Title: Financial Management, Reporting, and Oversight at IIT Kanpur
1Financial Management, Reporting, and Oversight at
IIT Kanpur
2IITK Finances
- Management
- Accounting / Reporting
- Oversight (External Internal)
3Financial Management Framework
- IIT Act, Statutes overarching guidance
- Govt. of India Rules Regulations regulate
personal benefits and claims
4Financial Management Framework(contd.)
- Strategic / Annual Plan / Budget institutional
priorities, income projections, and what is
available for spending? - Financial Delegations who may spend and how
much? - Stores and Purchase (SP) Manual what
process(es) is / are required to be followed for
spending? - Accounts what is the financial performance
(against budget / previous year)?
5Management of IITKs finances
- De-centralized - Organized by source of funds
6Management of IITKs Finances
Source of funds Officer In charge Overall Supervision
Plan and Non-Plan Sr. DR (FA) Finance Officer (FO)
Student Fees DR (SA) Dean, Students Affairs (DOSA)
Sponsored Research and Consultancies DR (RD) Dean, Research Development (DORD)
Donations, Endowments, and Investments AR (RA) Dean, Resources Alumni (DORA)
Others Various Various
7Accounting of IITKs Finances
- First level - decentralized
- Consolidation - centralized
8Accounting of IITKs Finances
Source of funds Officer / Faculty In charge Consolidation
Plan and Non-Plan Sr. DR (FA) AR (FA) / Sr. DR (FA) / Finance Officer (FO)
Student Fees DR (SA) / DOSA AR (FA) / Sr. DR (FA) / FO
Sponsored Research and Consultancies DR (RD) / DORD AR (FA) / Sr. DR (FA) / FO
Donations, Endowments, and Investments AR (RA) / DORA AR (FA) / Sr. DR (FA) / FO
Others Various AR (FA) / Sr. DR (FA) / FO
9Oversight of IITKs finances
- Committee-led
- A mix of External, Partly External and Internal .
10External oversight of IITKs finances
- Driven by / Committee chair non-IITK employee.
11External oversight of IITKs finances
- CAG both propriety and statutory audit.
- Board of Governors (BOG) Board of Governors
(BOG) approve annual budget and accounts
amendments to Delegations and SP Manual
financial policies review financial performance
on quarterly basis. - Finance Committee (FC) advise BOG on all the
above proposals from management.
12Partly External oversight of IITKs finances
- Committee chaired by Director but has some
external members.
13Partly External oversight of IITKs finances
- Building Works Committee (BWC) technical
appraisal of all construction and related
projects. Inputs flow to BOG through FC. - Management Committee of Endowment Funds (MCEF)
guidelines providing and monitoring committee
advises Finance Committee on endowment and
investment related matters.
14Internal oversight of IITKs finances
- Driven by / Committee comprising IITK employees
15Internal oversight of IITKs finances
- Finance Control Committee (FCC)
- considers annual budget proposals
- approves re-allocation of budgets
- monitors performance against budget and
- drives automation of financial operations.
16Internal oversight of IITKs finances(contd.)
- Investments Committee devises investment
strategy, approves all short-/medium- and
long-term investment proposals. - Internal Audit (IA) IA unit headed by AR (IA)
reports directly to Dy. Director. - Pre-audit of all spending gt Rs. 1,000 (with some
exceptions), pay and pension fixation. - Finance advice in procurement.
17Oversight hierarchy at a glance
- I
- I
- Finance Committee
- I
- Director-------------------BWC----------------MCEF
- I I