Basic Concepts 3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basic Concepts 3


Basic Concepts 3 Social and Economic Outlook for an Aging Society The Varieties of Aging Experience Stereotypes suggest that age is the great leveler thus, elders ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Basic Concepts 3

Basic Concepts 3
  • Social and Economic Outlook
  • for an Aging Society

The Varieties of Aging Experience
  • Stereotypes suggest that age is the great leveler
    thus, elders are commonly thought to be much
  • However, the opposite is true
  • Old age is seen as a roleless role a status
    with no clearly defined purpose or rules of
  • Older people are often victims of ageism
    stereotyping and discrimination based on age

The Varieties of AgingExperience (cont.)
  • Social Class a key factor influencing the
    experience of old age in all societies
  • Social class is affected by occupation, income,
    property, and education
  • Race and Ethnicity Whites make up roughly 84
    of the U.S. population over age 65
  • But minorities will comprise a significantly
    larger proportion in the future
  • African Americans the largest minority group
    among the aged, comprising 9 of Americans over
    age 65
  • Theyre more likely to experience the crossover
    phenomenon they tend to experience more
    functional impairment, but are less likely to be
    admitted to nursing homes

Gender and Aging
  • In all parts of the world, women comprise the
    majority of the older population
  • The typical rate is for men to die early and for
    women to survive with chronic diseases
  • Physical signs of aging bring more severe
    consequences for women than for men
  • Among women in minority groups, there is a
    pattern of cumulative disadvantage which results
    in less economic security in retirement

Multiple Jeopardy and Economic Well-Being
  • Double jeopardy (or multiple jeopardy) faced by
    older people who are simultaneously members of
    two (or more) disadvantaged groups
  • The poverty rate is higher for older people than
    for any other adult group
  • Regardless of age, the poverty rate among
    minorities is more than twice as high as among
  • Given the sharp differences between men and
    women, Whites and minorities, how should
    universal programs such as Social Security take
    account of such differences?
  • There is also controversy about how to take
    account of womens experience in family roles and
    how these characteristic gender differences
    should influence Social Security

The Economic Status of Older Americans
  • Economic circumstances vary sharply among
    different subgroups in the U.S.
  • Since the early 1980s, the income of older
    people in the U.S. has grown faster than the
    income of younger people
  • Income refers to available money, or its
    equivalent in purchasing power
  • Wealth refers to all economic assets of value,
    regardless of whether they produce cash
  • Both assets and income have a much wider range
    than in other age groups meaning there are more
    extremes of wealth and poverty among the old

Sources of Retirement Income
  • Retirement income policy in the U.S. is sometimes
    called a three-legged stool
  • 1) Social Security, 2) private pensions, and 3)
    individual savings and other assets
  • 9 out of 10 older adults rely on Social Security
    for some portion of their income, and 20 get all
    their income from it
  • Older people have not shared equally in the
    increase in retirement income
  • The disadvantaged poorly educated, minorities,
    and women havent had jobs that allow them to
    collect maximum Social Security benefits or
    private pensions, or accumulate wealth

Changing Financial Outlook
  • Life-cycle model of savings predicts that as
    baby boomers reach later life, they will begin to
    put more money into savings when retirement looms
    on the horizon
  • Older people who live on fixed incomes are
    affected more severely by inflation than other
  • The overall economic position of older Americans
    has improved substantially in the past two
  • However, the stereotype that most older people
    are affluent is mistaken
  • There is enormous variation among subgroups of
    the aging with respect to economic circumstance
  • A large group of older people have been brought
    above the technical poverty line are still poor

Public Policy on Aging
  • When todays elderly were born most before 1935
    the U.S. government gave no special attention
    at all to issues of old age
  • Since the 1970s, the federal budget has gone
    gray, and today over 30 of the total federal
    budget is spent on the aged
  • Until the 20th century, the aged population was
    small, and governments role was very limited
  • The Great Society legislation of the 1960s
    included steps that federalized old-age
    assistance, and passed landmark laws like
    Medicare and Medicaid

The Aging Network
  • Aging Interest Groups during the Great
    Depression, older Americans banded together to
    advocate for their own interests while government
    was expanding social welfare programs
  • The most prominent age-based movement today is
    AARP (1958)
  • Many other groups include the National Council on
    Aging, the Gerontological Society of America, the
    American Society on Aging, and the National
    Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

Trends in Public Policy and Aging
  • Social Security and Medicare have grown rapidly
    because they have been available on the basis of
    age alone, without means testing
  • Federal programs for older people continue to
    enjoy broad political support
  • Programs for older Americans have developed
    incrementally for the most part, making it more
    difficult to see just how much they have grown
    over the years
  • The growth of benefit programs for the aged
    reflects the growth in size of the aging
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