Chapter 14: Sorting and Searching - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 14: Sorting and Searching


Chapter 14: Sorting and Searching – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 14: Sorting and Searching

Chapter 14 Sorting and Searching
Ordering lists
  • To order a list, there must be an order on the
    element class.
  • Well assume
  • There is an int method compare defined for the
    class whose instances we want to order.
  • Example to order a ListltStudentgt need

public int compare (Student first, Student second)
  • Thus if s1 and s2 are Student objects,
  • if compare(s1,s2)lt 0, s1 comes before s2.
  • if compare(s1,s2)gt 0, s2 comes before s1.
  • if compare(s1,s2) 0, does not matter which
    comes first, s1 and s2 are equivalent w.r.t the

Ordering lists
  • Ordering alphabetically by name, compare(s1,s2)
    is negative if s1s name preceded s2s name
    alphabetically, positive if s2s name preceded
    s1s name , and zero if if s1s and s2s name are
  • Ordering by decreasing grade, compare(s1,s2) is
    negative if s1s grade was greater than s2s,
    positive if s1s grade was smaller than s2s and
    zero if the grades are identical.

Order properties
  • We write
  • s1 lt s2 when compare(s1,s2) lt 0
  • An ordering is antisymmetric it cannot be the
    case that both s1 lt s2 and s2 lt s1.
  • An ordering is transitive. That is, if s1 lt s2
    and s2 lt s3 for objects s1, s2, and s3, then s1
    lt s3.
  • If s1.equals(s2) then compare(s1, s2) 0

Ordered list
  • A list is ordered
  • s1 lt s2, then s1 comes before s2 on the list

for all indexes i, j compare(list.get(i),list.
get(j)) lt 0 implies i lt j.
  • Or

for all indexes i and j, i lt j impliescompare(lis
t.get(j),list.get(i))lt 0
Selection Sort
  • Design
  • Find the smallest element in the list, and put it
    in as first.
  • Find the second smallest and put it as second,

Selection Sort
  • Find the smallest.
  • Interchange it with the first.
  • Find the next smallest.
  • Interchange it with the second.

Selection Sort
  • Find the next smallest.
  • Interchange it with the third.
  • Find the next smallest.
  • Interchange it with the fourth.

Selection sort
  • To interchange items, we must store one of the
    variables temporarily.
  • While making list.get(0) refer to list.get(2),
    loose reference to original entry referenced
    by list.get(0).

Selection sort algorithm
/ Sort the specified ListltStudentgt using
selection sort. _at_ensure for all indexes
i, j compare(list.get(i),list.get(j)) lt 0
implies i lt j. / public void sort
(ListltStudentgt list) int first // index of
first element int last // index of last
element int small last list.size() -
1 first 0 while (first lt last) small
smallestOf(list,first,last) interchange(list,fi
rst,small) first first1
Selection sort algorithm
/ Index of the smallest of
list.get(first) through list.get(last) / private
int smallestOf (ListltStudentgt list,int first,
int last) int next //
index of next element to examine. int
small // index of smallest of //
get(first)..get(next-1) small first next
first1 while (next lt last) if
(compare(list.get(next), list.get(small)) lt 0 )
small next next next1 return
Selection sort algorithm
/ Interchange list.get(i) and list.get(j)
require 0 lt i lt list.size() 0 lt j lt
list.size() ensure list.old.get(i).equal
s(list.get(j)) list.old.get(j).equals(list.
get(i)) / private void interchange
(ListltStudentgt list,
int i, int j) Student temp
list.get(i) list.set(i, list.get(j)) list.set(
j, temp)
Analysis of Selection sort
  • If there are n elements in the list, the outer
    loop is performed n-1 times. The inner loop is
    performed n-first times. i.e. time 1, n-1 times
    time2, n-2 times timen-2, 1 times.
  • (n-1)x(n-first) (n-1)(n-2)21 (n2-n)/2
  • As n increases, the time to sort the list goes up
    by this factor (order n2).

Bubble sort
  • Make a pass through the list comparing pairs of
    adjacent elements.
  • If the pair is not properly ordered, interchange
  • At the end of the first pass, the last element
    will be in its proper place.
  • Continue making passes through the list until all
    the elements are in place.

