Title: The innovation system in the telecommunications sector
1The innovation system in the telecommunications
- A comparative approach France South Korea
- David Flacher, Cédric Durand, Romain Lestage
- Paris 13 University
- CEPN (CNRS UMR 7115)?
2Main issue
- Is the French institutional context favorable to
telecommunications industry and IT development ? - The dynamics of innovation can be explained by
many characteristics of the environment such as - Institutions including
- Routines, conventions, rules, types of governance
- More established institutions, organisations
- National and international context
- History (and thus technological path)?
3Content of the presentation
- 1) Stylized facts divergences in terms of
performances between Korean and French ICT
sectors - 2) Can these stylized facts be explained by the
trajectories of the National System of
Innovation (NSI)? - 3) Do the French and Korean NSI fit well fit well
for the development of the telecommunications and
IT sectors? - 4) Conclusions et perspectives
41- Divergence between France and Korea stylized
- 1st stylized fact
- Infrastructures and usages are more developed in
Korea than in France - Exemple Broadband subscription in 2006 (OECD)?
51- Divergence between France and Korea stylized
- Broadband subscription on mobile phone in 2005
61- Divergence between France and Korea stylized
- Web 2.0 (blogs by languages in OECD countries in
2006)? - E-government
71- Divergence between France and Korea stylized
- 2nd stylized fact
- Innovation (particularly hardware innovation) is
more dynamic in the Korean telecommunications
sector - Exemples
- Patent registrations
- Triadic patent families (OECD)?
- Parallel patent applications in the USA (USPTO),
EU (OEB) and Japan (JPO)? patents offices - Induces a selection of the main innovations in
order to lower the bias due to national
81- Divergence between France and Korea stylized
- Innovation is more oriented towards ICT in Korea
91- Divergence between France and Korea stylized
- 3rd stylized fact
- Equipment manufacturers are at the core of the
Korean ICT strategy - Exemples
- Share of ICT manufacturing in the total value
added of manufacturing sectors (OCDE, 2008)?
101- Divergence between France and Korea stylized
- Strong and improving position of Korea in ICT
international trade
111- Divergence between France and Korea stylized
- 4th Stylized fact
- France appears to be in a better position for
services - (with the exceptions of games, mobile TV and
e-payment)? - (Lee Chan-Olmested, 2004)?
121- Divergence between France and Korea stylized
- Services exportations (OCDE, 2007)
131- Divergence between France and Korea stylized
- In short
- Opposite paths in France and Korea in the 1990s
- France position becomes weaker in the
international competition - In the ICT manufacturing sector
- In the associated innovation
- In ICT exportation
- Rapid improvement of Koreas position in the same
fields and in the diffusion of usages - This suggests that there is a cumulative relation
between on the one hand manufacturing development
and, on the other hand, infrastructures
deployment, innovation and the diffusion of new
usages - (it also suggests that services do not
necessarily play a central role). - To what extent divergence between the
trajectories of French and Korean National
Systems of Innovation could explain such
divergent paths?
142- National systems of innovation trajectories as
an explanation
- Three historical periods
- After world war II
- State-led Innovation System (IS) in France and in
Korea - Since the 1980s
- Divergent IS paths in a context of economic
liberalization - Since the end of the 1990s
- Reconfiguration of IS in a context of
liberalization of the telecommunications industry
152- National systems of innovation as an
162- National systems of innovation as an
- Identification of strategic sectors and Grand
Projets - Coordination mixing private/public entities
- Public banks, planning commission, incentives
(loans, subventions, public orders, supports for
exportations)? - Grandes écoles (with high level of
selection)/Universities - strong public/business networks based on a common
educational background of the elite - CNRS (basic research) / Specific labs for applied
research (CNET, CEA, CNES)?
- Outcome
- Constitution of world-class national champions
- Building of significant technological advantages
for the country as a whole.
172- National systems of innovation as an
- Autonomy (technological take off, substitution of
importation), employment and growth - Method
- Promotion of exportation and limitation of
importations - Big family owned firms (chaebols) but depending
from the State - Massive investment in
- Primary and secundary education (in the 1950s
and 1960s)? - Resarchers education (in the 1970s) through the
creation of national institutes - Technological catch up (but not yet innovation
driven system)? - Reverse engineering, partnerships (USA), specific
equipments - Applied research for the development of local
solutions (substitution)? - Restriction of FDI ? Independent management and
push Korean firms to develop their own techniques.
