Title: Aged Care Modeling Project Info Sheet
1University of Wollongong
Development of a domain information model for
aged community care using HL7 V3 methods
Assoc. Prof. Jeffrey Soar, Prof. Peter Croll, Dr
Michael Legg, APAI student Isobel Frean,
Initiative for e-Health, School of IT and
Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, The
University of Wollongong
- Project Background Aims
- This research reflects an unique opportunity for
a collaborative effort between three leading aged
and community care industry partners and the
University of Wollongong. - The aim of this collaboration is to develop a
conceptual information model - That reflects the domain specific needs of
consumers and the work practices of providers of
care to older people - That acknowledges the unique cultural, social and
professional attributes of this growth sector - That can be used to validate and/or inform the
objectives of the Federal Governments Health
Online framework and associated standards
Approach and training Methodology This research
relates to the fields of health informatics, aged
and community care (long term, collaborative,
multidisciplinary, continuity of care) and
business process re-engineering. There are three
aspects to the research Health Level 7
V3 HL7 is an established international standard
for messaging between systems in health care.
Versions 2.3, 2.3.1 and 2.4 of the HL7 messaging
standard are in wide use throughout Australia.
HL7 is developing a new generation of
interoperability standards (version 3) which is
based on an object oriented model called the
Reference Information Model (RIM). This brings
the promise of plug and play communications
between systems with XML messages that are
consistent in syntax and semantics across health
domains. This research will aim to demonstrate
that it is possible to use the HL7 RIM classes to
model the aged and community care domain. This
will be done using object oriented modeling
techniques, typically Unified Modeling Language
(UML). UML is independent of any software
language. The model and associated findings will
be communicated to industry stakeholders and
standards developers in Australia and overseas,
with the objective of ensuring that the unique
needs of users and providers of care in this
domain are reflected in emerging standards and in
the way in which technology is used to support
quality care.
Aspect Three Implications of model for
standards development
- Significance and innovation
- There is limited capacity for the secure
exchange of health and care related data within
aged and community care provider organisations or
between such organisations and other providers - A domain information model that conforms to
national and international standards for exchange
of data will provide a framework that will ensure
the sector can effectively generate and read
electronic healthcare records - The research will demonstrate it is possible to
use the Health Level 7 (HL7) Reference
Information Model (RIM) for modelling the aged
and community care domain
Supported by an Australian Research Council
Linkage Grant 2003
- Industry Partners
- Illawarra Retirement Trust www.irt.org.au
Phone (02) 4251 3800 - Our Lady of Consolation Aged Care Services
www.oloc.com.au Phone (02) 9625 2457 - Southern Cross Homes Inc (NSW) www.sch.org.au
Phone (02) 9632 3144