CFLO Analysis and Short Term borrowing options - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CFLO Analysis and Short Term borrowing options


Current Economic Conditions and How They Affect My District Illinois ASBO Annual Conference Tammie Beckwith Schallmo, Vice President, Managing Director, Public ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CFLO Analysis and Short Term borrowing options

Current Economic Conditions and How They
Affect My District Illinois ASBO Annual
Tammie Beckwith Schallmo, Vice President,
Managing Director, Public Finance Audra Hartman,
Vice President May 18, 2011
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
An Overview How the Economy impacts State,
Local and Federal Revenue for Illinois School
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions State, Local and
Federal Revenue
State, Local and Federal Revenue
  • Local Revenues
  • Mostly local property taxes
  • Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax
  • Tuition, interest income, fees, rentals
  • State Revenues
  • General State Aid
  • Categorical Grants
  • Federal Revenues
  • Categorical Grants
  • Grants

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions State, Local and
Federal Revenue
State, Local and Federal Revenue for Illinois
School Districts
  • Percentage of Local Revenue has increased over
  • While the State share has decreased
  • And the Feds share has increased slightly

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Local Revenue
Property Taxes
Local Revenue Property Taxes
  • Economic boom in the 1990s and into the 2000s
  • As property values increased, property taxes
    increased, and state revenues decreased
  • General State Aid formulas key variables
  • Attendance
  • Property tax wealth per student
  • We are now seeing the impact of lower housing
    prices, which has translated into lower EAVs, and
    the 2.70 CPI on 2010 property tax bills

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Other Local Revenue
Other Local Revenue
  • As the economy has been hit, so have other local
    revenue sources for school districts
  • Investment income
  • Rentals
  • In some districts, fee revenue has increased in
    an attempt to offset other revenue losses

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions State Revenue -
State Revenue - CPPRT
  • Collected from Illinois corporations
  • Distributed to local government units
  • Payment in lieu of taxes
  • Allocation factors date back to programs
  • Collections depend on Illinois business economy
  • For fiscal year 2011, total CPPRT allocations for
    Illinois school districts increased by 21.5 over
    the prior year
  • Per the Illinois Department of Revenues website,
    the increase is due to amnesty legislation and
    an improving economy
  • Impacts General State Aid revenue for a district
  • Fewer CPPRT dollars, increased GSA

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions State Revenue
Categorical Grants
State Revenue - Categorical Grants
  • Originated to encourage districts to offer
    certain programs (eg special education,
    bilingual, transportation, lunch and breakfast
  • Entitlement grants (not competitive)
  • Funding levels vary in the ISBE budget from year
    to year
  • Number of children in need of services
  • Health of state economy
  • Statutes specify levels of payment
  • But actual appropriations are made annually by
    the legislature
  • Zero funding is possible
  • Prorated funding developed over time as program
    costs began to exceed appropriated levels

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions State Revenue
Categorical Grants
State Revenue - Categorical Grants
  • The State has been behind on Categorical payments
  • Caught up on fiscal year 2010 payments
  • Districts are owed three payments for fiscal year
  • Impacts many districts cash flow position
  • Additional credit concern for Districts who rely
    heavily on the state
  • Short-term borrowing may be more difficult to
    achieve, as well as more costly
  • How long will the state need to borrow to make
    payments to districts?
  • How is your district budgeting for Categorical
  • Rating agencies are especially interested

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Federal Revenue
Federal Revenue
  • Largely tied to programs that support national
    educational goals and student achievement
  • Often competitive grants
  • What happens when the grant is gone?
  • ARRA dollars
  • Supplement, not supplant
  • It was a short-term fix

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
The Consumer Price Index
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions What is the
Consumer Price Index
What is the Consumer Price Index?
  • The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of
    the average change over time in the prices paid
    by urban consumers for a market basket of
    consumer goods and services.
  • The CPI reflects spending patterns for each of
    two population groups all urban consumers
    (CPI-U) and urban wage earners and clerical
    workers (CPI-W).
  • The CPI-U represents about 87 of the total U.S.
  • The CPI-U (unseasonal adjusted) is used to
    determine the limiting rate

