Hybrid Dipoles how to triple the energy of LHC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hybrid Dipoles how to triple the energy of LHC


Hybrid Dipoles how to triple the energy of LHC Peter McIntyre, Al McInturff, Akhdiyor Sattarov Texas A&M University Returning coals to Newcastle, a generation after ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hybrid Dipoles how to triple the energy of LHC

Hybrid Dipoleshow to triple the energy of LHC
  • Peter McIntyre, Al McInturff, Akhdiyor Sattarov
  • Texas AM University

Returning coals to Newcastle, a generation after
Fred Asners pioneering dipole
Large Hadron Collider
ATLAS detector
27 km circumference tunnel at CERN
CMS detector
LHC is a tool for discovery in high energy
  • Higgs sector
  • Supersymmetry / Supergravity
  • New gauge couplings
  • The Higgs boson and the spectrum of sparticles
    should be discovered at LHC, unless
  • The flood of precise data from astrophysics
    suggests that the gauge fields of nature may be
    far more complex than the picture of the Standard
    Model Supergravity
  • Can we extend the energy reach for direct
    discovery of new gauge fields?

Hadron colliders are the only tools that can
directly discover gauge particles beyond TeV
  • Predicting the energy for discovery is perilous.
  • Example for a decade after discovery of the b
    quark, we knew there should be a companion t
    quark. But we couldnt predict its mass.
    Predictions over that decade grew (with the
    limits) 20?40 ? 80 ? 120 GeV
  • 4 colliders were built with top discovery as a
  • Finally top was discovered at Fermilab 175 GeV!
  • In the search for Higgs and SUSY, will history

Evolution of the gluon spectrum
3 x ?s ? 2 x mass scale
Dutta 2004
The reach of a hadron collider is set by its size
and its magnets
  • Protons circulate in a ring of dipoles that bend
    and quadrupoles that focus them

LHC dual dipole NbTi superconductor, 8 T field
Higher field requires new superconductor,
handling immense stress loads
Cost today NbTi 100/kg Nb3Sn 1,000/kg Bi-22
12 10,000/kg
Stress management
  • Lorentz stress results from the magnetic field
    created by the coil reacting back on each turn of
    cable in the coil.
  • The stress accumulates through the lateral
    thickness, just as gravitational stress
    accumulates from the loads on all floors of a
  • In a building, we manage the stress by
    intercepting it with floors, transferring it the
    walls, and passing it to the foundation.
  • In dipoles we are doing the same!
  • Laminar spring decouples stress between windings.
  • Laminar spring provides channel for He cooling
    within windings. (a goal in NED)
  • Laminar spring provides LOCAL expansion joint
    within windings during reaction bake compatible
    for long magnets.

To push to higher field, use high-performance
superconductor and limit coil stress
  • Nb3Sn 14 Tesla dipole
  • Maximum Coil Stress 120 MPa
  • Superconductor cross section 29 cm2
  • Bore field 14.1 T
  • Current 12.6 kA

TAMU is developing 14 Tesla Nb3Sn dipole using
stress management, flux plate, bladder preload
Coil winding
Inconel ribs, laminar springs transfer stress
between windings.
Ti mandrel to preserve preload through cooldown.
Reaction bake 650 C for a week
Argon atmosphere purge throughout coil Same
furnace can bake 875 C in O2 purge for Bi-2212
and maintain separate purges of Ar in Nb3Sn, O2
in Bi-2212 windings We can react a 3 m long
dipole in this furnace!
Splice leads Nb3Sn to NbTi
Lead is supported in rigid frame anchored into
winding superstructure, spliced to a pair of NbTi
leads. Same technique can be used for Bi-2212.
Vacuum impregnation
Horizontal orientation, multiple flow paths
assure full impregnation We can impregnate a 3 m
long dipole in this retort!
Bladder preload
1. Preload flux return against Al tube to make
stiff wall.
2. Preload coil assembly against flux return to
remove soft modulus.
Preloads are delivered using S.S. bladders Heat
magnet to 80 C, pressurize bladders with Woods
metal (2,000 psi) Cool to freeze in preload.
Now grade the conductorBi-2212 in highest field
windings, Nb3Sn in lower field windings
Dual dipole (ala LHC) Bore field 24 T Max stress
in superconductor 130 MPa Superconductor
x-section Nb3Sn 28 cm2 Bi-2212 50 cm2 Cable
current 25 kA Beam tube 4x6 cm2
Jc in Nb3Sn 3000 A/mm2 available
today Istrand in Bi-2212 500 A in 0.8 mm ?
x1.4 what is available today Showa,
Supramagnetics consider it a reasonable goal
3 Nb3Sn windings
32 cm beam tube separation
2 Bi-2212 windings
Stress lt150 MPa, Strain lt .002
Stored energy 7 MJ/m
All Bi-2212 windings from a single cable in each
continuous transitions
  • All Bi-2212 windings on each layer are from one
    piece of cable
  • transitions made in ends
  • leads spliced to NbTi cable pairs

