Title: Medicaid Managed Care
1Medicaid Managed Care
- National Perspective and Postcards from the
Bleeding Edge - Rocky Nichols
- Executive Driector, DRC Kansas
2NCD Recommends PA Medicaid Advocacy Program
- CMS should fund a Medicaid Advocacy program
within the federally mandated Protection and
Advocacy agencies to ensure Medicaid managed care
programs at the state level are adequately
protecting the rights of consumers.
3Kansas - The Bleeding Edge of MMC
- People lost in the cracks Not just death of
case management - Death by a million burecratic paper cuts
- New verification forms to stay on waiting lists
(not getting in mail) - People dont get the form - Even those who have
not moved - People send in the form lost by central office
- Not being informed of appeal rights
- Many MMC Members were not Informed of Reductions
in Services and Due Process Rights - Those Informed were Misinformed and
Systematically Discouraged from Filing Appeals - We thought this was fixed, but seeing it occur
4Case management as we know it is gone in Kansas
under Managed Care!
- Loss of case management illustrates NCDs
Advocacy program - Case management as we know it is gone
- All Waivers except I/DD
- Care Coordination by MCOs replaced case
management - Not same thing case loads, services
5Case management as we know it is gone
- Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) greatly weakened the
Services and Supports System that helps Kansans
before they qualify for Medicaid. Dont fall
through cracks. - Huge Case Management Gap - no one helping the
person navigate the system before they get a
Medicaid card. - Prior to MMC - case managers helped Medicaid
applicants. - Now, little navigating application process. Fall
through cracks - Undermines purpose of MMC, improved health
outcomes. - Care Coordination doesnt help with navigation
case loads of 150 - Crisis case management under 60 yrs old limited
under MMC has always been (continues to be)
limited for 60
6Kansas - The Bleeding Edge (cont.)
- Huge Reductions in PD Waiver Enrollment Pre-and
Post MMC --- Difference is after MMC, plummets
further even AFTER 9 million added by
Legislature to increase enrollment - Dramatic Reductions in Waiver Capacity Pre Post
MMC (since 1/1/2013) - 23 reduction in PD Waiver slots
- 7.5 reduction in I/DD Waiver slots
- 6 reduction in TBI Waiver slots
- Cumulative Reduction of 14 across all Waivers
7PD Waiver Enrollment Plummets
8PD Waiver Unprecedented BOTH enrollment and
wait list DROP
9Since MMC Waiver Capacity reduced 14 (2542
slots)MMC Started 1/1/2013
Capacity 1/01/2013 Proposed 2015-2020 Difference
PD Waiver 7,874 6,092 (1782)
DD point in time 9552 8,836 (716)
TBI Waiver 767 723 (44)
Total 18,193 16,173 (2542)
10PD Waiver Capacity Reduced 23 after MMC
Total Change in PD Waiver Capacity 23 decrease
11I/DD Waiver Capacity Reduced 7.5 after MMC
Total Change in DD Waiver Capacity 7.5
12TBI Waiver Capacity Reduced 6 after MMC
Total Change in TBI Waiver Capacity 6 decrease
13Total Waiver Capacities Reduced 14 after MMC
Total Waiver Capacity Reduction 14 reduction
14Medicaid Managed Care National Concerns
- Inaccessible facilities and materials
- Provider incentives (withholds, bonuses) create
disincentives to serving people with disabilities - Limited access to specialists, DME,
prescriptions, and non-medical services
(transportation, respite) - Disputes over when Due Process is triggered and
what constitutes compliance - Failure to provide benefits pending appeal
- Poor understanding of EPSDT requirements
- Lack of transparency (e.g. formularies, rates)
151115 Global Waivers allow new flexibilities
that disadvantage PWDs
- States are receiving new flexibilities from HHS
in trade for Medicaid expansion (IA, PA, IN, OH,
KS) (awaiting approval WY, UT, MT, FL, VA) - Concerns
- Higher cost sharing (above nominal for
non-emergent ER) - Penalties for failure to pay cost-sharing
- Reliance on health savings accounts
- Waiver of non-emergent medical transportation
requirement - Incentives and rewards for healthy behaviors
16Structure Already in Place for PA Medicaid
Advocacy Programs
- PAs exist in every state and territory and are
experts in MLTSS Policy and Legal Analysis - PAs have authority under federal law to Pursue
legal, administrative other appropriate
remedies on behalf of individuals with
disabilities - Special authority to access persons, records, and
17- Principles of Protection Advocacy Systems
18- Information and Referrals
- Outreach to Un-served and Underserved Populations
- Training, including Self Advocacy Skills
- Legal Counsel and Advice
- Negotiation and Mediation
- Administrative Proceedings
- Individual Litigation
- Monitoring
- Public Policy and
- Legislative Advocacy
- Public Relations
- Systemic Litigation and Advocacy
19PA Experience Providing Ombudsman Services
- PAs already run ombudsman programs, for example
- Wisconsin has three, including MLTSS for
individuals under 60 yrs. the state SSI managed
care advocacy program and the nonemergency
medical transportation advocacy program. - Colorado, Illinois, and Rhode Island are
providing legal advocacy as part of Duals Demos. - OH, WA, MM, LA. (Ombudsman programs not specific
to dual demos)
20Medicaid Law Includes Managed Care
Non-Discrimination Requirement
- MC contracts must prohibit discrimination on the
basis of health status or requirements for health
services in enrollment, disenrollment, and
re-enrollment. 42 U.S.C. 1396b(m)(2)(A)(V)
21ACA non-discrimination provision
- 1557 (42 U.S.C. 18116) provides Individually
Enforceable new authority to prohibit
discrimination against individuals with
disabilities in applying for health insurance and
accessing healthcare services. - Applies Civil Rights Act, Age Discrimination Act,
and Rehab Act to any health program or activity
which - receives Federal financial assistance, including
credits, subsidies, or contracts of insurance 2)
is administered by an Executive Agency or 3) any
entity established under Title I of the ACA (i.e.
The Health care Marketplace/exchanges). -
22Anti-discrimination provisions
- 1302(b)(4)(B) the Secretary shall not make
coverage decisions, determine reimbursement
rates, establish incentive programs, or design
benefits in a way that discriminates against
individuals because of age, disability, or length
of life. - (b)(4)(C) the Secretary shall take into account
the health care needs of diverse segments of the
population, including women, children, people
with disabilities and other groups.
23Anti-discrimination provisions, continued
- (b)(4)(D) the Secretary shall ensure that health
benefits established as essential not be subject
to denial to individuals against their wishes on
the basis of the individuals age, expected
length of life, or the individuals present or
predicted disability, degree of medical
dependency or quality of life.
24PAs will Need Additional Funding to Meet
Expanding Need
- NCD Recommends
- Congress should establish a Medicaid Advocacy
program and increase appropriations to the
federally mandated Protection and Advocacy (PA)
agencies by an additional 5 million to hire
Health Advocates to assist in monitoring and
advocacy at the state level.