Pass 1
Pass 2
Pass 3
Pass 4
Bubble sort algorithm
// Sort specified ListltStudentgt using bubble
sort. public void sort (ListltStudentgt list)
int last// index of last element to position on
pass last list.size() - 1 while (last gt 0)
makePassTo(list, last) last last-1
// Make a pass through the list, bubbling an
element // to position last. private void
makePassTo (ListltStudentgt list, int last) int
next // index of next pair to examine. next
0 while (next lt last) if
(compare(list.get(next1), list.get(next)) lt 0
) interchange(list, next, next1) next
Fine-tuning bubble sort algorithm
  • Making pass through list no elements interchanged
    then the list is ordered.
  • If list is ordered or nearly so to start with,
    can complete sort in fewer than n-1 passes.
  • With mostly ordered lists, keep track of whether
    or not any elements have been interchanged in a

Generalizing the sort methods
  • Sorting algorithms are independent of
  • the method compare, as long as it satisfies
    ordering requirements.
  • The elements in the list being sorted.

Generalizing the sort methods
  • Want to generalize the sort to ListltElementgt
    instances with the following

public ltElementgt void selectionSort
( ListltElementgt list, OrderltElementgt order)
  • Thus
  • Need to learn about generic methods.
  • Need to make the inOrder method part of a class.

Generic methods
  • Can define a method with types as parameters.
  • Method type parameters are enclosed in angles and
    appear before the return type in the method

Method type parameter
public ltElementgt void swap (ListltElementgt
list, int i, int j) Element temp
list.get(i) list.set(i,list.get(j)) list.set(j
  • swap is now a generic method it can swap to list
    entries of any given type.

Generic swap
  • When swap is invoked, first argument will be a
    List of some type of element, and local variable
    temp will be of that type.
  • No special syntax required to invoke a generic
  • When swap is invoked, the type to be used for the
    type parameter is inferred from the arguments.

Generic swap
  • For example, if roll is a ListltStudentgt,
  • ListltStudentgt roll
  • And the method swap is invoked as
  • swap(roll,0,1)
  • Type parameter Element is Student, inferred from
  • The local variable temp will be of type Student.

Generic sorts
  • Define methods in a sort utility class, as
    generic methods.

public class ListUtilities public static
ltElementgt void selectionSort(ListltElementgt
list) public static ltElementgt void
bubbleSort(ListltElementgt list)
  • Since each sort is generic, need to provide the
    sort methods with the compare method to use when
    comparing elements.
  • Cant give compare as an argument to the sort
  • But we can give it an object containing compare.

compare as function object
  • Wrap up method compare in an object to pass it
    as an argument to sort.

/ An ordering on the class Element. The
ordering is transitive and antisymmetric
/ public interface ComparatorltElementgt /
Whether or not e1 precedes e2 in the
ordering. Returns a negative integer if e1
precedes e2, a positive integer if e2
precedes e1, zero / int compare (Element
e1, Element e2)
compare as function object
  • Can define sort to have both a list and an order
    as arguments.

/ An ordering on the class Element. The
ordering is transitive and antisymmetric
/ public static ltElementgt void selectionSort (
ListltElementgt list,
ComparatorltElementgt order)
  • The order can then be passed to auxiliary methods

private static ltElementgt int smallestOf (
ListltElementgt list, int first, int last,
ComparatorltElementgt order) int next int
small small first next first1 while
(next lt last) if (
list.get(next),list.get(small)) lt 0) small
next next next1 return small
Implementing Comparator interface
  • To sort a list of Student by grade, define a
    class (GradeOrder) implementing the interface,
    and then instantiated the class to obtain the
    required object.

//Order Students by decreasing finalGrade class
GradeOrder implements ComparatorltStudentgt
public int compare(Student s1, Student s2)
return s1.finalGrade() - s2.finalGrade()
  • There is no need of constructor, as there is no
    data to initialize.
  • With roll an instance of DefaultListltStudentgt

ListUtilities.selectionSort(roll, new
Anonymous classes
  • Define the class and instantiate it in one
  • For example,

new ComparatorltStudentgt() int compare(Student
s1, Student s2) return s1.finalGrade() -
  • This expression
  • defines an anonymous class implementing interface
    ComparatorltStudentgt, and
  • creates an instance of the class.
  • Can use above as the Comparator argument to a

Sorting a roll by grade
  • If roll is a ListltStudentgt, to sort it invoke

ListUtilities.selectionSort(roll, new
  • Or, using anonymous classes

ListUtilities.selectionSort(roll, new
OrderltStudentgt() int compare(Student s1,
Student s2) return s1.finalGrade() -
s2.finalGrade() )
Sorts as generic objects
  • wrap sort algorithm and ordering in the same
  • Define interface Sorter

