Title: The Great Depression and the New Deal
1Chapter 24
- The Great Depression and the New Deal
- 1929 1939
- You must read the chapter.
- Divisions
- Pp. 729-742
- 742-754
- 754-763
- Make sure you know the New Deal Legislation and
how it affected Alabama and the US.
3Franklin Delano Roosevelt
4Crash and Depression, 1929-1932
5Figure 24.1A Stock Market Prices in the 1920s
6Black Thursday and the Onset of the Depression
7Figure 24.1B Consumer Borrowing in the 1920s
8Hoovers Response
- Herbert Hoover Documentary
- Hoover's Response Speech
- Emergency Committee for Employment
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation
9Figure 24.2A The Statistics of Hard Times
10Mounting Discontent and Protest
- Hoover Valley
- Farmers Holiday Association
- Douglas MacArthur
- 42nd Parallel
- John Dos Passos
- The Disinherited
- Jack Conroy
11Figure 24.2A The Statistics of Hard Times
12Figure 24.2B The Statistics of Hard Times
13The Election of 1932
14Map 24.1 The Election of 1932
15The New Deal Takes Shape
16Roosevelt and his Circle
- Rexford G. Tuggle
- Adolphe Berle
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- James Farley
- Frances Perkins
- Harold Ickes
- Henry A. Wallace
- Henry Morgenthau
17Bankhead in Congress
- John Hollis
- William Brockman
- Speaker of the House
- John Hollis II
- Walter Will
- Tallulah
18FDRs Alphabet Soup
WPA men at work
19(No Transcript)
20The Hundred Days
21Hundred Days Legislation
22Justice Hugo Black
- Senator from Alabama
- One of 9 Roosevelt appointed
- Textualism-what do words mean to the common man
or a strict interpretation of the law - KKK member in early life
- Democrat / Died 1971
23Problems and Controversies Plague the New Deal
- May 1935 court rules NRA unconstitutional
- Dust Bowl of 1930 and continuing
- There goes Oklahoma!
Roosevelts Supreme Court Note Hugo Black on
back right. KKK
24Map 24.2 The Dust Bowl
25The Dust Bowl
- Dust Bowl Documentary
- Dont forget to read your excerpts from The Dust
Bowl Diary
North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas,
Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and
other states were effected. Southern states
experienced erosion until the addition of Kudzu
to the landscape.
26Figure 24.3 Agriculture During the Great
271934-1935 Challenges from Right and Left
- 1933 Income rose but was still behind 1929.
- 1934 Midterm elections proved popularity.
- Hes been all but crowned by the people
- Charles Coughlin Father Charles Coughlin Radio
Address - Francis Townsend
- Influenced creation of
- Social Security
28Huey Long
- Huey Long
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vVIMi7fBA6e4feature
related - Louisiana
- Elected 1933
- Share our wealth!
- America First Party 100 tax on income over 1
million and appropriation of fortunes over 5 - million.
- Carl Weiss
- Assassinated
- Earl Long Blaze
- Ballad of Earl Long
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vVIMi7fBA6e4feature
29The New Deal Changes Course, 1935-1936
- WPA Works Progress Administration
- Federal Writers Project
- Federal Music Project
- Federal Theatre Project
- National Youth Administration
- Rural Electrification Administration
- National Labor Relations Act 1935
Eudora Welty Junior Publicity Agent
30 Photos of Eudora Welty
31(No Transcript)
32National Labor Relations Act
- Wagner Act
- Guaranteed collective bargaining rights,
permitted closed shops, outlawed blacklisting
33Social Security Act of 1935End of the 2nd New
- Social Security Act 1935
- Stands as the long term legislation of the New
Deal - Frances Perkins committee
- Mixed benefit package
- Pension
- Unemployment package
- Survivor benefits
- Disabled and dependent mothers and children
341936 Roosevelt Landslide and New Democratic
- South
- West (parts)
- White Ethnic voters
- 12 largest cities
- Catholics
- Jews
- Who filled New Deal jobs?
35(No Transcript)
36The New Deals End Stage 1937-1939
37FDR and the Supreme Court
- Archconservatives
- 9 old tired men!
- Bill
- Appoint new justices for each one over 70
- Ease heavy workload
- Court packing
38Roosevelt Recession
39Final Measure Growing Opposition
- Farm Security Administration (FSA)
- 1937
- Created by Congress
- Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)
40Social Change and Social Action in the 1930s
41Depressions Psychological and Social Impact
42Industrial Workers Unionize
- American Federation of Labor (AFL)
- Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO)
- United Automobile Workers
43Figure 24.4 The Growth of Labor Union
Membership, 19331946
44Black and Hispanic AmericansResist Racism and
- Dont Shop Where You Cant Work!
- Scottsboro Boys
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?featureendscreenNR
1vrIkBFFZeNVM - Indian Reorganization Act
45The American Culture Scene in the 1930s
46Avenues of Escape Radio and the Movies
- Gone with the Wind 1939
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v79eIUM4w0PUfeature
related - Mr. Smith Goes to Washington 1937
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?featureendscreenNR
1v0pwjGWUrlHM - The Little Colonel (1935) Shirley Temple
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v7_FOPPJcJ24
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vo-DueyLco8sfeature
47The Later 1930s Opposing Fascism Reaffirming
Traditional Values
- Popular Front
- Joseph Stalin
- Adolf Hitler
- Spanish Civil War
- Benito Mussolini
48 Steinbeck, Hemingway, Wilder
- For Whom the Bell Tolls
- The Grapes of Wrath
- Our Town
49Streamlining and the Worlds Fair Corporate
Americas Utopian Vision
- The World of Tomorrow
- 1939 Worlds Fair
- Orson Wells
- War of the Worlds
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vXs0K4ApWl4g
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vKUnihvqYBVw
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vamNpxQANk0M
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vWpEdYp1Nn-kfeature
related - http//www.youtube.com/watch?v3nuElu-ipTQ
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vSUZGkNAUSvYfeature
related - Eleanor Roosevelt Speech
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v6P15knTJ0pQ
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v9yzakVOdh6kfeature