Administrative Law (bilingual ) Dr. He Chen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Administrative Law (bilingual ) Dr. He Chen


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Administrative Law (bilingual ) Dr. He Chen

Administrative Law(bilingual )Dr. He
Chapter 1 Introduction
  • Basic Terms
  • Basic Principles of Administrative Law
  • Sources of Administrative Law
  • Development of Administrative Law

1.1 Basic Terms
  • 1.1.1 Administration
  • Instead of general administration, the
    administration in administrative law refers to
    public administration, that is, the organizing
    and management of public affairs by state organ.
  • Administration is the organizing agency of the

  • The goal of public administration is to realize
    public interests, to maintain public order and to
    enhance public welfare.
  • Therefore, the state administrative organization
    enjoys certain privileges and can adopt the
    measures that are exclusive to common organizing
    and managing practice.

  • For example
  • Order an enterprise to perform certain duty
  • Give punishment to those who violates the order

  • Administration Constitutionalism
  • Constitutionalism has 3 main points
  • The division of functions in state organs (checks
  • Protection of civil rights
  • Limitation of governments power

  • The state organs which is organized by popularly
    elected representatives is the supreme organ of
    state power (legislation organ).
  • The will of the public is embodied through the
    laying down of the law and the government is
    under the law. (rule of law)
  • The public administration after the division of
    function has the feature of subordination (all
    administrative practice is subject to the law).

  • That we here highly resolve that these dead
    shall not have died in vain that this nation
    shall have a new birth of freedom and that this
    government of the people, by the people, for the
    people, shall not perish from the earth.
  • Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln, 1863

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  • 1.1.2 Executive Power
  • The rights possessed by state administrative
    organs to execute legal norm and administrative
  • In modern society, executive power has quite
    broad content, including administrative
    legislation, administrative enforcement of law,
    administrative judicature, etc..

  • Compared with other state power, executive power
    has the characteristics of initiative(???),
    universality(???) and discretion(?????).
  • Compared with the rights of individuals and other
    organizations , it is compulsory(???),
    unilateral(???) and privileged(???).

  • The duality of executive power
  • On the one hand, it plays a positive role in the
    maintenance of social order
  • On the other hand, it would play a negative or
    even destructive role without certain
    restrictions based on principles and procedures.

  • Case study violent remove

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  • The power free of restriction and control
    certainly will lead to corruption.

  • Executive power Civil rights
  • Civil rights refers to citizens autonomy,
    interests, freedom and capacity.
  • It includes political rights and freedom,
    religious freedom, personal freedom, social and
    economical rights, the right of education, the
    right of accusation, and the right of suit, etc..

  • Executive power, origins from civil rights, is a
    kind of special transformation mode of civil
  • Citizens own organ of power is created by their
    election and then divides executive power from
    uniform state power, then government is formed to
    execute this power.

  • 1.1.3 Administrative Relation
  • Social relation which occurs in the course of the
    execution of executive power by administrative

  • Includes
  • The administrative management relation between
    administrative organs and citizens, legal persons
    or other organizations.
  • The functions and powers relation between
    administrative organs and the administrative post
    relation between administrative organs and their
    staff members.
  • The supervisory administrative relation between
    administrative organs and other state organs,
    social organization and individuals.

  • 1.1.4 Administrative Law
  • Is sum total legal norms on the adjustment of
    administrative relation.
  • How to understand?

  • The goal of administrative law is to realize
    administration by law in order to validate the
    administrative legal order that with the
    peoples interests and will.
  • Administrative law is the law to regulate
    administrative organization and executive power,
    and it is also the law to remedy the aftermath of
    the exercise of executive power.

  • 1.1.5 Classification of Administrative Law
  • Firstly, norms on administrative organizations
  • Secondly, norms of conduct, which are the
    broadest, the most numerous, and the most
  • Thirdly, norms on the supervision to

  • 1.1.6 Features of Administrative Law
  • Formal features
  • A) There is no uniform and integrated code for
    administrative law.
  • Broad field of society complex content high
    technicality difficult to make an all-inclusive
    and uniform administrative code.

  • B) The number of the legal forms, legal form and
    legal document that are essential for the
    existence of administrative legal norms are all
    specially large.
  • Administrative law belongs to multilevel
    legislation, so both authorized state power
    organs and authorized administrative organs can
    make the law.
  • It is different from civil law, criminal law and
    etc., which are usually made by supreme state
    power organ.

  • Features in content
  • A) administrative law possesses quite broad
  • It is not only confined to traditional public
    security, military, tax affairs, diplomacy, but
    also includes business, food, sanitation, health
    care, environment, labor service and social
    welfare, etc..