- Outcomes
- Rapid industrialization (through assimilation of
foreign technological capabilities)? - First generation of high profile researchers and
182- National systems of innovation as an
- Advantages
- Long term investments
- Significant outcomes (in sectors like railway,
airspace, electricity, telecommunications)? - Limits
- Anticipation of changes is more difficult since
the elite (in France) and the chaebols (in Korea)
are not specialized enough - SME are not really taken into account
- The system does not fit well with bottom-up
innovation - Small scale, flexible and decentralized types of
innovation and of innovative firms
192- National systems of innovation as an
- Second period since the 1980s
- In France
- Dislocation of the IS which implies
- State has lower control on the big firms
- RD public expenditure turns down (and public
institution de-specialization)? - Interruption of the main industrial programs
- Development of European policies (and of the EU
market)? - Economic situation
- Development of finance-led capitalism (relying on
market funding and on shareholder value
maximization)? - Liberalization, privatization et
internationalisation of firms ownership - Slowing down economic growth
202- National systems of innovation as an
- In Korea, since the 1980s
- RD is getting more and more self-governed by
firms (in a context of economic growth)? - Firms expenditure for RD is growing fastly
- Creation of research labs networks (including
foreign labs) and reverse brain drain of Korean
researchers previously installed abroad - Institutional evolution adequate to changing
strategy - From learning and catching up approach
- to technological accumulation and innovation
- State remains active and voluntarist
- Public funding and fiscal incentives for the
firms - Important RD public programs at the
technological frontier - Growing public expenditure for higher education
- Public institutes
- Concerning RD strategic fields (both basic and
applied resarch)? - Working with private firms (ETRI)?
212- National systems of innovation as an
- Main outcomes
- RD expenditures (as a share of GDP) (OECD, 2008)?
222- National systems of innovation as an
- Patent applications (OECD, 2008)?
232- National systems of innovation as an
- RD public expenditure (as a share of GDP) (OECD,
2008) - importance of military expenditure (mainly
nuclear ones) in France
242- National systems of innovation as an
- Third period since the middle of the 1990s
- In France
- Deep transformation of the IS
- From a vertical (i.e. sectoral) to an horizontal
approach - Towards a regional (territorial) approach
- From top-down to bottom-up approach
- In Korea
- IS more and more driven by private firms
- Reconfiguration of ministries.
- Funding research more and more through projects
rather than through lump-sum system - Creation of research councils in charge of
planning, funding and assessing public labs - Creation of technological regional clusters
252- National systems of innovation as an
- Advantages of a de-verticalized and
territory-oriented approach - Fits better with applied research and patent
applications - Fits better with small and/or decentralized
innovations - Limits
- Research leading to short term profitability is
privileged - reduction of public researcher's autonomy gt
restraint for creativity and initiative - Constraints due to Project organization
(administrative tasks)? - Low public expenditure (in terms of jobs and
lump-sum financing)? - Possible State initiatives are more limited
262- National systems of innovation as an
- Summarizing
- Strong divergent paths between French and Korean
IS - France
- Stagnation of RD effort
- dramatic reduction of state-led intervention in
technological development - Korea
- Growing efforts and initiatives in terms of RD
- Shift from Learning System towards Innovating
System (defining strategic fields of
intervention)? - even if common trends can be pointed out
- Liberalization and growing space for private
initiatives - RD more and more oriented towards shorter term
applications - ? but Korea is resisting better to those trends
273- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications
- general context since the mid-nineties
- Liberalization of the telecommunications industry
- Strong ICT growth
- In brief
- The Korean IS is quite consistent
- while French IS is characterized by a
multi-sided institutional dualism
283- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications
- In Korea
- Fostering competition
- but competition is consistent with innovation
and industrial policies - No independent regulator of the
telecommunications industry - KCC depends on the Ministry of Information and
Communications (MIC) and will be merged with KBC
(in charge of contents)? - Governmental agencies (depending on MIC)
implement political priorities - Defining policies (KISDI).
- Organizing public/private RD partnerships
(ETRI)? - Managing and financing innovation (IITA)?
293- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications
- Strategic and important orientation defined by
the State - For the operators
- Promotion of facility-based competition (this
policy was helped by the high density of the
population)? - ? no unbundling of the new infrastructures
- Infrastructure allows technological
differentiation - Unbundling only on previous generation
infrastructure in order to push competitors to
adopt new techniques - For equipment manufacturers
- Limitation of FDI during a large period
- Public investments, support for national
champions , incentives to develop ICT
manufacturing sectors (See the exemple of WCDMA
et CDMA 2000 licensing)? - Development of local standards in order to
protect the national market
303- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications
313- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications
- Exemples of programs
- KII (started in 1995, already ended)?
- IT 839 8 services, 3 infrastructures et 9
technologies (in progress)? - Large ICT education programs, research
- Aims
- Higher GDP per capita
- Employment
- Position Korea on strategic fields (for
international competition)?
323- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications
- In France
- Multi-sided institutional dualism between
- a) institutions in charge of competition and
institutions in charge of innovation - b) national and european institutions
- c) even between contents and telecoms regulations
- a) In the mid-nineties liberalization of the
industry - France Télécom (DGT) is loosing its position at
the top of an industrial hierarchy - With its own advanced research center (CNET)
and stong partnerships with equipment players
(Alcatel et Thomson)?, research centers and
universities - Creation of an independent NRA
- with the main goal of developing competition
- (considered as the way to improve efficiency)?
- This independant NRA may induce counterproductive
effects on innovation and thus dynamic
efficiciency. Why ?
333- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications
- Specificities of sectoral regulation in France
- Asymmetrical regulation in order to favor the
entrance and the development of FT competitors - Three ideas
- FT retail prices should be too low (? prevent
squeezing )? - Wholesale prices not to high (cost oriented and
non discriminatory prices)? - (? resale of FT services and development of
competitors market shares)? - Favoring ladders of investment climbing for
competitors - Progressive replication of networks
- Tools bitstream access, unbundling
- Asymmetrical regulation should then disappear
(and should be replaced by the only application
of competition law)?
343- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications
- Main outcomes
- Lower incentives to invest
- Into new infrastructures
- For the incumbent (which value option invest
into new techniques is reduced by the possible
unbundling of its NGN) - For the competitors (unbundling can be a better
solution than investing) - Into RD
- Reduction and transformation of RD effort by
operators (FT) - Lower effort From 3.5 of the revenue in 1997 to
1 in 2003 (according to OECD)? - RD more oriented on short term applied projects
and services - equipment manufacturers are realizing a part of
RD previously realized by FT - but equipment manufacturers RD and public RD
spending do not compensate the lower efforts of FT
353- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications
- The two other important institutional dualisms
- b) between national and european institutions
- This is true both in terms of
- Pro-competitive sector specific regulation
- Innovation policies
- Sprinkling european fundings dedicated to RD
- No clear industrial strategy at the EU level
(public orders, national specializations)? - c) between contents and telecoms regulations
- Digital dividend and convergence in the ICT
ecosystem should induce more coordination
363- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications
- While in Korea
- Sector specific institutions are all depending on
the ministry (MIC) (which can coordinate
competition and innovation oriented policies)? - Able to gather stakeholders around a common
strategic vision - The priorities are implemented through coherent
incentives to innovate and to invest with a
medium-long term perspective - (with the risk of an excess of investment?)?
- This vision gathers a top-down and a bottom-up
approach thanks to MIC coordination - This support from MIC to innovation can get the
upper hand on pro-competitive policies. - Conversely, pro-competitive policies are mainly
guided by innovation and investment logics.
374- Conclusions et perspectives
- Divergent paths in terms of performances between
countries - Looking for explanations in the institutional
arrangements (at national and sectoral levels) - Institutional consistency in Korea
- Multi-sided institutional dualisms in France
- competition/innovation
- France/UE
- Telecommunications/content
- In France, these institutional dualism reinforce
the negative effects that results from - the change in the governance of the IS
(de-verticalization and bottom-up approaches)
384- Conclusions et perspectives
- The regulator should thus
- take more into account innovation problems
instead of only fostering effective competition ?
- understand that fostering competition is one of
many other tools - be in charge of an industrial and innovation
policy (which is not the case for the moment) - In France, the regulator (ARCEP) seems to be more
and more interested by investment and innovation
39(No Transcript)
403- Innovation systems ICT and telecommunications