Control flux return size using NbTi trim
NbTi trim windings
without fringe trim
with fringe trim
Magnet issues
  • Nb3Sn windings must be reacted at 650 C in Ar
    atmosphere for a week to form the superconducting
  • Bi-2212 windings must be reacted at 850 C in O2
    atmosphere for 10 minutes (partial melt).
  • How to do both on one coil???
  • Wind Bi-2212 inner windings, do heat treat.
  • Control fast excursion to partial melt using
    ohmic heating in coil itself.
  • Then wind Nb3Sn outer windings, stress management
    structure isolates the ventilation of the two
  • React the Nb3Sn with Ar purge,
  • hold O2purge on Bi-2212.
  • Quench protection - Bi-2212 highly stable, very
    different quench strategy from that with
    all-Nb3Sn dipoles.

Accelerator Issues
  • Synchrotron radiation power/length
  • critical energy
  • Use photon stop
  • Instead of intercepting photons at 10 K along
    dipole beam tube, intercept between dipoles
    on room-temperature finger.
  • Soft X-rays actually easier to trap that hard UV

LHC E 7 TeV P 0.22 W/m Ec 44
eV (hard UV) scatters LHC Tripler E 20 TeV
P 14 W/m Ec 1.2 keV (soft X-ray) absorbs!
  • Synchrotron damping
  • Jn damping partition Jx Jy1, JE 2
  • LHC ? Jn 53 hours, ?E ?? 26 h
  • LHC Tripler ? Jn 2.2 hours, ?E ?? 1 h!
  • This may be enough damping to help push
  • Stacking of new beam on old every few hours?

  • Beam separation in dual dipoles
  • Requires special dipoles to make beams cross at
  • D1, D2 must be 1.5 times longer

LHC ?x 20 cm Tripler ?x 32 cm
  • Injection
  • Must transfer beam from LHC to Tripler
  • Transfer at 5 TeV requires only 41 dynamic
    range for Tripler
  • Suppress problems from magnetization multipoles,
  • Requires use of secondary straight sections
  • A tight fit for many functions

Magnets are getting more efficient!
LHC Tripler Cost?
  • Cost of high-field magnets
  • half superconductor, half structure
  • Neither Nb3Sn nor Bi-2212 have ever been produced
    in large-scale manufacture
  • Nb3Sn today 1,000/kg. Tripler needs 550 tons
  • Nb3Sn will soon be manufactured for ITER
  • Goal of DOE HEP conductor development program
    300/kg - projected Nb3Sn cost 165 M
  • Bi-2212 today 2,000/kg. Tripler needs 1000 tons
  • 2 Bi-2212 manufacturers project large-volume
  • 700/kg - projected Bi-2212 cost 700 M

Questions for Today
  • Is the physics of pp collisions at
    at high luminosity sufficiently
    compelling to justify technology development that
    would make it possible?
  • Are there any accelerator issues that would make
    the Tripler unfeasible even if the magnets could
    be built?
  • If we want to have the option of a Tripler
    upgrade after the end of first long run of LHC
    (10 years from now), we must start technology
    development today!

Plan for RD
  • Use existing 2-winding coil modules developed for
    Texas AM high-field dipoles
  • Make inner winding from Bi-2212 cable
  • No new structures, direct comparison with

Development objectives
  • Develop fast excursion to 850 C in Bi-2212 heat
    treat verify that we can get Ic in winding
  • Develop isolated gas flow in inner, outer
    windings verify that we can keep Ic
  • Develop Bi-2212/NbTi splices lead technology
  • Preload and test hybrid single-pancake assembly
    validate stress management
  • Build and test TAMU5 demonstrate parity with
    all-Nb3Sn at transition field strength

We are asking DOE to support the necessary magnet
technology RD
  • Increase TAMU base funding to support Bi-2212
  • Invite SBIR proposals from Bi-2212 wire
    manufacturers to improve conductor
  • Increase Ic to 500 A for 0.8 mm wire
  • Decrease filament size, improve Ag grain size to
    reduce bridging
  • Include ferromagnetics in Ag matrix (break
  • Include Bi-2212 wire in DOE Conductor Development
  • Need Bi-2212 strand for magnet RD
  • Include Tripler RD within LARP agenda
  • We need CERN to evaluate whether it wants to see
    the Tripler option developed
  • If so, tell DOE!
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