Meditation%20Monday%20Fruits%20from%20God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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House Liturgies. Eucharist is at the heart of Christian worship. Mass celebrations occurred within private homes or in catacombs. Had to be secret due to persecutions. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Meditation%20Monday%20Fruits%20from%20God

  • Meditation Monday Fruits from God
  • In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love,
    joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,
    faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against
    such there is no law.  Gal.5.22-23
  • God is Spirit and He is bringing fruits to your
    life! When you spend time in His presence praying
    and meditating when you read the Holy Scriptures
    or go to the mass when you take communion - his
    Spirit is working in you, bringing wonderful
    fruits to you life.
  • There are many different fruits you can bring in
    the Kingdom of God. Those described above are the
    fruits of your internal transformation. God is
    changing you when you spend time with Him! His
    Holy Word is filling your soul when you read it. 
  • How in short we can describe those fruits? They
    are features of Gods character. If you are
    changed and people can see those fruits in your
    life, they can see God in you! As children of God
    we should manifest his character!
  • It is one of our main aims to be like Him! And
    it is possible my dear! It is possible for the
    least important lay person, not only for
    religious people! It is possible for you and me.
    You can resemble Gods character, because God
    said so!

Early church
  • 33 A.D. 313 A.D.

Rapid Growth of Christianity
  • Christianity spreads throughout the Roman Empire
  • 1. Divine Assistance help from J.C. and H.S.
  • 2. Zeal of evangelists and converts
  • 3. Catholic or universal this religion is for
  • 4. Sense of unity
  • This quick expansion of the new religion causes
    Roman and Jewish authoritys fear and suspicion.

Beliefs and Practices
  • Baptism
  • Sunday as the Sabbath
  • Mass/Holy Eucharist (Body, Blood, Soul, and
  • Sacred Scripture used, not official Bible until
    4th c.
  • Non-violent
  • Against abortion and contraception
  • Taught love and equality

House Liturgies
  • Eucharist is at the heart of Christian worship.
  • Mass celebrations occurred within private homes
    or in catacombs. Had to be secret due to
  • Liturgy of the Word
  • Liturgy of the Eucharist
  • Some churches were built when tolerant Emperors
    ruled, often destroyed under future persecutions

  • Different people have different roles within the
    Church which determine their level of leadership
    and responsibility
  • Based on Pauls teaching that the different
    members of the Body of Christ have different
  • From the early Church the roles and
    responsibilities of bishops, priests, deacons and
    laypeople were standard
  • The formalities of the different roles developed
    with time as need arose

Early Church Hierarchy
  • Bishops name comes from Greek word for
    supervisor, regional leaders under the authority
    of the pope (the Bishop of Rome, called the 1st
    among equals)
  • Deacon/Deaconess supported the ministry of the
    Bishop especially related to taking care of
    people with special needs
  • Presbyters name comes from the word for elder
    exclusive representatives of the bishop as
    Christian communities grew (equivalent of modern
    day priests)

Persecution and Martyrdom
Timed Round Robin
  • Same as Round Robin except each person has 20
    seconds to answer an open ended question.
  • Describe a time you have been of seen someone be
    persecuted for their faith.

  • Martyr Greek for witness
  • First known Christian martyr St. Stephen
  • Feast day December 26th immediately after
    Christmas - a way of making us aware of the early
  • Early Christians expected to die for Christ.
    Their love and zeal for Jesus and each other is
  • Immense suffering was endured in the name of

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  • a program or campaign to exterminate, drive away,
    or subjugate a people because of their religion,
    race or beliefs.
  • Remember the Protomartyr Stephen. Stoned to
    death outside of Jerusalem.
  • Christians are persecuted all over including
    Syria, Greece, Asia Minor, and Europe (France and
  • The Roman persecution is perhaps the most
  • Romans tolerated Christianity (because of their
    tolerance of Judaism) until it came into direct
    conflict with the desires of the emperor
  • Ex Emperor worship

History of Roman Persecutions
  • 64 Nero (scapegoat for his fire)- Christiani
    non Sint
  • 81 Domitian (1st worldwide)
  • 98 Trajan (do not seek Christians but punish
    if reported and convicted)
  • 138 Antonius Pius
  • 161 Marcus Aurelius
  • 193 Septimus Severus
  • 211 First Era of Peace

  • 250 Decius (Required public worship of Roman
    gods) Disappointing amount of apostates.
  • 257 Valerian
  • 260 Second Era of Peace
  • 303 Dioceltians Great Persecution very
    effective ruler who divided the empire into
    sections called dioceses as a way of controlling
    the empires growing problems
  • 313 Edict of Milan ends major Roman Persecutions
    (next Chapter)

Thinking Thursday
  • A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for
    a glass of water. The bartender reaches under the
    bar and brings out a gun and aims it at the man.
    The man says thank you and leaves. What happened?
  • Solution The man had the hiccups and wanted a
    glass of water to help get rid of them. The
    bartender could hear the hiccups when the man
    spoke, so he brought the gun out to scare the
    hiccups away. It worked and the man thanked him
    and left, no longer needing the glass of water.

