Title: Word%20Recognition
1Word Recognition
I can read all of these words!
I can read all of these words!
2- The twenty-five most common words make up about
one-half of our written materials. - Fry, Kress Fountoukidis, 2000
3- We have over a half-million words to communicate
with, but half of everything we write and read
depends on only 0.02 percenton only those 100
most frequent words. - Frank B. May, Reading as Communication To Help
Children Read and Write 1998
4- It appears that instant recognition of words,
especially high-frequency words, develops best
when students read large amounts of text,
particularly text that is relatively easy for the
reader (Cunningham, 1995).
5- The student who can read on sight 8 out of the 10
words in the sentence before them can read that
sentence and can usually decode the remaining
words by using phonics, context or picture cues.
Most importantly, they can understand the meaning
of what they are reading.
6- Without adequate high frequency/sight word
knowledge, a readers fluency, and therefore
their comprehension, is impaired.
7Common High Frequency Word Lists
- Dolch
- Edward Frys Instant Word Lists
- San Diego Quick
- California Reading and Literature Results Project
- Rebecca Sittons Core Words
- High frequency/sight word knowledge needs to be
assessed frequently and taught strategically. - Students need to be able to read the word without
sounding it out and with automaticity.
9Word Identification in a BalancedReading Program
- The focus on word identification is in line with
a childs individual needs and skills. - Teaching letter/sound relationships helps
children build fluency, automaticity and
10Word Identification in a BalancedReading Program
- Children are encouraged to use alphabetic,
semantic and syntactic cues to identify
unfamiliar words. - Teacher modeling and multiple opportunities to
interact with text leads to the development of
word identification strategies.
11Becoming Aware of Language
- When beginning readers and writers explore
written language, they develop critical concepts
about print. - When children explore oral language, they develop
phonemic awareness and the ability to manipulate
and play with the sounds of language.
12Becoming Aware of Language (cont.)
- Phonemic awareness is sequential. Children become
aware of words, syllables, rhyme and eventually,
to individual phonemes. - A child who has phonemic awareness can identify
the sounds he/she hears, segment words and blend
sounds into words.
13What Does Research Say?
- Substantial evidence suggests that word
identification skills should be taught directly
rather than waiting for children to discover them
on their own and that such skills should be
taught early. - Effective readers are also strategic that is,
they learn how and when to use combinations of
word identification skills - (Adams, 1990 Anderson et al., 1985).
14Who Is At-Risk?
- Children who overuse context clues and fail to
attend to letter-sound associations may
misidentify words, and that could cause them
difficulty in constructing meaning for a passage
(Simon Leu, 1987).
15Who is At-Risk? (cont.)
- Children who do not effectively use meaning clues
often sound out nonsense words or are so slow and
laborious in word identification that they cannot
simultaneously draw meaning from the words that
they are reading (Biemiller, 1970 Samuels,
16Why Develop Automaticity?
- The first 300 words make up 65 of all written
material. (Frye) - Comprehension begins to break down when students
are focused on trying to decode or sound out the
17What Are High Frequency Words?
- High frequency words are phonetic and can be
decoded, but occur with such frequency that they
often need to be learned before their specific
phonics pattern is taught. - Examples of frequently occurring words the, in,
I, a, go, to, that, with, about, please
18What Are Sight Words?
- Sight words are words, usually Anglo-Saxon in
origin, that must be memorized because of their
non-phonetic structure and high degree of usage. - Examples of nonphonetic words come, said, was,
two and through
19What Are High Interest Words?
- High interest words are words with special
interest or emotional overtones and are
frequently used and recognized by students in
their personal reading and writing. - Examples of high interest words mom, dad,
20Importance of Recognizing Words for Independent
- Enables use of context clues.
