Title: Indistar
1Indistar State Administration Level Overview
2State Administration page
3School District work submissionsSubmitted
Reports and Coaching Critiques/State Feedbacks
4School District work submissionshow to view
submitted Reports
To view pdf links connected to submitted forms
and/or plans from a school or districts
- Choose school year
- Select School Information
- Keep display all districts or choose one
- Choose school group
- Click on Submitted Reports
To view submitted reports for Districts
- Choose school year
- Select District Information
- Keep display all districts or choose one
- Click on Submitted Reports
5Submitted reports
State Administrators can view all submitted
reports (supplemental forms and improvement
plans) when the school or district clicks the
corresponding SUBMIT button on their
All date links are pdf files of the plan and/or
6Critiques and Feedbacks
Following the same instructions as when viewing
submitted reports, a state administrator could
additionally click on the Critique/Feedback
button to see previous submitted feedback. As
coaches and state administrators complete and
send critiques/feedbacks to their schools and
districts, pdf copies are housed on the admin
page for future review
7Recent Activity
To monitor activity as schools and districts
engage in the Indistar process, state
administrators can review the Progress, as well
as Login Activity.
Login Activity Review login activity by specific
time spans
School/District Progress Displays date of most
recent updates/additions
8School Activity Report
Monitor progress of your schools within a
specific date range ?
9Informational reports
10Informational Reports - options
- After choosing a report, state administrators may
select from a variety of choices prior to running
each report. Options include - All reports can be printed or exported to several
different formats, including word, excel, and pdf.
11Drilling Down
Administrators at the state level have ongoing
access to live data and improvement work, simply
by drilling down to the district or school level.
As long as leaders and process managers meet
with their leadership teams on a regular basis
and enter the progress into the Indistar tool,
the state does not have to wait for a submission
to see who is progressing well, and who might
need additional supports.
12Drilling Down what can be viewed
When administrators drill down to a school or
district, they have view-only access to the
13Additional tools
STATE BULLETIN BOARD Create-Send-Monitor-Edit
messages and bulletins to schools, districts, and
Instructions 1. Select the message
recipient(s). 2. Enter a "Start Date" and
"Expiration Date". 3. Enter the sender's name
in the "From" box. 4. Create the message in
the box provided and hit "Send" or
"Cancel". 5. Once the message is sent it will
post in the sent messages. NOTE Expired
messages will not appear in the "sent" list or
your recipient's received messages