//A sorter for a ListltElementgt. public interface
SorterltElementgt //e1 precedes e2 in the sort
ordering. public int compare (Element e1,
Element e2) //Sort specified ListltElementgt
according to // public void
sort (ListltElementgt list)
Sorts as generic objects
  • Provide specific sort algorithms in abstract
    classes, leaving the ordering abstract.

public abstract class SelectionSorterltElementgt
implements SorterltElementgt // Sort specified
ListltElementgt using selection sort. public void
sort (ListltElementgt list)
Selection sort algorithm
  • To create a concrete Sorter, we extend the
    abstract class and furnish the order

class GradeSorter extends SelectionSorterltStudentgt
public int compare (Student s1, Student
s2) return s2.finalGrade() s1.finalGrade()

Sorts as generic objects
  • Instantiate the class to get an object that can

GradeSorter gradeSorter new GradeSorter() grade
  • Using an anonymous class,

SelectionSorterltStudentgt gradeSorter new
SelectionSorterltStudentgt() public int compare
(Student s1, Student s2) return
s2.finalGrade() s1.finalGrade()
Interface java.util.Comparator
  • The package java.util defines the interface
    ComparatorltTypegt that is the same as the
    Comparator interface we introduced.

Interface Comparable the natural order
  • Package java.lang defines interface
    ComparableltTypegt that imposes an order on any
    class that implements it.
  • When implementing ComparableltTypegt implementing
    class is written as the type argument for

public class PlayingCard implements
  • Comparable specifies only one method

public int compareTo (Type other)
Interface Comparable the natural order
  • It defines an ordering in the way that compare
  • if e1.compareTo(e2) lt 0, then e1 precedes e2 in
    the order
  • if e1.compareTo(e2) gt 0, then e2 precedes e1 in
    the order
  • if e1.compareTo(e2) 0, then e1 and e2 are
    equivalent with respect to the order.
  • compareTo is required to satisfy same properties
    as those required for compare. (reflexive,
    anti-symmetric, transitive)

Interface Comparable the natural order
  • Comparables natural order should be consistent
    with equals

e1.compareTo(e2) if and only if e1.equals(e2)
  • Use Comparable when defining a class that has a
    fixed, intrinsic order.
  • Comparators can be used to define multiple
    orderings on an existing class.
  • Do not override compareTo.

Interface Comparable the natural order
  • Redefine the class PlayingCard specifying that it
    implements Comparable.
  • This natural ordering must be consistent with
    equals if two playing cards with same rank and
    suit are equivalent with respect to the natural
    ordering, they must be equal.

public class PlayingCard implements
ComparableltPlayingCardgt public
boolean equals (Object other) if (other
instanceof PlayingCard) return this.rank
((PlayingCard)other).rank this.suit
((PlayingCard)other).suit else return
false public int compareTo (PlayingCard
other) if (this.equals(other)) return
0 else if ((this.rank lt other.rank)
(this.rank other.rank this.suit lt
other.suit)) return -1 else return 1
Ordered Lists
  • Typically need to maintain lists in specific
  • We treat ordered and unordered lists in different
  • may add an element to the end of an unordered
    list but want to put the element in the right
    place when adding to an ordered list.
  • Interface OrderedList ( does not extend List)
  • public interface OrderedListltElementgt
  • A finite ordered list.

Ordered Lists
  • OrderedList shares features from List, but does
    not include those that may break the ordering,
    such as
  • public void add(int index, Element element)
  • public void set( ListltElementgt element, int i,
    int j)
  • A Comparator is provided when an OrderedList is
  • OrderedList invariant
  • ordering() returns the order used by the class.
  • for all indexes i, jordering().compare(get(i),get
    (j)) lt 0 implies i lt j.
  • OrderedList add method is specified as
  • public void add (Element element)
  • Add the specified element to the proper place in
    this OrderedList.

Binary Search
  • Assumes an ordered list.
  • Look for an item in a list by first looking at
    the middle element of the list.
  • Eliminate half the list.
  • Repeat the process.

