Title: Vaidya Balendu Prakash
1New Dimension in the Treatment of Migraine
through Ayurveda
- Vaidya Balendu Prakash
- Ayurvedic Consultant
- 919837028544
- balenduprakash_at_gmail.com
- www.ayrvedamigraineclinic.com
- www.ayurvedapancreatitisclinic.com
2Common Migraine
- Common primary episodic headache disorder
characterized by various combination of
neurologic, gastrointestinal and autonomic
3 Migraine-Facts
- In India, prevalence stands at 15-20
- Effects women more than men, ratio 31
4World ATLAS of Migraine
5IHS Diagnostic Criteria for Migraine
- A. Idiopathic, recurrent headache (gt 5 attacks)
- B. 4-72 hours duration
- C. Pain characteristics (2/4)
- Unilateral location
- Pulsating quality
- Moderate to severe intensity
- Aggravation by routine physical activity
- D. During attack (1/2)
- Nausea and / or Vomiting
- Photophobia and phonophobia
children, sleep untreated or unsuccessfully
6IHS Diagnostic Criteria for Migraine
- E. At least one of the following
- No secondary cause for headache
- Secondary cause suggested but ruled out by
investigations - Secondary cause present but migraine does not
occur for the first time in close temporal
relation to the disorder -
7Severity of PainVisual Analog Scale (VAS)
- Assessment of severity of pain on a 10 point
visual analog scale - Should be used every 30 days for the evaluation
of the severity of pain
Definition Score
No pain 0
Mild 1-3
Moderate 4-6
Severe 7-8
Worst possible 9-10
- Reference Amelia Wlliamsol, Barbara Hoggart
Pain, a review of three commonly used pain rating
scales. Journal of clinical nursing August 2005,
volume 14 issue 7, 798-804
8Migraine Induced Disability Assessment Scale
- To evaluate the impact of migraine headache on
ability to function at work, home and social
situation - Evaluated every 90 days
Grade Definition ScoreI
I Minimal 0-5
II Mild 6-10
III Moderate 11-20
IV Severe 21
Reference Stewart WF, Lipton RB et al An
international study to assess relaibility of
MIDAS Score, Neurology 1999, 53988-994
9Current Treatment of Migraine
- Abortive
Prophylactic - NSAIDs
Beta blockers - Analgesics
Antidepressants - (Along with antiemetics)
Calcium antagonists - Narcotics
- Ergot Alkaloids
- Triptans
10Concerns with Drug Therapy
- GI and Renal side effects with NSAIDs and Ergots
- 30 of patients fail to respond to a particular
triptans (Headache 2005, Feb45
(2)156-162) - Triptans- potential risk in increasing blood
pressure and mild and transient effects on
coronary artery tone - Triptans contraindicated in many diseases
(Am J Med
2005 Mar 118 Suppl 1368-448)
11Transformed Migraine
- Chronic Migraine
- 4 hours /day for gt 15 days /month
- Evolution from episodic migraine to
- frequent migraine
- ? Medication overuse
12(No Transcript)
13Working Hypothesis
- Shleshma-pitta vs Migraine
- Reference Madhav Nidan (Classical Ayurvedic
text describing - etio-pathogenesis and diagnosis of the diseases)
14Causes of Shleshma-pitta
- Irregular eating habits such as, wrong food
combination, quantity and timings - Long gap or intermittent eating pattern, crash
dieting - Stale, over salty, spicy, sour food items
- Over use of tea coffee, aerated drinks and
- deep fried food
- Arrestation of basic urges like sleep, hunger,
urine, stool etc. - Irregular life style, anxiety, worry and lack
of exercises - Use of certain drugs and diseases affecting the
hepato-billiary system
- Migraine is an outcome of unregulated diet, life
style and / or hepato-billiary disorder -
- AcidAlkali imbalance causing physiological
changes and reflexes in gastrointestinal tract
causing symptoms of Shleshmapitta vs Migraine
16 Mouth, Esophagus pH 6 - 7
Interhepatic bile pH 7.5
Gastric pH 1.8 3.5
Bile in gall bladder pH 7.6 8.6
Duodenum pH 5.5 6.5
Pancreatic juice pH 8.8
Ileum pH 6.5 7.5
Caecum pH 5.5 7.5
Rectum pH 6.1 7.5
17Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol (AYTP)
- Regulated diet (3 meals 3 snacks) 1600 calories
/ day - Eight hour sleep
- Combination of five classical Ayurvedic
Formulations (Herbo minerals)
- Narikel Lavana
- Rasonvati
- Godanti Mishran
