Title: MIST 4600 Computer Programming in Business
1MIST 4600 Computer Programming in Business
2Project Identification and Selection
The Systems Design Life Cycle
Project Initiation and Planning
Requirements Determination Logical Design
User Interface Design
Physical Design (Choices of HW/SW, etc.)
Implementation -- Coding and Testing
3Project Identification and Selection
The Systems Design Life Cycle
Project Initiation and Planning
Interface Design Conversion Coding Documentation
Testing Training Support
Requirements Determination Logical Design
User Interface Design
Physical Design (Choices of HW/SW, etc.)
Implementation -- Coding and Testing
4Steps in Program Development
- Define the Problem (What exactly is this program
supposed to do? What are the inputs, the
outputs?) - Outline the Solution (How can it be done? How
generate the outputs from the inputs? What major
Steps?) - Design the User Interface (What will the User
See, Input?) - Develop Algorithms for the key events
(pseudo-code logic for each action object on the
interface) - For each key event, Write Code and Test for
Correctness - Test the overall program
- Document and Maintain the Program
5Six Basic Computer Operations
- A computer can receive data (INPUT, READ)
- It can store information in memory
- It can put out information (DISPLAY, PRINT)
- It can perform arithmetic (ADD etc.) and assign a
value to a piece of data (X Y Z) - It can compare two values and select one of two
alternative actions (IF/THEN/ELSE) - It can repeat a group of actions (DO WHILE)
6Filing Cabinet (Customer Account Balances)
Computer Memory
Customer ID
Amount of Withdrawal
Current Balance
Old Balance
Customer ID Balance 1111 1000.00 2222 100.00 333
3 10.00 4444 1.00
Input Values Find That Customer Check
Balance Dispense Cash Update Balance Display
Withdrawal Old Balance New Balance
Customer ID Desired Withdrawal
9ATM Withdrawal Process Get customer ID and
withdrawal amount desired. Find that customer
in the current balances filing cabinet. Get
current balance If withdrawal amount gt
current balance Display Message Insufficient
Funds Else Dispense Cash Set old balance
current balance Calculate current balance
current balance - withdrawal amount Replace
current balance in current balances filing
cabinet. Display withdrawal amount, old
balance, current balance END.