Title: The Latest RBD 3000 Applications Advanced Analytical User
1The Latest RBD 3000 ApplicationsAdvanced
Analytical Users MeetingNovember 30,
2006Chicago, IL
- Contamination Level Test
- For materials that contain low-level bio-burden
- Determines that material meets microbial
specification - Utilizes the Most Probable Number (MPN) protocol
- Useful for complex matrices
- Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test
- Rapidly screens candidate preservative systems
- Tracks an increase in dead cell count
3Contamination Level Test Feasible in a Variety
of Complex Matrices
- Company A In-process pharmaceutical product
- Company B Various nutraceutical finished
products - Juice, Body Butter, Fiber
- Company C Liquid nutraceutical finished product
- Company D Various alcoholic beverages
4CLT Protocol for lt100cfu/g specification
5CLT Results Company A
In-process Product Specification lt1000cfu/g
Spiked Below Specification
Sample Dilution RBD 3000 Result ( pos./ neg.) Plate Result ( pos./ neg.) Microbial level determined by RBD 3000 (cfu/g)
110 3/0 3/0 gt1
1100 3/0 3/0 gt10
11,000 3/0 3/0 gt100
110,000 1/2 1/2 lt1,000
Product contains gt100cfu/g and lt1000cfu/g
product is within specification Actual spike was
559 cfu Ps. aeruginosa/g product
Spiked Above Specification
Sample Dilution RBD 3000 Result ( pos./ neg.) Plate Result ( pos./ neg.) Microbial level determined by RBD 3000 (cfu/g)
110 3/0 3/0 gt1
1100 3/0 3/0 gt10
11,000 3/0 3/0 gt100
110,000 3/0 3/0 gt1,000
Sample Dilution Theoretical Result Detection by RBD 3000 Growth on YM PetrifilmTM
110,000 - - -
Product contains gt1000cfu/g product fails
Actual spike was 3920 cfu Ps. aeruginosa/g
6CLT Results Company B
Body Butter Juice Products Specification
lt100cfu/g or mL
Body Butter Spiked Below Specification
Sample Dilution RBD 3000 Result ( pos./ neg.) Growth on YM PetrifilmTM ( pos./ neg.) Microbial level determined by RBD 3000 (cfu/g)
1100 2/1 2/1 gt10
11,000 0/3 0/3 lt100
110,000 0/3 0/3 lt1000
Product contains gt10cfu/g and lt100cfu/g product
is within specification Actual spike was 35 cfu
C. albicans/g body butter
Juice Spiked Above Specification
Sample Dilution RBD 3000 Result ( pos./ neg.) Growth on YM PetrifilmTM ( pos./ neg.) Microbial level determined by RBD 3000 (cfu/g)
1100 3/0 3/0 gt10
11,000 2/1 2/1 gt100
110,000 1/2 1/2 lt1000
Sample Dilution Theoretical Result Detection by RBD 3000 Growth on YM PetrifilmTM
110,000 - - -
Product contains gt100cfu/g product fails Actual
spike was 110cfu C. albicans/mL juice
Taken from poster presentation at ASM 2006 A
Rapid Most Probable Number Test for Yeast in
Nutraceutical Products, K.A. Molitor and A.M.
Steger, Advanced Analytical Technologies, Inc.,
Ames, IA 50010 and D. Wright and M. Roblin,
Morinda, Inc., Orem, UT 84604
7Contamination Level Test Benefits
- 18-24hr time-to-result
- Detects lower levels of potential microbial
contamination than the traditional plate count
method in complex/opaque matrices - Results are confirmed by the Most Probable Total
Count by Multiple-Tube Method in USP Chapter
lt61gt, Microbial Limits Test
8Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test
9Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test
- Used to screen candidate preservatives for liquid
products - Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industries routinely
perform - New reformulated products
- Problems with the current method
- Compendial method takes 35 days
- Requires significant labor materials
- Not all types /or formulations of antimicrobials
are screened due to time labor constraints - Delays development of suitable preservative
systems - Delays product time to market
10Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test Solution
- Use the RBD 3000 to rapidly screen candidate
preservative systems - Benefits
- Shorter time to result
- Significant labor and materials savings
- Evaluate more types/formulations of
antimicrobials - Develop better preservative systems
- Speed product time to market
11Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test Protocol
- Challenge 0.01 (w/v) Benzoic Acid with 105 106
cfu/mL - Perform challenge studies with Ps. aeruginosa, S.
aureus, and C. albicans - Use RBD 3000 to determine titer of inoculum
- Sample at 0, 2hr, 4hr, 6hr, 8hr 24hr
post-inoculation - Dilute samples 110 in phosphate buffer for RBD
3000 Biomass Dead Cell counts using the Biomass
and Dead Cell Test Kits - Dilute samples in phosphate buffer 4 Tween 20
for TSA plate count comparison
120.01 Benzoic Acid Challenged with Ps. aeruginosa
Test 1
130.01 Benzoic Acid Challenged with Ps. aeruginosa
Test 2
140.01 Benzoic Acid Challenged with S. aureus
150.01 Benzoic Acid Challenged with C. albicans
16Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test Action Items
- Test other preservative systems
- Determine utility in various liquid product
formulations - Demonstrate feasibility with A. niger spores
- Contamination Level Test
- Provides a rapid sensitive detection method for
determining if materials meet particular
microbial specifications -
- Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test
- Provides a rapid method for screening candidate
preservative systems