Title: Anchor Club
1Anchor Club
January 09, 2013
Welcome back, Anchors! I hope you have had a
great start to the new year and that you are
ready to continue our wonderful year of service!
A lot of progress has been made on our Club of
the Year book! Thanks to all who have brought in
supplies. We are in need of scrap book stickers.
Bring in 5 items for 30 minutes.
This month we are doing Pennies for Patients
starting on the 23rd. The money we raise goes
towards the Fight against Leukemia.
Backyard Blessings Food Drive Benefit kids in
our community. Every 5 items brought in will
count for an hour.
2District Anchor Convention 2011-2012 This years
Alabama District Anchor Convention will be held
in Montgomery on March 23-24 at Embassy Suites on
the River! If you wish to be an officer for the
2013-2014 school year then you must attend
convention! We would like as many girls to
participate as possible.
Let your Anchor Spirit Shine
Diaper Drive for Salvation Army 1 pack of diapers
and 1 pack of wipes will count for an hour.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received
to serve others, faithfully administering Gods
grace in its various forms. -1 Peter 410