Title: ALU Implementation On XC 4010E/XL FPGA Using VHDL
1ALU Implementation OnXC 4010E/XL FPGAUsing VHDL
by Aman Sareen School of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science Ohio University
2Inputs and Outputs of ALU
- Inputs
- A gt 8 bit word
- B gt 8 bit word
- CI
- OPCOCE gt 4 bit word
- Outputs
- Z gt 8 bit word
3ALU Operations
4Experimental Layout
6Layout on FPGADevice UtilizationTiming
7Complete Picture of whats there in the chip
8Circuit Only
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11Device Utilization Summary
Number of CLBs 212 out of 400 Flops/latches 80
4 input LUTs 385 3 input LUTs 65 Number of
BUFGLSs 3 out of 8 Number of oscillators 1
12Device Utilization by percentage
IOB 35/160 21 used CLB 212/400 53
used BUFGLS 3/8 37 used OSCILLATOR 1/1 100
13Timing Analysis
Average Connection Delay for this design
is 6.057 ns Average Connection Delay on critical
nets is 0.000 ns Average Clock Skew for this
design is 0.118 ns Maximum Pin Delay
is 24.316 ns Average Connection Delay on the
10 Worst Nets is 20.040 ns
14Simulation Results
MODE 0, CI 0 A00111001 B11100011
15Simulation Results
MODE 1, CI 0 A00111001 B11100011
16Simulation Results
MODE 1, CI 1 A00111001 B11100011