Title: God
1Gods Mighty Strength!
- Gods People are Established
- Conquering the Promised Land / The Judges
- Class 4
2Old Testament Time Line
Gods People Form Class 2
Gods People Develop Class 3
Gods People Are Established Class 4
Gods People Are Blessed Class 5
Gods People Disobey Class 6
Gods People Return Class 7
Gods People Wait Class 8
1446 B.C.
1406 B.C.
1020 B.C.
922 B.C.
586 B.C.
400 B.C.
6 B.C.
The Exodus
Entering The Promised Land
Anoint Saul as King
Solomon Dies
Jerusalem Falls
Last Bible Book Written
Jesus Christ is Born
Period Covers
Period Covers
Period Covers
Period Covers
Period Covers
Period Covers
Period Covers
Abraham The Twelve Patriarchs Egyptian Slavery
40 Years in the Desert
Conquering the Land The Judges
The United Kingdom Saul David Solomon
The Divided Kingdom The Beginning of the Exile
The Exile Life in Babylon Rebuilding
Jerusalem Return to Jerusalem
The Intertestamental Period
B i b l e B o o k s C o v
e r i n g T h i s T i m e
P e r i o d
HISTORY 1 Kings 12ff 2 Kings 2 Chronicles 10ff
HISTORY Lamentations (586 B.C.) Esther (460
B.C.) Ezra (458 B.C.) Nehemiah (445 B.C.)
HISTORY (The Apocrypha)
HISTORY 1 Samuel 8ff 2 Samuel 1 Kings 111 1
Chronicles 2 Chronicles 19
HISTORY Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 17
THE LAW (PENTATEUCH) Exodus 11ff Leviticus Numb
ers Deuteronomy
THE LAW (PENTATEUCH) Genesis Exodus 111
ISRAELS PROPHETS Amos (770 B.C.) Hosea (735
JUDAHS PROPHETS Obadiah (576 B.C.) Haggai (520
B.C.) Zechariah (520 B.C.) Malachi (444 B.C.)
JUDAHS PROPHETS Isaiah (745 B.C.) Micah (725
B.C.) Jeremiah (629 B.C.) Zephaniah (625
B.C.) Nahum (614 B.C.) Habakkuk (605 B.C.)
POETRY WISDOM Psalms (Some) Proverbs Ecclesiast
es Song of Songs
OTHER PROPHETS Ezekiel (597-70 B.C.) Daniel
(605562 B.C.)
OTHER PROPHETS Joel (855 B.C.) Jonah (790 B.C.)
3Excitement is Building!
- FINALLY at the door of the Promised Land
- Ready to go in
- 40 years in the desert
- God wanted them to be there
- It was His idea and His plan the whole time
- He wanted to bless them
- BUTHe was worried about their hearts
4The Setting
- Sitting on the East side of the Jordan
- About to cross
- God wants to establish a covenant
5The Book of Deuteronomy
- Septuagint (Greek) the Second Law
- Mistranslation from the Hebrew
- Hebrew the copy of the Law
- Covenant established with parents at Horeb
- Needed covenant with this generation
- Changes based on their situation
- Deuteronomy 61-9
6Gods Primary Covenant Concerns
- Stay Humble Deut 617, 712
- Obedient / Teachable
- Stay Holy Deut 618, 73-4
- Set apart - do not intermarry
- Stay Hungry Deut 619, 71-2
- God wants TOTAL victory
- Destroy ALL of the enemy
7New Covenant Equivalent
- Stay Humble 1 John 53
- Obedient / Teachable
- Stay Holy 2 Corinthians 614-18
- Set apart - do not intermarry
- Stay Hungry Matthew 2819
- God wants TOTAL victory
- Win the whole world for His glory!
8Why Is This Class So Important?
- Understand the blessings of Gods ways
- Gain deep conviction about following them
- Prov 1412 There is a way that seems right to a
man, but in the end it leads to death. - We dont always understand the reasons but God
DOES know what is best for us!
9Comparison / Contrast
- Joy and Achievement
- Strength
- Victory
- Unity Determination
- Freedom
- Obedient Following of God
- Mobilization to Fight
- Sorrow and Suffering
- Weakness
- Defeat
- Disunity Anarchy
- Bondage
- Disobedient Running from God
- Fruitless Maintaining of Mediocrity
10The Book of Joshua
- Stayed Humble
- Joshua 117, 221-2
- Stayed Holy
- Just didnt do it! (Intermarry)
- Dealt with sin - Achan
- Stayed Hungry
- Joshua 621, 826, 1028, 35, 37, 39-40
- Joshua 236-13 VICTORY!
11The Book of Judges
- Lost Humility
- Judges 210-19
- Lost Holiness
- Judges 35-6
- Lost Hunger
- Judges 127-35
- Apathy set in why bother?
- Judges 210-19 FAILURE!
12Teen Convictions
- Stay Humble 1 John 53
- Obedient / Teachable
- Stay Holy 2 Corinthians 614-18
- Set apart - do not intermarry
- Stay Hungry Matthew 2819
- God wants TOTAL victory
- Win the whole world for His glory!
13Old Testament Time Line
Gods People Form Class 2
Gods People Develop Class 3
Gods People Are Established Class 4
Gods People Are Blessed Class 5
Gods People Disobey Class 6
Gods People Return Class 7
Gods People Wait Class 8
1446 B.C.
1406 B.C.
1020 B.C.
922 B.C.
586 B.C.
400 B.C.
6 B.C.
The Exodus
Entering The Promised Land
Anoint Saul as King
Solomon Dies
Jerusalem Falls
Last Bible Book Written
Jesus Christ is Born
Period Covers
Period Covers
Period Covers
Period Covers
Period Covers
Period Covers
Period Covers
Abraham The Twelve Patriarchs Egyptian Slavery
40 Years in the Desert
Conquering the Land The Judges
The United Kingdom Saul David Solomon
The Divided Kingdom The Beginning of the Exile
The Exile Life in Babylon Rebuilding
Jerusalem Return to Jerusalem
The Intertestamental Period
B i b l e B o o k s C o v
e r i n g T h i s T i m e
P e r i o d
HISTORY 1 Kings 12ff 2 Kings 2 Chronicles 10ff
HISTORY Lamentations (586 B.C.) Esther (460
B.C.) Ezra (458 B.C.) Nehemiah (445 B.C.)
HISTORY (The Apocrypha)
HISTORY 1 Samuel 8ff 2 Samuel 1 Kings 111 1
Chronicles 2 Chronicles 19
HISTORY Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 17
THE LAW (PENTATEUCH) Exodus 11ff Leviticus Numb
ers Deuteronomy
THE LAW (PENTATEUCH) Genesis Exodus 111
ISRAELS PROPHETS Amos (770 B.C.) Hosea (735
JUDAHS PROPHETS Obadiah (576 B.C.) Haggai (520
B.C.) Zechariah (520 B.C.) Malachi (444 B.C.)
JUDAHS PROPHETS Isaiah (745 B.C.) Micah (725
B.C.) Jeremiah (629 B.C.) Zephaniah (625
B.C.) Nahum (614 B.C.) Habakkuk (605 B.C.)
POETRY WISDOM Psalms (Some) Proverbs Ecclesiast
es Song of Songs
OTHER PROPHETS Ezekiel (597-70 B.C.) Daniel
(605562 B.C.)
OTHER PROPHETS Joel (855 B.C.) Jonah (790 B.C.)
14The End
- Read 1 2 Samuel, 1 Kings 111, 1 Chronicles, 2
Chronicles 19 - See you May 4h!