Source The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions What is the
Consumer Price Index?
What is the Consumer Price Index?
  • The CPI market basket is developed from detailed
    expenditure information provided by families and
    individuals on what they actually bought.
  • For the current CPI, this information was
    collected from the Consumer Expenditure Surveys
    for 2005 and 2006.
  • About 7,000 families from around the country
    provided information each quarter on their
    spending habits in the interview survey.
  • To collect information on frequently purchased
    items, such as food and personal care products,
    another 7,000 families in each of these years
    kept diaries listing everything they bought
    during a 2-week period.
  • Over the 2 year period, then, expenditure
    information came from approximately 28,000 weekly
    diaries and 60,000 quarterly interviews used to
    determine the importance, or weight, of the more
    than 200 item categories in the CPI index

Source The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions CPI December 1,
2007 to December 1, 2008
Source The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions CPI January 1,
2009 to Present Year Over Year
Source The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Economic Update
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions QE2
Quantitative Easing 2
  • The Fed has been buying 600 billion in long-term
    Treasuries, and has been reinvesting an
    additional 250 billion to 300 billion in
    Treasuries with the proceeds of its earlier
  • The FED has announced that it will complete its
    purchases by June 30
  • Interest rates declined, inflation expectations
    have risen, the dollar has depreciated and equity
    prices have risen all classic financial
    market effects anticipated

Source CNN Money, November 3, 2010
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Housing Market
Housing Market
  • As of February, U.S. home prices were just above
    the lows of April 2009
  • 7th straight month of declines
  • Housing values are down 32 from peak in May 2006
  • Distressed sales now account for 30 of all
    transactions nationwide
  • For housing prices to rise, the economy must
    continue to improve, as well as job growth
  • Continued declines in the housing market will
    have a negative impact on EAV
  • Excess supply versus lower buyer confidence

Source Standard and Poors Case-Shiller Index
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Unemployment
  • The national unemployment rate is nearly 1 lower
    than it was in November 2010
  • U.S. unemployment was 8.8 for March and crept
    back up to 9.0 in April

Source The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Job Creation
Job Creation
  • U.S. jobs were created at the fastest pace in
    five years in April
  • Nonfarm payrolls increased by 244,000, the
    largest increase in 11 months
  • Third straight month the economy added more than
    200,000 jobs
  • Manufacturing jobs continue to trend up
  • Local government has lost 416,000 jobs since
    September 2008
  • Since February 2010, total payroll employment has
    risen by 1.8 million
  • 4.3 people for every job, lower than the 6.9 to 1
    ratio in July 2009
  • Bottom linelabor market conditions have
    improved, but there are still 13.7 million
    Americans out of work
  • Will job creation accelerate for the remainder of

Source The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Uncertainty
Its Still a Time of Uncertainty
  • The U. S economy will continue to recover, but
    not as quickly as we have hoped
  • Uncertainties remain
  • Jobs
  • Housing
  • Oil and food prices
  • The countrys federal deficit
  • European sovereign debt crisis
  • Other bumps along the road, such as the
    earthquake and tsunami in Japan

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Components of
Economic Indicator Indices
Components of Economic Indicator Indices
  • Components of Leading Economic Indicators
  • Real money supply, interest rate spread, the
    index of consumer expectations, building permits,
    stock prices, index of supplier deliveries
    (vendor performance), average weekly
    manufacturing hours, average weekly initial
    claims for unemployment insurance (inverted), and
    manufacturers new orders for nondefense capital
    goods, and Manufacturers new orders for consumer
    goods and materials.
  • Components of Coincident Economic Indicators
  • Personal income less transfer payments,
    manufacturing and trade sales, employees on
    nonagricultural payrolls, and industrial
  • Components of Lagging Economic Indicators
  • Ratio of consumer installment credit to personal
    income, commercial and industrial loans
    outstanding, change in labor cost per unit of
    output, average duration of unemployment
    (inverted), average prime rate charged by banks,
    ratio of manufacturing and trade inventories to
    sales, and change in CPI for services.

