Technicians list: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Technicians list:


featherstone high school – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Technicians list:

Lesson title Resources/Equipment (e-
learning)1)Atoms elements compounds WS2)

A Leading Edge School
Science Department Lesson plan Teacher
Provision 1) EAL 2) SEN Role of TA 1) 2) 3)
  • Technicians list

Syllabus/Unit Code C4Lesson number 2Lesson
Title Ionic Bonding 29 October 2016
Learning Outcomes How I did Targets
Learning Outcome 1 Identify the differences between ions, atoms and molecules Grade C I am working at grade .....because ...................................................... I can move up to grade... by
Learning Outcome 2 Explain what ionic bonding is and be able to construct models to illustrate Grade B I am working at grade .....because ...................................................... I can move up to grade... by
Learning Outcome 3 Using ionic bonding models, explain physical properties of giant ionic molecules Grade A/A I am working at grade .....because ...................................................... I can move up to grade... by
Connector Complete the atoms, elements and
compounds worksheet.
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Extended Learning
  • Research information and Collect Secondary data
  • Create a table outlining the differences between
    ionic, covalent and metallic bonding
  • Due date
  • Next lesson
  • Research Report Criteria (6 marks total Grade
  • 1) Range of different reliable sources used and
    references included (books/internet/survey etc),
  • 2) Information written in own words
  • 3) Clear and logical structure to research report
    including pictures/diagrams which have been
  • 4) No evidence of copy and paste!

BIG picture
Key Question what ways can atoms bond?
  • How is this lesson relevant to every day life?
  • What skills will you be developing this lesson?
  • Scientific Investigation- by Research and
    collecting secondary data, planning and
    collecting primary data, Analysis and Evaluation.
  • Numeracy- by using formulae in calculations
  • Literacy- by writing well structured sentences
    and paragraphs
  • ICT- by using Laptops and electronic resources
  • Personal skills- team work, leadership
  • Thinking and Learning- organisation, logic,
    participation, memory, exploration, creativity,
    judgement, planning, practice.
  • Reflection- through self or peer assessment of
    each Learning Outcome
  • Quick Discussion
  • What do you already know?

  • Bonds
  • Atoms
  • Ions
  • dot and cross model
  • Unreactive
  • Electronic structure
  • Octet

Here are some of the words we will be using this
lesson 1) Create sentences which use the
keywords correctly. 2) Put your hand up if there
is any key word from the list that you dont know
the meaning of.
New Information for Learning Outcome 1
  • Explore and Discover
  • Visual powerpoint
  • Audio discussion
  • Kinaesthetic discussion

Learning Activities for Outcome 1
  • Elements are the simplest substances that exist
    on Earth.
  • Each element is made up of just one type of atom,
    usually joined to other atoms of the same element
    by bonds.
  • This forms molecules such as chlorine (Cl2).
  • Compounds are formed when different elements
    chemically react and form bonds with each other.
  • Some compounds, like water (H20), have small,
    simple structures with just a few atoms bonded

Atoms, ions, molecules compounds
What is the difference, with respect to their
electrical charge, between an ion, an atom a
molecule and a compound? An atom has no charge,
for example magnesium atom is shown as Mg. An ion
is a charged atom or a group of atoms. It is
shown by having a positive or negative
charge. For example calcium ion has two positive
charges. It is a positive ion. Ca2 Molecules
and compounds have more than one atom in their
formulae and no charge
Learning Activities for Outcome 1
Atoms with full outer shells have a stable
electronic structure. This means that they are
normally unreactive. If an atom has too many
electrons, then they need to lose them to become
stable. These are metal atoms Atoms which has
too few electrons, they need to gain them. These
are non-metals atoms.
  • If an atom loses electrons, a positive ion is
  • If an atom gains electrons, a negative ion is

Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 1
Evaluate (A) Determine how a solid lattice can be
formed using a metal and non-metal
Analyse (B) Explain why sodium is positively
charged Explain, with a use of a diagram,
how Oxygen becomes O2-
Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to
target a grade higher than your current grade.
Apply (C) What is the symbol for a lead
atom? What is the formula of a water
molecule? What is the formula for a bromide ion?
Learning Outcome 1 Review
Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill
out the How I did and the Targets column.
Learning Outcome How I did Targets
Learning Outcome 1 Identify the differences between ions, atoms and molecules Grade C I am working at grade .....because ...................................................... I can move up to grade... by
New Information for Learning Outcome 2
  • Explore and Discover
  • Visual
  • Audio
  • Kinaesthetic

Learning Activities for Outcome 2
  • The positive ion and negative ion are able to
    attract one another to form a solid lattice.
  • For example
  • If calcium makes 2 ion and flourine makes a 1-
    ion then two flourine atoms are needed to bond
    with the one calcium atom.
  • Have a go at the following
  • Calcium oxide
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Aluminium chloride

Learning Activities for Outcome 2
  • What is ionic bonding??
  • When metals react with non-metals, electrons are
    transferred from the metal atoms to the non-metal
    atoms, forming ions. The resulting compound is
    called an ionic compound.
  • We can use dot and cross model to describe
    ionic bonding
  • Sodium needs to lose one electron
  • Chlorine needs to gain one electron
  • Therefore one electron from sodium is
  • transferred to the outer shell of Chlorine.
  • The sodium ion and chloride ion are held
  • Together by the attraction of opposite charges.

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Demonstrate understanding for Outcome 2
  • Task
  • Draw and explain the bonding between
  • i) magnesium and bromine
  • ii) Sodium and oxygen

Learning Outcome 2 Review
Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill
out the How I did and the Targets column.
Learning Outcome How I did Targets
Learning Outcome 2 Explain what ionic bonding is and be able to construct models to illustrate Grade B I am working at grade .....because ...................................................... I can move up to grade... by
New Information for Learning Outcome 3
  • Explore and Discover
  • Visual
  • Audio
  • Kinaesthetic

Learning Activities for Outcome 3
  • Discuss with the person next to you the
    properties of sodium chloride and magnesium oxide
  • For each of these properties, research the
    differences and display in an appropriate format
  • melting points
  • conductors of electricity

Demonstrate understanding for Outcome 3
  • Keypoints
  • Strong attractions between positive and negative
    ions, to overcome these need high temperatures,
    therefore, ionic substances have high melting
  • Ions cannot move in solids, so do not conduct
  • Ions are able to move in solution or in a molten
    liquid so therefore conduct electricity

Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 3
Evaluate (A) explain, with the use of diagrams,
why the melting point of magnesium is so high
Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to
target a grade higher than your current grade.
Analyse (B) Describe the structure of sodium
chloride, why does it form this shape?
Apply (C) What is the difference between solution
and being molten? Why can they conduct
electricity when in this state?
Learning Outcome 3 Review
Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill
out the How I did and the Targets column.
Learning Outcomes How I did Targets
Learning Outcome 3 Using ionic bonding models, explain physical properties of giant ionic molecules Grade A/A I am working at grade .....because ...................................................... I can move up to grade... by
  • Swap books with the person next to you and look
    over their work. Write a WWW and EBI statement.
  • Stand up if you have developed some skills this
    lesson? What are they?
  • Tell the person next to you three things you have
    learnt this lesson.
  • Did you successfully complete tasks at your
    target grade?
  • If not, what do you need to do next in order to
    meet your target grade? Record this in your diary
    to be done as part of your extended learning at
  • Is there any part of the lesson you think you
    need to go over again next lesson?
  • How will you remember what you have learned today
    for your exam?

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