Building a World Class HR Discipline - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Building a World Class HR Discipline


A. Revival - The changing of individuals so they are brought under the lordship of Jesus Christ through repentance and faith in Jesus. B. Reformation - The changing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Building a World Class HR Discipline

Transforming our City and beyond by igniting a
Kingdom Movement of Young Disciplemakers
  • Target Believers
  • Outcome
  • Youth who REVEAL the character of Jesus.
  • Milestones
  • Complete Foundations
  • Attend igniteSUNDAY
  • Attend Victory Weekend
  • Measures
  • No in igniteFOUNDATIONS
  • No at igniteCONNECT
  • No at igniteSUNDAY
  • No at Victory Weekend
  • Ministries
  • igniteCONNECT
  • igniteSUNDAY
  • igniteVICTORY
  • Target Seekers
  • Outcome
  • Youth who REPENT and believe in Jesus.
  • Milestones
  • Cultivate relationship
  • Gospel presentations
  • Salvation responses
  • Measures
  • No of relationships
  • No of conversations
  • No of conversions
  • Ministries
  • igniteRELATE
  • igniteFRIDAY
  • Target Workers
  • Outcome
  • Youth who REFLECT the priorities of Jesus.
  • Milestones
  • Identifying gifts
  • Serving the city
  • Serving at events
  • Measures
  • No in gifts workshop
  • No in igniteSERVE
  • No in a portfolio
  • Ministries
  • igniteGIFTS
  • igniteSERVE
  • ignitePORTFOLIO
  • Target Shepherds
  • Outcome
  • Youth who REPRODUCE the life of Jesus.
  • Milestones
  • Attend igniteSHEPHERD
  • Training for Leadership
  • Personal Disciplemaking
  • Measures
  • No at igniteSHEPHERD
  • No of teens sent out
  • Ministries
  • igniteSHEPHERD
  • igniteSEND

igniting a kingdom movement
New Convert Follow Up - Foundations
Ministry Portfolios
Ministry Internships
Spiritual Gifts Workshop
Transforming our city and beyond by igniting a
kingdom movement of young disciplemakers
Steps in our Disciplemaking Process
The Win at Each Level
Lost youth are connected to believers, have heard
the gospel and had the opportunity to embrace
Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
Young believers are grounded in their faith,
participate in activities that lead to spiritual
growth and reflect the character of Jesus.
Growing believers are serving as workers among
other believers and sharing Jesus with lost
Maturing believers are serving as shepherds both
formally and informally among their peers.
igniting a kingdom movement
Transforming our city and beyond by igniting a
kingdom movement of young disciplemakers
Description of a Disciple at Each Commitment Level
1. Seekers have built a significant relationship
with a believer. 2. Seekers have heard the
gospel story and had a chance to embrace Christ's
salvation. 3. Seekers have been counseled for
salvation and have assurance of salvation.
1. New believers have completed the new convert
follow up course. 2. Growing believers are
participating in weekly growth ministries. 3. Mat
uring believers are increasingly revealing the
character of Jesus in their attitudes and actions.
1. Workers are discovering and using their
spiritual gifts. 2. Workers are participating
in service among their peers and in the
community. 3. Workers are reflecting the
priorities for life and ministry seen in Jesus.
1. Youth have learnt the value of serving their
peers. 2. Youth are serving as shepherds within
the youth ministry. 3. Youth are taking the
initiative to make disciples in their sphere of
igniting a kingdom movement
Transforming our city and beyond by igniting a
kingdom movement of young disciplemakers
Steps for Discipleship The Focus of Each Step
1. igniteRELATE Intentional one to one
interactions that leads to trust and
understanding. 2. igniteFRIDAY A weekly fun
event to lead youth into a relationship with
1. igniteFOUNDATIONS A mentoring process to start
new believers in their relationship with
Jesus. 2. igniteCONNECT A regular small group of
youth meeting to experience belonging,
accountability, teaching and equipping. 3.
igniteSUNDAY A weekly worship event to grow youth
in their relationship with God and others. 4.
igniteVICTORY A weekend event where youth are
introduced to the process of personal victory and
freedom in Christ.
1. igniteGIFTS An equipping event to help youth
discover and use their spiritual gifts. 2.
igniteSERVE A monthly event where youth are given
an opportunity to serve the surrounding area. 3.
ignitePORTFOLIO Ongoing opportunities to serve at
ignite events.
1. igniteSHEPHERD A monthly meeting youth are
equipped for shepherding. 2. igniteSEND Releasing
and resourcing shepherds for ministry in their
sphere of influence.
igniting a kingdom movement
Transforming our city and beyond by igniting a
kingdom movement of young disciplemakers
Steps for Discipleship Timing and Delivery
1. igniteRELATE One on one connections throughout
the church and youth ministry, connections at
schools, youth to youth relationships. 2.
igniteFRIDAY Friday night from 700 to 930pm.
1. igniteFOUNDATIONS One on one mentoring
meetings with new converts for six weeks. 2.
igniteCONNECT During the second service on Sunday
mornings. 3. igniteSUNDAY Sunday mornings during
the first service 830 to 10am. 4.
igniteVICTORY Friday and Saturday during the term.
1. igniteGIFTS Periodic events to be organised
during the year. 2. igniteSERVE Monthly Saturday
morning events from 9-12. 3. ignitePORTFOLIO 16
ministry portfolios that youth can serve in at
1. igniteSHEPHERD Monthly events during the
second service on Sunday mornings. 2.
igniteSEND Recognition and releasing of youth
during igniteSUNDAY events.
igniting a kingdom movement
Staff Time Tuesday 1pm to 3pm Friday 9am to
Transforming our city and beyond by igniting a
kingdom movement of young disciplemakers
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