Title: Message-Based Communications for Pipeline SCADA
1Message-Based Communications for Pipeline SCADA
Stephen Koenig, P.E.
Smarter Infrastructure for Oil and
Gas December 3, 2013 Houston, TX
source http//www.epa.gov/gasstar/images/newsroom
2(No Transcript)
3source http//www.welkereng.com/wfms/portfolio/im
4Data stored in the Corporate Accounting System
Data calculated by meter station Flow Computer
Sensor Data
Data stored in the meter station Flow Computer
source http//www.transport4.com/PublicSite/t4pub
5Messaging - Basic Concepts
- Multiple data sources (publishers) send messages
to multiple data destinations (subscribers) - Destinations subscribe by topic
- Payload can be anything text, binary, fixed
fields, etc up to 250Mbytes in size - Broker supports multiple delivery options (QoS)
6Automation to SupportPipeline Operations
Tank Gauging System
Flow Computer
Remote Terminal Unit
Comm Processor
Satellite Link to Control Center
7(No Transcript)
8source http//www.northerngateway.ca/assets/498x2
9source API RP 1165 Recommended Practice for
SCADA Displays
10Traditional Approach to SCADA Poll/Response
- Host RTUs are serial devices typically
Programmable Logic Controllers - Round Robin polling
- Data format optimized for mininimum overhead
11Problems with Poll/Response systems
- Host owns communications link
- Dedicated circuits are too expensive
- Alarm latency increases with RTU count
12Evolution to Message-Based Communications Step 1
13Evolution to Message-Based Communications Step 2
14Evolution to Message-Based Communications Step 3
15Evolution to Message-Based Communications Step 4
16Challenges in Use of Message-BasedCommunications
- Controls limited life in system
- Stale Data replace poll/response functionality
in event-driven system - Security
- Flexible architecture may result in new
vulnerabilities - Message-based system must be as secure as
traditional poll/response - Need for continuous improvement
17Benefits of Message-Based Approach to SCADA
- Topic/Payload Message Structure
- IP Routing
- Intelligent Front-End Processor
- Many-to-Many Architecture
18Benefits - Topic/Payload Message Structure
- Wildcard subscriptions
- Support for multiple applications on one message
broker - Use of version number in topic
- Facilitate prototype and test of new clients
- Allows site-by-site migration strategy
19Benefits IP Routing Scalability
20Benefits IP Routing -- Redundancy Reducing the
Impact of Failure
Broker1 Broker2 Broker3 Broker4
- Provisions for broker equipment failure
- Provisions for loss of primary communications
link backup link
21Benefits Intelligent Front-End Processor
Broker1 Broker2 Broker3 Broker4
- Adapt Serial Devices to IP/VSAT
- Move polling/response to field
- Ability to handle multiple RTU protocols
- Local intelligence can supplement or enhance
control system
22Benefits Many-to-Many Architecture
- Significantly reduced project schedules
- Off-line systems receive live data for testing
23Future Opportunities for Message-Based SCADA
Systems(from a 2005 perspective)
- Flight Simulator for pipeline Controllers
- Interface to business systems
- Real-time meter ticket transactions to shippers
and other carriers business systems - Distributed SCADA