Source The Conference Board
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Current Readings of
Economic Indicators
Current Readings of Economic Indicators
  • The Conference Board Leading Economic Index for
    the U.S. increased 0.4 in March
  • Upward trend since the end of 2008
  • The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index
    increased 0.2 in March
  • Still 4.3 below its level at the beginning of
    the recession
  • The Conference Board Lagging Economic Index
    increased 0.4 in March, following a 0.4
    decrease in January and a 0.3 increase in

Source The Conference Board
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Statistics to Watch
Statistics to Watch
  • Consumer Sentiment (67.8 in April versus 65.5 in
    March and 75.5 in February recessionary levels
    are in the 50s)
  • Consumer Spending (increased 0.6 in March,
    consensus was 0.5 increase, 9th straight month
    of increases)
  • Retail Sales (Retail sales increased 0.5 in
    April, 0.6 consensus, ninth straight month of
  • Personal Income (increased by 0.5 in March, 0.4
  • Stock Market
  • Weekly Unemployment Claims
  • The job market tends to lag the growth of the
    economy by six to nine months
  • Inventory Reports and cardboard box demand

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Statistics to Watch
Statistics to Watch
  • Median Home Values
  • Existing home sales increased 4 in March
  • New home sales increased 11.1 in March to a
    300,000 annual rate 10.3. decline over March
  • During boom new home sales were 1.0 to 1.5
    million annually or more
  • Housing Starts (Up 7.2 in March but 9.1 below
    March 2010)
  • Building Permits (increased 11.2 in March but
    13.3 below March 2010)

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Investing in the current market
for Illinois School
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Planning is Key
Planning is Key
  • Maintain a good CFLO
  • Uncertainty in State funding
  • GSA
  • Categoricals
  • Uncertainty in tax receipts
  • Late Payments
  • Appeals/Objections
  • Maintain a good financial projection
  • EAV changes
  • State financial troubles
  • Revenue growth vs. expenditure growth

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Interest Rates
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Interest Rates
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Investment
Current investment environment
  • In 2010 157 banks failed
  • As of 05/06/11 40 banks have failed for the
  • FDIC Insurance
  • Currently at 250k until December 2013
  • Non interest bearing transactional accounts
  • Beware of fees and net rate
  • Collateral
  • Third Party Safekeeping
  • Collateral Mark to Market on a regular basis

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Investment
General Investment Options
  • Must follow State Statute
  • Must follow District investment policy
  • Do not recommend Commercial Paper at this time
  • CDs
  • Collateralized
  • Insured
  • AAA Money Market
  • Government obligations
  • Government agency obligations

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Borrowing in the current market
for Illinois School
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Borrowing in the
Current Market
Borrowing in the Current Market
  • From a national municipal market perspective,
    interest rates are still near historical lows
  • The tax-exempt bond market has been very volatile
    over the last several months
  • Weak supply is anticipated for the remainder of
    the calendar year however, it is anticipated to
    increase as the latent BAB effect dissipates
  • BABs expired on December 31, 2010

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Historical Interest
Per MMD as of May 11, 2011
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions The Illinois
The Illinois Penalty
  • Continues to challenge Illinois issuers, who
    continue to suffer for the States financial woes
  • The penalty is averaging between 90 and 120 basis
  • Some investors will no longer buy any Illinois
  • PIMCO, for example

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Credit Spreads
Credit Spreads
  • An underlying credit rating is essential for most
  • Boards and administrators need to be mindful of
    their decisions and how they impact their
    Districts credit rating
  • Doing so will impact its borrowing cost in the
    municipal bond market

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Credit Spreads
Per MMD as of April 22, 2011
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Current Economic Conditions Challenges Going
Challenges Going Forward
  • Identify purchasers for long-term municipal bonds
  • Build America Bonds helped to provide additional
    buyers, however the future of BABs is uncertain
  • Deficit reduction proposals in Washington
  • Eliminate tax-exemption for future municipal bond
  • Substitute with tax credit bonds
  • Traditional tax credit bonds
  • Direct pay tax credit bonds like BABs

Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
The information contained herein is solely
intended to suggest/discuss potentially
applicable financing applications and is not
intended to be a specific buy/sell
recommendation, nor is it an official
confirmation of terms. Any terms discussed
herein are preliminary until confirmed in a
definitive written agreement. The analysis or
information presented herein is based upon
hypothetical projections and/or past performance
that have certain limitations. No representation
is made that it is accurate or complete or that
any results indicated will be achieved. In no
way is past performance indicative of future
results. Changes to any prices, levels, or
assumptions contained herein may have a material
impact on results. Any estimates or assumptions
contained herein represent our best judgment as
of the date indicated and are subject to change
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representative and are not meant to be
all-inclusive. The information set forth herein
was gathered from sources which we believe, but
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aforementioned potential economic risks and
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Integrity. Commitment. Performance.
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