- Increases fluency and ease of reading
- Children can read greater amounts and for longer
periods. - Focus can be more on comprehension than on
21California LanguageArts Standards
- 1.0 Decoding and word recognition
- Kinder 1.15 Read simple one syllable and high
frequency words (i.e. sight words) - 1st 1.11 Read common, irregular sight words
(e.g. the, have said, come give, of) - 2nd 1.6 Read aloud fluently and accurately with
appropriate intonation and expression
22Instructional Implications
- Rhyme awareness activities
- Sound awareness activities
- Teaching onset and rime/analogy strategy
- Letter-sound activities
- Multi-letter chunking
- Visual discrimination and configuration
- Building words
23Instructional Implications (cont.)
- Word sorts
- Cross-checking and self-monitoring
- Context clues
- Cloze Activities
- Word Wall Activities
- Structural Analysis
- Phonetic cue strategies
24Ways to Classify and Sort Words
- There are many ways to sort and classify
words on a word wall, in a literacy center, or in
a whole or small group lesson - Words that start the same (beginning blend,
consonant cluster or onset) - Words that end the same (rime)
- Words that rhyme
- Words that contain the same number of syllables
25Ways to Classify and Sort Words (cont.)
- Long words, short words
- Words I know, words I think I know and words I
don't know at all - Words with long or short vowels
- Words with schwa sound
- Synonyms, antonyms
- Compound words
26Word Walls
- Using word walls is an effective classroom
strategy for learning and practicing HFW/sight
words - As new words are learned they are added to the
wall in ABC order - HFW words walls are added to and utilized all
year - If it is on the wall, they are responsible for
knowing how to read and spell it correctly!
27Activities for Word Wall Practice
- Speed reading all words under one letter
- Read using different voices/expressions
- Guess my word
- Rhyming words
- Read the entire wall forwards or backwards
- Preposition/pronoun/noun/verb etc. hunt
28Whole Class HFW Practice
- Word wall games
- Slap
- I have_____, who has____?
- Wordo
- Word wall cards in ABC order
- Pass the cards
29Small Group HFW Practice
- Slap
- ABC order
- Pass the card
- Guess my word(s)
- Concentration
- Wordo
30Individual Student Support
- Word cards on rings
- Word lists on desk
- New words added to individual spelling
dictionaries - Word hunts while reading
- Practice, practice, practice!
31Practice at Home
- Flash cards
- Concentration
- Word hunts for focus words
- Make words with magnetic letters on fridge
- Words posted around the house
- Read, read, read!
32Beyond the Word Bank
- Match cards whose word begins with the same
letter or syllable. - Match cards whose word ends with the same letter
or syllable. - Match cards whose word is the same.
- Match cards whose words rhyme.
- Arrange cards according to alphabetical order.
33Beyond the Word Bank, cont.
- Arrange cards according to the number of
syllables in each word. - Make up sentences using the words on the cards.
- Make up a story using all the words on the cards.
- Find synonyms, antonyms or homonyms.
- Find cards whose words have the same root or base
34Beyond the Word Bank (cont.)
- Find cards whose words have prefixes or suffixes.
- Find cards with compound or derived words.
- Arrange cards by the stress on the words.
- Make up a story or poem using all or most of the
words on the cards.
35Designing Word Recognition Instruction
- Identify word recognition error types.
- Provide systematic word recognition instruction
on specific skills. - Pre-teach word types in the text prior to
reading. - Structure time for student to practice the text
with a peer, adult, or tape.
36- High frequency/site words is, be, to, us, am, in
- High frequency phrases
- by the dog
- for the day
- on the bed
- over the top
- Source Building Fluency Do It Well and Do It
Right! Molly McCabe
37Recommended Reading
- Behr, Donald, et al, Words Their Way
- Fox, Barbara, Word Identification Strategies
Phonics from a New Perspective - Frye, Edward, 1000 Instant Words, Laguna Beach
Educational Books. - Throop, Sara (1999) Success with Sight Words
Multisensory Ways to Teach High Frequency Words,
Creative Teaching Press.
38- For more information or explanation of ideas
outlined in this presentation, please contact
Cherry Carl atcarl1404_at_msn.com.