Title: Z333 Lecture
1Chapter 16 The Origin of Species
2Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Species Groups of interbreeding natural
populations that are reproductively
isolated from other groups
- Biological-species Concept
- What about asexually reproducing species?
Speciation Process by which new species form
(Ernst Mayer - 1930s)
- 1) Isolation of populations (restricted gene
flow) - 2) Genetic divergence (evolve genetic
differences) - Unable to produce vigorous, fertile offspring
3Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Mechanisms of Speciation
1) Allopatric Speciation
- Populations are geographically separated from
one - another
4Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Mechanisms of Speciation
Major Mechanism of speciation among animals
1) Allopatric Speciation
- Populations are geographically separated from
one - another
5Chapter 16 Origin of Species
6Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Mechanisms of Speciation
2) Sympatric Speciation
- Populations share the same geographic area
7Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Mechanisms of Speciation
Polyploidy is a common mechanism of speciation
among plants
2) Sympatric Speciation
- Populations share the same geographic area
Why is gene flow reduced?
Gene Flow
A) Ecological Isolation
- Two distinct habituate types
- in the same geographic area
- leads to habitat specialization
B) Chromosome Aberrations
- Changes in chromosome s
- can cause reproductive isolation
- Polyploidy Acquisition of multiple
- copies of each chromosome
8Chapter 16 Origin of Species
9Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Speciation Produces Evolutionary Trees
10Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Species Groups of interbreeding natural
populations that are reproductively
isolated from other groups
Adaptive Value Prevent wasting of reproductive
effort by producing unfit / sterile offspring
11Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation
1) Premating Isolating Mechanisms
Incompatibilities that prevent mating
A) Geographical Isolation The separation of
two species by a physical barrier
B) Ecological Isolation The separation of two
species occupying separate niches
12Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation
1) Premating Isolating Mechanisms
Incompatibilities that prevent mating
C) Temporal Isolation The separation of two
species due to different breeding
D) Behavioral Isolation The separation of two
species due to different courtship
croak croak... croak croak...
clack clack... clack clack...
13Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation
1) Premating Isolating Mechanisms
Incompatibilities that prevent mating
E) Mechanical Incompatibility The separation
of two species due to
differences in reproductive structures
14Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation
2) Postmating Isolating Mechanisms
Incompatibilities that prevent
production of vigorous, fertile
A) Gamete Incompatibility Sperm from one
species are unable to fertilize eggs from
another species
B) Hybrid Inviability Hybrid offspring survive
C) Hybrid Infertility Hybrid offspring unable
to reproduce
15Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Extinction The death of all members of a species
- 99.9 of all species ever existing are extinct
(fossil record)
Cause of Extinction Environmental Change
Species Vulnerable to Extinction Display...
1) Localized Distribution (susceptible to
localized catastrophes)
2) Overspecialization (susceptible to minute
16Chapter 16 Origin of Species
Environmental Changes Driving Species to
1) Competition With Other Species
- Competitors evolve superior adaptations that
- allow them to out-compete a species
2) Introduction of Parasites / Predators
- Predators / Parasites prey upon naïve species
- Single greatest cause of extinctions