Title: JetMET Triggers for L=2e30 and L=2e31
1JetMET Triggers for L2e30 and L2e31
2Current Trigger Status
- L2e30 and 2e31 trigger menus have been presented
for consideration by DPGs, POGs and PAGs - TSG has agreed to use uncorrected jets in
DiJetAve trigger paths. Still need to determine
thresholds - Should have same L1 thresholds as single jet
triggers to take advantage of correlations with
the single jet paths
3Single Jet Thresholds
L2e30cm-2s-1 L2e30cm-2s-1 L2e31 cm-2s-1 L2e31 cm-2s-1 L1e32 cm-2s-1 L1e32 cm-2s-1
L1 Trigger HLT Threshold (GeV) Prescale Individual Rate (Hz) Presale Individual Rate (Hz) Presale Individual Rate (Hz)
L1_SingleJet15 30 200 10.6 5000 4.3 100000 1.1
L1_SingleJet15 40 100 5.1 1000 5.4 20000 1.3
L1_SingleJet30 50 20 8.8 500 3.8 10000 0.95
L1_SingleJet30 60 10 7.6 100 7.8 2000 2.0
L1_SingleJet50 80 1 21.5 100 2.3 1000 1.1
L1_SingleJet70 110 1 5.7 10 5.2 100 2.6
L1_SingleJet150 200 1 0.4 1 3.0 5 3.0
L1_SingleJet200 250 1 0.045 1 0.45 1 2.2
Total 30.8 Hz
Total 49.2 Hz
4Level-1 Turn-On Curves
- Using dijet MC samples with 15 lt pT hat lt 300 GeV
- may bias lowest threshold plot somewhat
- L1 energy scale a bit off due to correction being
derived in CMSSW 13x - Should be save to use
- pT 50 GeV threshold at HLT with L1
threshold at 30 GeV
5Missing ET Thresholds
L2e30cm-2s-1 L2e30cm-2s-1 L2e31 cm-2s-1 L2e31 cm-2s-1
L1 Trigger HLT Threshold (GeV) Prescale Individual Rate (Hz) Presale Individual Rate (Hz)
L1_ETM10 20 ?? ?? ?? ??
L1_ETM15 30 ?? ?? ?? ??
L1_ETM40 55 1 ?? 1 ??
L1_ETM40 65 1 0.2 1 3.4
Some inconsistencies in the tables
- Proposal from Greg
- Use L1 thresholds of 15, 30 and 45 GeV
- Use HLT thresholds of 20, 35 and 50 GeV (To do
check L1 turn-ons)
6Level-1 EM Calorimeter Trigger
- E/? (Hit Tower Max)
- 2-tower ?ET gt threshold
- Hit tower H/E lt 5
- Hit tower 2x5-crystal strips gt90-95 of tower
ET in 5x5 (Fine Grain) - Isolated E/? (3x3 Towers)
- Quiet neighbors all towerspass Fine Grain
H/E - At least one of the 5-tower corners has ET lt
threshold (1 GeV)
Sum ET of the central hit tower (pink) andthe
nearest neigbor w/ the highest ET (one of the
yellow towers)
7HLT Selection of Photons and Electrons
- Photons
- Supercluster matched with L1 triggers with energy
satisfying the L1 trigger threshold - ECAL Energy within ?Rlt0.3 from the candidate less
than a threshold (excluding the super-cluster
itself) - HCAL Energy within ?Rlt0.3 from the candidate less
than a threshold - Number of tracks with ?Rlt0.3 from the photon
candidate less than a threshold
- Electrons
- Supercluster matched with L1 triggers with energy
satisfying the L1 trigger threshold - HCAL Energy within ?Rlt0.15 from the candidate
less than a threshold - Pixel match (or inner SiStrip matching)
- E/P for single electron trigger
- Pt Tracks with 0.02lt ?Rlt0.2 divided by Pt
electron less than a threshold
8HLT Selection Requirements
Single Electron Single Photon
? lt 2.6 lt 2.6
ET gt 26 GeV gt 80 GeV
TK isol lt 0.06 lt 1
HCAL isol barrel lt 3 GeV lt 6 GeV
HCAL isol endcaps lt 3 GeV lt 4 GeV
ECAL isol - lt 1.5 GeV
E/P Barrel lt 1.5 -
E/P Endcaps lt 2.45 -
- HCAL isolation criteria changed from EHcal lt 3
GeV to - EHcallt3 GeV .OR. EHcal gt 0.5 EEcal
- The E/p cut is to be replaced by 1/E -1/p.
Probably will not be applied at the start-up or
for low luminosity (below 1032 cm2s-1) running
9Single Photon Thresholds
L2e30cm-2s-1 L2e30cm-2s-1 L2e31 cm-2s-1 L2e31 cm-2s-1
L1 Trigger HLT Threshold (GeV) Prescale Individual Rate (Hz) Presale Individual Rate (Hz)
?? 10 10 2.1 ?? ??
?? 10 (NoTrkIso) 100 1.0 1000 2.2
?? 15 1 6.3 ?? ??
?? 20 (NoTrkIso) 1 17.7 100 2.2
?? 25 1 .5 ?? ??
?? 30 1 0.3 1 1.2