????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????????????? ??????????????
Page 17
18?????????? ? ????????????????? ??. (???)
ScAWAKE ??????? ScAWAKE ????????????????????
ScKU AWARDS ???????????????????? ??????????????????????
ScRFSS Science, Research Fund for Supporting Staff ????????????????????????????????????????????
SFAP Staff Financial Assistance Policy ??????????????????????????
SS Seeding Scholarship ?????????????????
SSS Safety and Security System ????????????????????????????
STS Special Track Staff ???????????????????
Page 18
19?????????? ? ????????????????? ??. (???)
BOAC (Staff) Budget for Overseas Academic Conference (Staff) ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????)
BOAC (Student) Budget for Overseas Academic Conference (Student) ???????????????????????????????????????? (?????)
BRC Bilateral Research Cooperation ??????????????????????
CBRF Research Fund ??????????????????????????????????
CBRU Research Unit ?????????????????????????????????
COE ?????????????????
DeOE Department of Excellence ????????????????????????
DiOE Discipline of Excellence ?????????????????????????
Page 19
20?????????? ? ????????????????? ??. (???)
IDRSE Inbound Doctoral Research Student Exchange ??????????????????????????????????????????
IDRSS Inbound Doctoral Research Student Scholarship ??????????????????????????????????????
IHP International Horizon Project ?????????????????????
IPC International Projects Coordinator ???????????????????????????
IPDP International Potential Development Project ???????????????????????????
KU-ScKU ???????????? ??.-??.??.(Replaced by IPDP)
KURDI-ScKU ???????????? ???.-??.??.
MF Matching Fund ????????????
MP Mega Project ????????????????????????????????????????
Page 20
21?????????? ? ????????????????? ??. (???)
NRU ????????????????????????
ORSE Outbound Research Student Exchange ????????????????????????????????
ORSS Outbound Research Student Scholarship ????????????????????????????
PF Postdoctoral Fellow ?????????????????????
PRF Preproposal Research Fund ???????????????????????
RA Research Assistance ???????????????
RF Research Fellow ????????
ScIAS Science, Institute for Advanced Studies ??????????????????????????????????
ScRF Science, Research Fund ??????????????????? ??????????????
Page 21
22?????????? ? ????????????????? ??. (???)
SF Seeding Fund ??????????????
SRF Senior Research Fellow ??????????????????
SRU Special Research Unit ???????????????????????????
TRF-ScKURF ???????????? ???.-??.??.
VRF Visiting Research Follow ?????????????????
APP Advance Placement Programme ????????????????????
COW Courses on Web ?????????????????
FSSB Field Study Supporting Budget ?????????????????????????????
Page 22
23?????????? ? ????????????????? ??. (???)
GTRF Graduate Tuition Research Fund ??????????????????? (???????????????????????)
IBSM Science and Mathematics ?????????????????????????????????????
ISL Invited Senior Lecturer ????????????????????????
OSVP Overseas Study visit of Premedical Students ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
PGS Postgraduate Studentship ??????????????????????????????
PTI Part Time Instructor ???????????????????????????
SPSF Special Problem Supporting Fund(Replaced by URMF) ?????????????????????????? (??????????????)
Page 23
24?????????? ? ????????????????? ??. (???)
TA Teaching Assistance ?????????????????
URMF Undergraduate Research Matching Fund ??????????????????????????
VPP Visiting Professorship Programme ???????????????????????????
SDSB Student Development Supporting Budget ?????????????????????????????
SLDP Student Leadership Development programme ??????????????????????????
UGS Undergraduate Scholarship ?????????????????????????
WS Working Scholarship ???????????????????
Page 24
25?????????? ? ????????????????? ??. (???)
ADIS Academic Development, Incentive Scheme ???????????????????????????????
BDP Business Development Project ??????????????????
ScKU EP ScKU Entrepreneurship Programme ?????????????????????????????????????????
ASE Annual Staff Excursion ??????????????????????????
HF Healthy Faculty ???????????
OKC Our Kids Corner ???????????????????
Page 25
Page 26
ISI ?????????????? ?????????????????????? 13
?????????? (2555 2543)
?.?. Corr aut. First aut. Co aut. ???
2555 78 16 59 153
2554 79 15 58 152
2553 59 10 47 116
2552 34 3 36 73
2551 33 7 33 73
2550 35 2 28 65
2549 20 - 21 41
2548 ? ? ? 44
2547 ? ? ? 23
2546 ? ? ? 25
2545 ? ? ? 15
2544 ? ? ? 12
2543 ? ? ? 11
???????? 1) ????????????????? ??????????????? 9
?????? 2556-2544 2) ? ???????????????
Page 27
??????????????? 9 ?????????? ???????????????????
????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????
?????????? 52 (3 ?????) ?????????? 53 (5 ?????) ?????????? 54 (5 ?????)
1. ?????? ?????? ??????????????????????????? 3.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????)
2. ????????????? 2.57 (?????) 4.78 (?????) 4.76 (?????)
3. ???????????????????? 3.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????)
4. ???????? 2.80 (?????) 5.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????)
5. ??????????????????????????? 3.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????)
6. ??????????????????????????????????????? 3.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????)
7. ?????????????????? 2.89 (?????) 5.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????)
8. ????????????????????????????? 3.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????)
9. ??????????????????????????????? 3.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????) 5.00 (?????)
??? 2.82 (?????) 4.92 (?????) 4.92 (?????)
Page 28
29?????????????? ? ??????? ??????????????????????
?????????? ??????????????????????????????
????????????????????????????? ????????????????????
??????? ??????????????????????????????????
???????????????????????????? ?????????????????????
?????? ?????????????????????????
Page 29
30????????????? ? ??????????????
?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????
?? ?
????? !! ???????????????????? ???????? leading
Researcher ?????????????????????
Page 30
- ????????? ??????????????????????????????????
- ?????????????????? (??.???????? ????????) ???
???????????? - ?????????? (??.??.?????? ??????????????)
- ???????? ??????????????????????
- ?????????????? ???????????????????????????
- ???????? ????????????????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????
- ??????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????
?????????? ??.????? ??????? 21 ?????? 2556
Page 31