St. Ignatius of Antioch Letter to the Romans
  • Read Chapter 1-8.
  • Each member should read 2 paragraphs to their

  • Questions to Answer (separate sheet)
  • Round Robin Write
  • Why does Ignatius not want to be saved from his
  • How does he expect/want to die?
  • What things is Ignatius willing to go through so
    long as he attains Christ?
  • Having read the Letter what are your impressions
    of Ignatius?
  • What can you relate the passion and zeal of
    Ignatius to in you own lives?

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Primary Source
  • The following account was written by the Roman
    historian Tacitus in his book Annals published a
    few years after the event. Tacitus was a young
    boy living in Rome during the time of the
  • "Therefore, to stop the rumor that he had set
    Rome on fire, he Emperor Nero falsely charged
    with guilt, and punished with the most fearful
    tortures, the persons commonly called Christians,
    who were generally hated for their enormities.
    Christus, the founder of that name, was put to
    death as a criminal by Pontius Pilate, procurator
    of Judea, in the reign of Tiberius, but the
    pernicious superstition - repressed for a time,
    broke out yet again, not only through Judea, -
    where the mischief originated, but through the
    city of Rome also, whither all things horrible
    and disgraceful flow from all quarters, as to a
    common receptacle, and where they are encouraged.
    Accordingly first those were arrested who
    confessed they were Christians next on their
    information, a vast multitude were convicted, not
    so much on the charge of burning the city, as of
    "hating the human race."

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Why is this happening? (Causes of Persectution)
  • Christians were not pagan
  • Christians believed in equality
  • Romans feared slave rebellion
  • Emperors were not worshipped or seen as divine.
  • Rumors and fallacies about Christianity also
    sparked persecutions.
  • Eucharist thought to be cannibalism
  • Idea of brothers/sisters of Christ thought to
    bring about incest.

Effects of Persecution
  • I.UNITY - Created a profound unity among the
    Christians and led to a more organized structure
  • II. MORE CHRISTIANS -Increased the number of
  • People thought that there must be something to
    the faith if these people were willing to die for
  • III. MORE PERSECUTIONS - Frustration grew among
    the oppressors and set off more persecution

  • An underground series of tunnels, chambers and
    tombs dug by Christians to serve as burial
    places, shrines, and places of worship.
  • Many martyrs and Christians were buried within
    these underground cemeteries.

Martyrs of the Church
  • The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the
    Church Tertullian.
  • St. Ignatius (50-107 A.D.) First to use
    Catholic Church eaten by lions
  • St. Justin Martyr (100-165 A.D.)- Great apologist
    of the faith- scourged and beheaded.
  • St. Irenaeus (130-202 A.D.)- Orthodox defender of
    the Faith
  • St. Clement of Rome His letters to the
    Corinthians first evidence of Papal Primacy.

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St. Clement of Rome
  • Third successor of Peter (4th pope)
  • Martyred by Trajan in 110 AD
  • His letter to the Corinthians provides example of
    Papal Primacy. His tone of authority reveals the
    executive position that the Bishop of Rome had
    early on in the Churhc.

Heresy in the Early Church
  • Gnosticism
  • Marcionism (144-400s)
  • Manichaeism (250s 1000s)
  • Montanism (156-200s)
  • Docetism (30s -100)

Apologists-Theyre not sorry
  • Apologetics- The defense of the Faith. Coming
    from the Greek word apologia meaning defense.
  • St. Aristides
  • St. Justin Martyr
  • Tatian
  • Athenagoras
  • St. Thepophilus
  • Minucius Felix
  • Tertullian

  • Gnosticism thought to predate Christianity but
    borrows and copies many rites and figures.
  • Believe that the Spirit is good and matter is
    bad- dualism.
  • Comes from Greek word gnosis meaning knowledge
  • Denied the Incarnation (God Who is good could not
    have taken on a body which is evil. Proved this
    with secret knowledge

  • https//

Gnosticism Continued
  • (114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave
    us, for women are not worthy of life." Jesus
    said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make
    her male, so that she too may become a living
    spirit resembling you males. For every woman who
    will make herself male will enter the kingdom of
    heaven." Gospel of Thomas (Gnostic literature).
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