Yes, we can! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Yes, we can!


Yes, we can! Libraries for South African Schools A project of South Africa Partners – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Yes, we can!

Yes, we can!
  • Libraries for South African Schools
  • A project of South Africa Partners

South Africa 350 Years of Resistance
  • First settlers arrive in 1652 and the process of
    disenfranchising the indigenous population began
  • Violent appropriation of land
  • Laws enacted to segregate and limit access of the
    majority population
  • Land Act
  • Group Areas Act
  • Pass Laws
  • Immorality Act

Apartheid Becomes Law
  • Election of the National Party in 1948
  • Enactment of Apartheid legislation
  • Further segregation and loss of opportunity
  • Bantu Education
  • Repressive Laws i.e. 90 Day Act
  • Imprisonment and banishment of Leaders
  • Years of steady erosion of human rights

Bantu Education
  • There is no place for the Bantu in the
    European community above the level of certain
    forms of labour ... What is the use of teaching
    the Bantu child mathematics when it cannot use it
    in practice? That is quite absurd. Education must
    train people in accordance with their
    opportunities in life, according to the sphere in
    which they live.
  • - Henrik Verwoerd, Minister of Education, 1958

"We shall reject the whole system of Bantu
Education whose aim is to reduce us, mentally and
physically, into 'hewers of wood and drawers of
water'."Soweto Students Representative Council,
Ending Apartheid
  • June 1976 Soweto uprisings ignited new wave of
    activism call to make South Africa
  • International solidarity
  • Divestment and Sanctions
  • Free Mandela Campaign

The Road to Freedom
  • Secret negotiations begin in 1985
  • Nelson Mandela released from prison in 1990
  • First democratic elections held April 1994
  • Nelson Mandela elected president
  • The fourth national election took place in April

The Province of the Eastern Cape
Fort Beaufort Education District
Building the New South Africa
  • After the 1994 elections, South Africa faced the
    challenge of integrating the former White,
    Colored, Indian, and African departments of
  • Provinces that included former homelands had the
    added burden of integrating those departments as
  • The Province of the Eastern Cape, with two
    homelands, integrated 6 separate departments into
    one unified Department of Education

Status of Education in SA
  • The most recent government report
  • of overcrowded schools has fallen from 51
    (1999) to 42 (2006)
  • School electrification has risen from 11,174
    (1996) to 20,713 (2006)
  • Schools without water has dropped from 8,823
    (1996) to 3,152 (2006)
  • Schools without on-site toilets dropped from
    3,265 (1996) to 1,532 (2006)

Status of Education in SA
  • Current areas of debate
  • Mother-tongue instruction when is English
  • Outcomes Based Education how to be successful
    when the tools needed are not available
  • No-fee Schools ensuring these schools are
    centers of excellence
  • Instituting Standards for School Principals
    setting qualifications and course work

South Africa Partners
  • Grew out of Anti-Apartheid movement
  • Strives to build two-way exchanges based on
  • mutual engagement and participation
  • openness to learn from each other
  • mutual respect, trust and open-mindedness
  • Prioritizes partnerships that strengthen
    community, build institutional capacity, and
    foster local leadership

Finding Ways to Support Education Reform
  • Libraries for South African Schools was
    established to
  • Increase access to school libraries and improve
  • Empower teachers with knowledge and skills that
    will enable them to plan and manage effective
    school library systems
  • Provide financial resources to purchase books and
    other materials
  • Stimulate the South African book industry and
    expand the number of childrens books published
    in the country
  • Strengthen advocacy for the strategic importance
    of school libraries.

Libraries for SA Schools
Training of Teacher/Librarians Partnership with
the University of Fort Hare to train
Teacher/Librarians Linking US and South African
schools providing a forum for ongoing contact
and exchange of ideas and strategies Annual
Education Tour to South Africa
Developing Infrastructure Grants to schools to
purchase needed bookshelves, library furniture,
relevant books and resource materials
Promoting Literacy through South African
Childrens Books Ensuring the availability of
appropriate childrens books through the
Masifunde Sonke Let Us Read Together initiative
The Melani School Library Project
  • Cluster of 11 rural primary schools identified by
    the E Cape Dept. of Ed.
  • Project designed in partnership with the Univ. of
    Ft. Hare

The Melani Cluster
  • Melani Cluster schools serve 1636 learners
  • Town of Alice, has a municipal library, but lacks
    the necessary
  • resources to make it
  • fully useful to its patrons

Melani Resource Library
Pilot Project Training Modules
  • Thus far, the Projects
  • curriculum has focused on three
  • main areas
  • Introduction to librarianship
  • Collection development and maintenance
  • Preparation of library materials and stock

Creating New Opportunities
  • In 2004, the IBBY Conference was held in Cape
    Town South Africa
  • Librarians from Cambridge, MA used the
    opportunity to visit the Melani Cluster
  • They raised funds so that 4 of the
    teacher/librarians to attend the conference
  • They advocated for the Melani Cluster to be a
    beneficiary of the IBBY Conference book donation

  • Development of a training curriculum
  • 11 teacher/librarians have received two rounds of
    training in basic library management and
    integration of library materials into the
  • Teachers and librarians have received over 2500
    books as well as small grants to purchase
    additional books, shelving and other supplies

Future of the LSAS Project
  • Have identified cluster schools in two additional
    education districts
  • Also envision sustainable sister-school
    partnerships between U.S. and S.African schools

Masifunde Sonke Let Us Read Together
  • Making leading South African childrens books
    available in the U.S.
  • With each purchase, a second book is donated to
    an under-resourced school in South Africa

Establishing a Culture of Reading
  • Response to lack of library resources in LSAS
    Project schools
  • 30 childrens books written by South African
    authors and published in South Africa
  • For every book that is purchased from the
    Masifunde Sonke Project in the US, another copy
    is donated to an under-resourced school in South

Masifunde Sonke House Parties
  • House parties in U.S. generate sales of South
    African published books.

SA Partners Education Tour
  • Out of the experience of an extraordinary human
    disaster that lasted too long, must be born a
    society of which all humanity will be proud.
    Nelson Mandela at his inauguration as President,
    May 10, 1994
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