Relational Calculus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Relational Calculus


Relational Calculus Ameetinder Singh CS 157A Tuple Relational Calculus non-procedural query language as compared to relational algebra that is procedural. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Relational Calculus

Relational Calculus
  • Ameetinder Singh
  • CS 157A

Tuple Relational Calculus
  • non-procedural query language as compared to
    relational algebra that is procedural.
  • only requires the user to specify what
    information is required and not how that
    information should be obtained.
  • A query in tuple relational calculus expressed as
  • t P(t)
  • i.e. set of all tuples t such that P is true for

Query Examples
  • To find the branch-name, loan-number, and amount
    for loans over 1000
  • t t ? loan ? tamount gt 1000
  • To find only the loan-number attribute, rather
    than all the attributes of the loan relation
  • t ? s ? loan ( tloan-number
    sloan-number ? samount gt 1000)
  • This query will retrieve those tuples in
    loan-number such that there is a tuple in loan
    with the amount attribute gt 1000

Examples (Contd)
  • To find the names of all customers who borrowed a
    loan from the Downtown branch.
  • t ?s ? borrower ( tcustomer-name
    scustomer-name ? ? u ? loan (uloan-number
    sloan-number ? ubranch-name Downtown))
  • requires two there exists clauses since it
    involves two relations
  • retrieves the set of all (customer-name)
    tuples for which the customer has a loan from the
    Downtown branch

Examples (Contd)
  • To find customers who have a loan, an account, or
    both at the bank
  • t ?s ? borrower ( tcustomer-name
    scustomer-name) ? ? u ? depositor
    (tcustomer-name ucustomer-name )
  • If a customer has both account and a loan
    from the bank, the customer-name only appears
  • Changing (?) to (?) in the previous query
    will generate results with the set of
    customer-name tuples who have both an account and
    a loan at the bank.

Examples (Contd)
  • To find all the customers who have an account at
    the bank but do not have a loan from the bank, we
    use the not (?) symbol in the previous expression
  • t ? ?s ? borrower ( tcustomer-name
    scustomer-name) ? ? u ? depositor (
    tcustomer-name ucustomer-name )

Examples (Contd)
  • Some queries require the use of implication (?).
    P?Q means, if P is true, then Q must be true.
  • To find all customers who have an account at all
    branches located in Brooklyn, we write a query
    using for all (?) construct as follows

Examples (Contd)
  • t ?r ? customer ( rcustomer-name
    tcustomer-name) ? (? u ? branch
    (ubranch-city Brooklyn ? ? s ? depositor
    (tcustomer-name scustomer-name ? ? w ?
    account (waccount-number saccount-number ?
    wbranch-name sbranch-name))))
  • this is interpreted as the set of all customers
    such that, for all tuples u in the branch
    relation, if the value of u on attribute
    branch-city is Brooklyn, then the customer has an
    account at the branch whose name appears in the
    branch-name attribute of u.

Formal Definition
  • A tuple-relational-calculus expression is in the
  • t P(t)
  • where P is a formula
  • The formula in tuple-relational-calculus is
    built up out of atoms.

Formal Definition (Contd)
  • An atom can have one of the following forms
  • s ? r, where s is a tuple variable in relation r
  • sx ? uy, where s and u are tuple variables, x
    is an attribute on which s is defined, y is an
    attribute on which u is defined, and ? is a
    comparison operator (?,?,?,?,?,?) it is required
    that x and y have domains whose members can be
    compared by ?.
  • sx ? c, where s is a tuple variable, x is and
    attribute on which s is defined, ? is a
    comparison operator, and c is a constant in the
    domain of attribute x.

Formal Definition (Contd)
  • Formulae can be built up from atoms by using the
    following rules
  • an atom is a formula
  • If P1 is a formula, then so are ? P1 and (P1)
  • If P1 and P2 are formulae, then so are P1 ? P2,
    P1? P2, and P1?P2

Safety of Expressions
  • A tuple-relational-calculus expression may
    generate an infinite relation.
  • t ?( t ? loan)
  • there are infinitely many tuples that are not in
  • Domain of P is the set of all values
    referenced by P.
  • the expression t P(t) is safe if all values
    in the result are in the domain of P

Domain Relational Calculus
  • Closely related to tuple-relational-calculus
  • Uses domain variables that take on values from
    an attributes domain, rather than values for an
    entire tuple

Formal Definition
  • An expression in the domain relational calculus
    is in the form
  • ltx1 , x2 ,. xngt P(x1 , x2 ,. xn)
  • where x1 , x2 ,. xn represent domain
    variables. P represents formula composed of atoms.

Formal Definition (Contd)
  • An atom in the domain relational calculus has
    one of the following forms
  • ltx1 , x2 ,. xngt ? r, where r is a relation on n
    attributes and x1 , x2 ,xn are domain
  • x ? y, where x and y are domain variables and ?
    is a comparison operator (?,?,?,?,?,?) it is
    required that x and y have domains that can be
    compared by ?
  • x ? c, where x is a domain variable, ? is a
    comparison operator, and c is a constant in the
    domain of attribute for which x is a domain

Formal Definition (Contd)
  • Formulae can be built up from atoms by using the
    following rules
  • an atom is a formula.
  • If P1 is a formula, then so are ? P1 and (P1)
  • If P1 and P2 are formulae, then so are P1 ? P2,
    P1? P2, and P1?P2
  • Same as tuple-relational-calculus

Example queries
  • To find the branch-name, loan-number, and amount
    for loans over 1000
  • ltl,b,agt ltl,b,agt ? loan ? a gt 1000
  • To find only the loan-number attribute, rather
    than all the attributes of the loan relation
  • lt l gt ? b,a (ltl,b,agt ? loan ? a gt 1000)

Examples (Contd)
  • To find the names of all customers who borrowed a
    loan from the Downtown branch and find the loan
  • ltc,agt ? l (ltc,lgt ? borrower ? ? b (ltl,b,agt ?
    loan ? b Downtown))
  • To find all customers who have an account at all
    branches located in Brooklyn
  • ltcgt ? n (ltc,ngt ? customer) ? ?x,y,z(ltx,y,zgt ?
    branch ? y Brooklyn ?? a,b (lta,x,bgt ?
    account ? ltc,agt ? depositor)

Examples (Contd)
  • interpreted the set of all (customer name)
    tuples c such that, for all (branch-name,
    branch-city, assets) tuples x, y, z, if the
    branch-city is Brooklyn, then the following
    conditions hold
  • There exists a tuple in the relation account with
    account number a and branch name x
  • There exists a tuple in the relation depositor
    with customer c and account number a

Safety of expressions
  • Expressions may generate an infinite relation
  • To overcome this problem we define safety of
    domain relational calculus expressions.
  • An expression such as
  • ltl,b,agt ?ltl,b,agt ? loan )
  • generates result with values that are not in the
    domain of the expression.

Safety of expressions (Contd)
  • An expression ltx1 , x2 ,xngt P(x1 , x2 ,.
    xn) is safe if all of the following conditions
  • all values that appear in tuples of the
    expression are values from domain of P.
  • for every there exists sub formula of the form
    ?x (P1 (x)) , the subformula is true if and only
    if there is a value x in the domain P1 such that
    P1 (x) is true.
  • for every for all sub formula of the form ?x
    (P1 (x)) , the subformula is true if and only if
    P1 (x) is true for all values x from domain of P1
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