  • B) administrative legal norms that appear as
    administrative rules and regulations are mutable
    and less stable.
  • Administrative activities are adapted to social

  • C) the substantive norms and procedural norms are
    usually interlaced with each other and coexist
    within one legal document.
  • In administrative relations, for the requirement
    of equity, science and efficiency, it is
    necessary for the state to prescribe certain
    procedures for administrative organs in the
    enforcement of authority.

1.2 Basic Principles of Administrative Law
  • The basic principles of administrative law are
    the fundamental rules that direct and regulate
    the legislation and implementation of
    administrative law, the enforcement of
    administrative act and the treatment of
    administrative disputes.
  • They are the guideline that reflect the basic
    values of administrative law and run through the
    concrete regulations of administrative law but
    higher than the concrete regulations.

  • 1.2.1 Responsibility of administration principle
  • It is the basic requirement to realize the
    administration ruled by law and is the foundation
    of administrative law.

  • the meanings
  • Responsible administration means that state
    administrative organs shall be responsible for
    their administrative activities.
  • If administrative activities can arbitrarily make
    influence and need not to undertake
    responsibilities, the interests of citizens and
    social organizations will be greatly threatened
    and the whole society will be endangered.

  • the content
  • There shall be responsibility where there are
    administrative activities.
  • Requires definite subject.
  • Requires the establishment of the legal system of
    responsibility, such as administrative litigation
    system, reconsideration system, and compensation

  • 1.2.2 Lawfulness of administration principle
  • the meanings
  • It means that administrative organs shall abide
    by the law.
  • The law regulates the authority limit, methods
    and measures of administrative organs activities.

  • What does the term law mean?
  • It can be understood either in broad or in a
    narrow sense.
  • Now it not only refers to the law made by organs
    of state power (congress), but also includes the
    law made pursuant to authorization under the
    presupposition that these administrative
    regulations do not at variance with the law.

  • the content
  • Administrative activities can only be conducted
    in a legal scope
  • Administrative acts must be in accordance with
    the law, including certain fact, legal authority,
    and legal procedures.

  • Case study entrapment in Shanghai
  • Entrapment claimed in seizure of 'black
    cab',17th Oct, 2009, Shanghai Daily

  • A Shanghai company said yesterday that one of its
    drivers was entrapped by traffic authorities
    investigating illegal cabs.
  • Similar allegations have been raised by other
    drivers who claim the traffic watchdog, which is
    in the midst of a two-year crackdown that has
    generated millions of yuan in fines, used bounty
    hunters to manufacture false evidence.
  • In the latest incident, the driver was so
    disturbed about the allegation that he cut off
    part of a finger in a misguided attempt to prove
    his innocence.
  • The company said Sun was innocent and claimed the
    19-year-old was set up by the traffic team on a
    charge of operating an unlicensed cab after he
    picked up a pedestrian who asked for a lift.

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  • 1.2.3 Reasonableness of administration principle
  • the meanings
  • It means that the content of administrative acts
    shall accord with legal rationales such as being
    objective, within certain limits, and being fair
    and just.

  • Any law ,especially the laws that specify
    administrative activities, has its limits.
  • The law is impossible to specify all
    administrative activities, and the regulation of
    the law on administrative activities are
    impossible to be exhaustive and reach every
    aspect, so administrative organs need to enjoy
    certain discretion.

  • the content
  • Administrative acts must be in accordance with
    legal goals
  • The motive of administrative acts shall be
  • Administrative acts shall take related factors
    into consideration
  • Administrative acts shall be just

  • What is justice?
  • A common requirement of the society. Dose it has
    objective criteria?
  • Equal cases shall be treated equally
  • Principle of proportionality
  • The convention shall be abided by
  • Administrative organs acts shall be consistent

  • Case study????,?????
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1.3 Sources of Administrative Law
  • Sources of law refers to the form in which way
    the law exists. It is the origin or the source
    from which the legal norms of different
    departments come from, that is, the carrier of

  • Generally speaking, the sources of administrative
    law in China include the constitution, laws,
    administrative regulations, departmental rules,
    local regulations, regulations on the exercise of
    autonomy and other separate regulations of
    autonomous regions, and rules of local
    governments, etc..

  • 1.3.1 Basic sources of administrative law
  • Constitution
  • As the fundamental law of a country, constitution
    is not only a source of administrative law,but
    also sources of other legal department.

  • The administrative law norms in constitution are
    as follows
  • Norms on basic civil rights and obligations, such
    as the right to criticize, and make suggestion,
    the right to make complaints or charge against.
    Citizens of the PRC enjoy freedom of speech, of
    the press, of assembly, of association, of
    procession and of demonstration. No citizen may
    be arrested except with legal procedures. The
    right to work, receive education and social
    security and the norms on duty to pay taxes, to
    observe by the law and public order and to
    respect social ethics.

