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The divorce was my fault, ... Crumbs The Great Plan of Restoration Note from an elderly client Elder Busche Slide 18 Slide 19 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: www.kevinhinckley.com

Hems and Crumbs
  • www.kevinhinckley.com

A Pride of Grandmas
A Goof of Grandpas
A Juggle of Moms
A Muscle of Elders
A Starve of Elders
A Preen of Laurels
A Tantrum of Toddlers
A Smell of Scouts
A Giggle of Beehives
A Snooze of High Priests
Robert Millett
  • As we traverse the roads of a darkened world, we
    receive the beckoning invitation to come out of
    the darkness unto Christ our Savior
  • If we will hearken to the light we will be led,
    either here or hereafter, to the covenant gospel
    and to the greater light of the gift of the Holy
  • We thereby become a peculiar, or a purchased,
    people, those called out of darkness into his
    marvelous light.
  • Alive in Christ The Miracle of Spiritual
    Rebirth ( 1997)

  • Mark 5 22

  • Matt 15 22-28 

The Great Plan of Restoration
  • Alma 41

Note from an elderly client
  • Already understood Alma 41- So I know I will
    never be worthy to enter the Celestial Kingdom.
  • The divorce was my fault, the eternal damage to
    my family and children too deep- too permanent.
  • Will never be worthy to lead children again. Did
    not past the test. Mercy and forgiveness has
    already been applied. Doesnt undo the damage.

Elder Busche
  • Shortly after our baptism, Jutta and I became
    aware of an elderly sister named Sister Maischt,
    whose enthusiasm for the gospel and the Church
    was so extraordinary that the shabbiness of her
    outward appearance did not matter much.
  • From her looks, she was as close to a fairy tale
    witch as anyone I have ever seenalways wearing
    the same, long, ugly black dress and never clean,
    always smelly. She simply did not try to look
    groomed or acceptable.
  • She was originally from East PrussiaShe had five
    children and a husband all killed by the
    RussiansShe lived in a shed without plumbing or
    electricity and lived off the food she grew on
    her land. She never talked about the details.
  • When anyone asked her about her background, she
    would immediately change the subject and talk
    about the goodness of Christ, the support of
    angels, and her testimony of the Book of

  • One day, my wife and I discussed Sister Maistcht
    and the fact that she walked two hours one way to
    go to church. We debated whether we should make
    the sacrifice and leave 30 minutes earlier on
    Sundays to give her a ride. We felt good as
    finally agreed to do this service for her.
  • How surprised I was, however, when I presented
    her with our suggestion. She said Brother
    Busche, you cannot do this to me. Im an old
    lady. How can I ever show the Lord how much I
    love Him, how much I adore Him, how much I depend
    on His atoning sacrifice for my salvation and my
    desire to serve Him?
  • Im too old and too ugly and to forgetful to
    serve as the Relief Society president or even a
    teacher. The greatest joy of my life is on Sunday
    when I can get up early in the morning, walk to
    church, and take the sacrament. Yes it is a long
    walk and, yes, my legs hurt and my back hurts,
    but every step I rejoice.
  • As I walk I sing the hymnsbecause my walk is a
    celebration of my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.
    And you want to take this away from me? You cant
    do this to me. Let me walk.

  • One day, she came to me, as Branch President, and
    gave me a large amount of money. She said,
    Brother Busche, this is the money for my funeral
    because this will be the last week of my life. I
    protested and said Sister Maischt, you are
    going to live much longer. You are not going to
  • She said You dont understand. The Lord told me
    that my time of probation is over and that I
    should come to you to arrange for my funeral.
    This is the money, and these are the songs and
    the speakers. She handed me a piece of paper
    with the arrangements for her funeral.
  • When she did not show up the next Sunday in
    church, the Relief Society sisters visited her.
    They found her dead in her hovel, calmly and
    peacefully gone.
  • Yet her influence remains
  • In my mind, she is a monument of womanhood that I
    know will stand in the day of her resurrection,
    in prominence and beauty, and stands for me as a
    beacon of light in these days when we are so
    easily distracted by the things of this world.
  • Yearning for the Living God, p. 166
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