Binary Search for 42
list.get(7) lt 42 No need to look below 8
list.get(11) gt 42 No need to look above 10
list.get(9)lt42 No need to look below 10
Down to one element, at position 10 this isnt
what were looking for, so we can conclude that
42 is not in the list.
Generic search method itemIndex
private ltElementgt int itemIndex (Element item,
ListltElementgt list, ComparatorltElementgt
order) Place for item on list found using binary
search. require list is sorted according
to order. ensure 0 lt result result lt
list.size() for all indexes i i lt result
implies order.inOrder(list.get(i),item)lt
0 for all indexes i i gt result implies
!order.inOrder(list.get(i),item) gt 0
  • It returns an index such that
  • all elements prior to that index are smaller than
    item searched for, and
  • all of items from the index to end of list are

Implementation of itemIndex
private ltElementgt int itemIndex (Element item,
ListltElementgt list, ComparatorltElementgt order)
int low // the lowest index being
examined int high // the highest index
begin examined // for all indexes i // i
lt low gt,item) lt 0 //
for all indexes i // i gt high gt,item) gt 0 int mid//
middle item between low and high. low 0 high
list.size() - 1 while (low lt high)
mid (lowhigh)/2 if (
mid),item) lt 0) low mid1 else
high mid-1 return low
Searching for 42 in
Searching for 42
42 is not found using itemIndex algorithm
Searching for 12
Searching for 12
12 found in list at index 3
indexOf using binary search
  • /
  • Uses binary search to find where and if an
    element is
  • in a list.
  • require item ! null
  • ensure
  • if item no element of list,indexOf(item,lis
    t) -1
  • else item list.get(indexOf(item, list)),
  • and indexOf(item, list) is smallest value for
  • this is true
  • /
  • public ltElementgt int indexOf (Element item,
  • ListltElementgt list, ComparatorltElementgt
  • int i itemIndex(item, list, order)
  • if (i lt list.size() list.get(i).equals(item))
  • return i
  • else
  • return -1

Recall sequential (linear) search
  • public int indexOf (Element element)
  • int i 0 // index of next element to examine
  • while (i lt this.size()
  • i i1
  • if (i lt this.size())
  • return i
  • else
  • return -1

Relative algorithm efficiency
  • Number of steps required by the algorithm with a
    list of length n grows in proportion to
  • Selection sort n2
  • Bubble sort n2
  • Linear search n
  • Binary search log2n

Extra Slides Loop Invariant
Loop invariant
  • Loop invariant condition that remains true as
    we repeatedly execute loop body it captures the
    fundamental intent in iteration.
  • Partial correctness assertion that loop is
    correct if it terminates.
  • Total correctness assertion that loop is both
    partially correct, and terminates.

Loop invariant
  • loop invariant
  • it is true at the start of execution of a loop
  • remains true no matter how many times loop body
    is executed.

Correctness of itemIndex algorithm
  • private ltElementgt int itemIndex (Element
    item, ListltElementgt list, OrderltElementgt order)
  • int low 0
  • int high list.size() - 1
  • while (low lt high)
  • mid (lowhigh)/2
  • if (order.inOrder(list.get(mid),item))
  • low mid1
  • else
  • high mid-1
  • return low

Key invariant
  • Purpose of method is to find index of first list
    element greater than or equal to a specified
  • Since method returns value of variable low, we
    want low to satisfy this condition when the loop

for all indexes i i lt low implies order.inOrder(
list.get(i),item) for all indexes i i gt low
implies !order.inOrder(list.get(i),item)
Key invariant
  • This holds true at all four key places (a, b, c,
  • Its vacuously true for indexes less than low or
    greater than high (a)
  • We assume it holds after merely testing the
    condition (b) and (d)
  • If condition holds before executing the if
    statement and list is sorted in ascending order,
    it will remain true after executing the if
    statement (condition c).

Key invariant
  • We are guaranteed that
  • for 0 lt i lt mid
  • order.inOrder(list.get(i), item)
  • After the assignment, low equals mid1 and so
  • for 0 lt i lt low
  • order.inOrder( list.get(i), item)
  • This is true before the loop body is done
  • for high lt i lt list.size(
  • !order.inOrder( list.get(i), item)

Partial correctness
  • If loop body is not executed at all, and point
    (d) is reached with low 0 and high -1.
  • If the loop body is performed, at line 6, low lt
    mid lt high.
  • low lt high becomes false only if
  • mid high and low is set to mid 1 or
  • low mid and high is set to mid - 1
  • In each case, low high 1 when loop is

Partial correctness
  • The following conditions are satisfied on loop
  • low high1
  • for all indexes i i lt low implies
  • order.inOrder(list.get(i),item)
  • for all indexes i i gt high implies
  • !order.inOrder(list.get(i),item)
  • which imply
  • for all indexes i i lt low implies
  • order.inOrder(list.get(i),item)
  • for all indexes i i gt low implies
  • !order.inOrder(list.get(i),item)

Loop termination
  • When the loop is executed, mid will be set to a
    value between high and low.
  • The if statement will either cause low to
    increase or high to decrease.
  • This can happen only a finite number of times
    before low becomes larger than high.
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