  • Norms on the organizing, basic working system and
    authority of government administrative organs,
    such as norms on the basic function and power of
    ministries, commissions and auditing organ under
    the state council, the norms on the organizing,
    basic working system and basic authority of local
    governments at different level, etc..

  • Norms on basic principles of administrative
    activities, such as the principle of peoples
    participation in management, the principle of
    unification of legal institution, the principle
    of job responsibility system, the principle of
    equality of nationality, and the principle of
    peoples supervision over functionary of
    administrative organs and the security of
    citizens rights.

  • Norms on the rights and obligations of state
    owned economic organizations, collective economic
    organizations, and foreign-funded or
    jointly-funded enterprises in administrative
    acts, and norms on state protection of the lawful
    interest of private economy.

    CHINA and write an article in English.

  • Law
  • The law is the normative legal documents made by
    the supreme organ of state power, including the
    basic laws made by the national peoples congress
    and the non-basic laws made by the standing
    committee of the national peoples congress.

  • Among the laws, the part that concerns the
    organizing of administrative organs,
    administrative activities and the content of
    administrative remedy may be regarded as the
    source of administrative law.
  • Some laws, as the source of administrative law,
    have the nature of administrative law on the
    whole. For example, The Organic Law of the State
    Council of PRC, The Administrative Penalty Law.
  • Some laws partly have the nature of
    administrative law, such as The Environmental Law
    of PRC.

  • The normative legal documents made by
    administrative organs
  • They are next to the constitution and the law,
    and cover the following documents

  • Administrative regulations, the normative legal
    documents made by the State Council according to
    the authorization of the constitution.
  • Administrative rules or departmental rules, which
    are the rules released by the ministries and
    commissions of the State Council or by some job
  • Local rules or the rules of local governments.
    That is, the rules made by the governments of
    provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities
    directly under the General Government, by
    governments of the capital cities of provinces,
    autonomous regions, by governments of bigger
    cities approved by the State Council or by the
    government of special economic zones.

  • However, the normative legal documents made by
    administrative organ shall not be against the
    constitution and the laws.
  • Also, the normative legal documents of one level
    shall not be at variance with that of the higher

  • Local regulations, regulations on the
    exercise of autonomy(????) and separate

  • 1.3.2 Other sources of administrative law
  • International treaties and agreements
  • Interpretation of law
  • The interpretation made by authorized organs,
    including legislative interpretation, judicial
    interpretation, administrative interpretation and
    local interpretation. The judicial interpretation
    of the Supreme Peoples Court is of special
    important status.

  • The normative legal documents jointly
    released by state administrative organs, the
    ruling party and social organizations
  • For example, documents jointly released by the
    State Council and the central committee of the
    Communist Party of China.

1.4 The Development of Administrative Law
  • 1.4.1 Theoretical basis for administrative law
  • Rousseau put forward the claim of natural
    rights. This ideology was affirmed after the
    French Revolution of the bourgeoisie. The
    appearance of administrative law is to guard the
    natural rights of citizens.
  • A more direct influence on the generation of
    administrative law is the theory of the
    separation of three powers, which was founded by

  • Constant experience shows us that every invested
    with power is apt to abuse it. To prevent this
    abuse, it is necessary from the very nature of
    things that power shall be a check to power.
  • by Montesquieu

  • Montesquieu believed that in all countries there
    are legislative power, judicial power and
    executive power. He suggested that the three
    powers separately exercised by different organs
    in order to ensure the existence of liberty. The
    separation of powers emphasizes the balance of
    powers, which certainly led to the regulating and
    control on executive power.

  • The theory of rule of law also deeply influences
    the generation and development of administrative

  • ??(rule of law)
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  • ????(human nature, the sum of qualities and
    traits shared by all human beings.)?????????,?????

  • 1.4.2 The historical development of
    administrative law in new China
  • Administrative law in new China was generated in
    1950s, but is was paid little attentions to and
    was not systematical until 1980s.

  • Administrative Litigation Law,1989
  • Law of the Peoples Republic of China on State
  • Administrative Penalties Law,1996
  • Administrative Reconsideration Law,1999
  • Administrative Supervision Law,1997
  • Law of Legislation,2000
  • Administrative License Law,2004
  • Civil Servant Law,2005
  • Regulations on Letters and Visits,2005

  • Still under way
  • Administrative Procedure Law
  • Administrative Coercion Law

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  • 1997?,?????,??????,???????????
  • 1999??????,?????????????,???????????
  • 2002?,?????,??????????????
  • 2007?,?????,?????????????

  • The development of administrative law rooted from
    the reform and opening to the outside world,
    rooted from deep renovation of national economy
    and social system. The reform of economic system
    means the change of the relationship between the
    country and citizens, the transition of citizens
    status from object to subject and the necessity
    to redefine and control governments power.

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