- IHS diagnostic Criteria for migraine without aura
- VAS and MIDAS scoring to access severity and
impact at day 0, 30, 60 and 90 - Individual consent
- 120 days regular and paid treatment
- Long term follow up
- Collaborative experimental and clinical studies
19Observation and findings
- Retrospective 1985 to 2002
- Prospective I June 2002 to Dec 2004
(Chandigarh) - Prospective - II May 2005 till date (Karnataka,
Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra
Pradesh and Haryana) - Prospective - III June 2007 till date (HQ
Dehradun) - Randomized controlled clinical trail on
refractory and chronic migraine patients at
AIIMS, New Delhi (2012-2014.ongoing) -
20Poster Presented and Discussed at16th Migraine
Trust International Symposium,18 - 20 September
2006The Conference Centre, Kensington Town
Hall, London, UK
21Poster Presented at 13th Congress on Headache
organized by International Headache Society,
28th June to 2nd July 2007, at Stockholm,
Sweden Poster abstract published in Cephalalgia,
2007, 27, 745
22Poster Presented at 52nd Meeting of the American
Headache Society, 24th 27th June 2010, at Los
Angeles, USA Poster abstract published in
Headache 2010 50 (Suppl 1) 53
23Research Paper on Response of Ayurvedic therapy
in the treatment of migraine without
aura Vaidya Balendu Prakash, S Raghavendra
Babu, K Suresh Kumar
Published in the International Journal of
Ayurveda Research, Publication of AYUSH,
Department of Health Family Welfare, Government
of India
24Case studies on prophylactic ayurvedic therapy in
migraine patients Vaidya Balendu Prakash, Nitin
Chandurkar, Tejashri Sanghavi
2012 / Volume 2 / Issue 2 / e17 TANG /
25Acute and Sub acute safety studies on AYFs (OECD
Recommended Human Dose Rat (Daily Dose) Mice (Daily Dose)
7.3 gm/day 0.7 gm (Equivalent) 1.47 gm (Equivalent)
7.3 gm/day 2.23 gm (Three times) 3.04 gm (Two times)
7.3 gm/day 7.45 gm (Ten times) 6.48 gm (Four times)
- No LD50 at 5 gm (maximum) dose
- Well tolerated in all groups
Prakash et al. IJTPR 2010
26Sub Chronic Toxicity Studies in rats (OECD
guidelines) - 210 days
Control Normal Medium High Satellite
Animals (? ?) 20 20 20 20 20
Treatment (day) 180 180 180 180 180
Sacrifice (day) 181 181 181 181 211
Mortality 2 2
27Ongoing Research Progress
- Randomised controlled clinical trial to evaluate
prophylactic properties of ayurvedic treatment
protocol in refractory and chronic migraine
patients - Department of Neurology, AIIMS, New Delhi
- Investigators Prof (Dr) Manjari Tripathi (PI),
Prof (Dr) A K Mahapatra, Vaidya Balendu Prakash
(Co- PI) - Date of commencement 1st April, 2012
- Funding Agency Ipca Laboratories Limited, Mumbai
28Baseline Characteristics (n70)
Particulars Particulars Ayu Gr ( 32 ) Conv Gr ( 38 )
Sex (Female/Male) Sex (Female/Male) 24/8 27/11
Age Group Age Group 18-51 18-52
History (In years) History (In years) 1-20 1-28
Frequency (monthly) 2-4 14 13
Frequency (monthly) gt 4 18 25
Intensity (VAS) Intensity (VAS) 7-10 5-10
MIDAS Score MIDAS Score 20-55 16-55
Headache Days Headache Days 1628 2139
29Baseline Characteristics - II
Particulars Ayu Gr ( 32 ) Conv Gr ( 38 )
Associate Symptoms Associate Symptoms Associate Symptoms
Nausea 27 34
Vomiting 24 31
Photophobia 26 35
Phonophobia 30 32
Relieving Factors Painkillers and Sleep Painkillers and Sleep
30Outcome after 120 days
Particulars Ayu Gr ( 13 ) Conv Gr ( 26 )
Moderate to Severe pain with need of Prophylaxis Rescue 0 26
Mild pain with no need of medication 10 0
Symptom free 2 0
VAS 97/24 ( 8.1 2 ) 111/213 ( 8.2 4.3 )
MIDAS 446 /103 ( 37.2 8.6) 889/656 ( 34.2 25.2)
Headache Days 726/100 ( 60.5 8.33) 1511/544 (58.1 20.9)
31Outcome after 120 days II
Particulars Ayu Gr ( 13) Conv Gr ( 26 )
Associate Symptoms Associate Symptoms Associate Symptoms
Nausea 11/4 23/25
Vomiting 10/0 20/6
Photophobia 13/5 24/24
Phonophobia 13/1 22/17
Lost to follow up 1 1
32Results VAS (Pain Intensity)
33Results MIDAS
34 Observation
- Ayurveda group has significant and sustainable
effect in the prevention of Migraine - Ayurvedic treatment was well tolerated without
any adverse event