Title: Introduction to Reversible Ckts
1Introduction to Reversible Ckts
University of Michigan Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
- Historical motivation
- Arbitrary computations via reversible
- Rev. ckts basic definitions examples
- Recent implementations in CMOS
- Reversible synthesis other EDA tasks
- Novel motivations for reversible circuits
- Inherently reversible computations
- Quantum circuits
3Historical Motivation
- Every lost bit causes an energy loss
- C. Bennett, 1973, IBM J. of R D
- the kinetic energy of one molecule in air
- Idea try to avoid those energy costs
- Adiabatic circuits
- Asymptotically energy lossless (Time ? 8 )
- S. Younis and T. Knight, 1994,Workshop on Low
Power Design
4Implementing Arbitrary Computations via Reversible
- Toffoli 1980, Theorem 4.1Any finite function
can be writtenas a product of - trivial encoder ?
- bijection f
- trivial decoder ?
- Constructiveprocedure
- Adds variables
0 0 ?
? ? ?
- Reversible bit-based computation(e.g., Toffoli
1980) - N bits at input
- N bits at output
- Every input output bit-string possible
- Bijection
- These restrictions apply to gates ckts
- Additional restriction no fanout
- Acyclic comb. circuits interesting enough
NOT gate
- k-CNOT gate, a.k.a. generalized Toffoli
- (k1)-inputs and (k1)-outputs
- Values on the first k inputs are unchanged
- Last input is negated iff the first k are all 1s
- CNT gate
Toffoli gate
CNOT gate
7A Reversible Circuit and Truth Table
x y z x y z
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 0
z?xy? xyz? y
- Equiv. to a CNOT gate
- Proof by exhaustivesimulation
- Proof by symbolic arguments
8Implementations in CMOS
- B. Desoete and A. De VosA reversible
carry-look-aheadadder using control
gates,Integration, the VLSI Journal,vol. 33
(2002),pp. 89-104
- Reversible 4-bit adder
- 384 transistors
- no power rails
9Identities for Reversible Ckts
10Temporary Storage / Garbage Bits
11How Much Temporary StorageDo We Need ?
- Toffoli (MIT TR, 1980)
- Odd permutations requireat least 1 line of
temporary storage - Shende et al., ICCAD 02
- Even permutations need no temp storage
- Odd permutations need 1 line and no more
- Constructive synthesis procedure (not
12Comb. Synthesis Formulations
- Straightforward
- Given a full truth table, find a circuit
- Shende et al. show an optimal procedure(all
3-line circuits synthesized in mins) - With dont cares
- The function of one output bit is restricted
- Iwama et al. (DAC 02) heuristic,transformation-
based synthesis,may use many lines of temp.
13Other EDA Tasks
- Fault testing in reversible circuits
- K. Patel et al. (VTS 02) reversible circuits
require very few test vectors - Equivalence checking
- Difficulties with empirical validation
- Circuit / gate costs ?
- Circuit benchmarks ?
14New MotivationInherently Reversible Applications
- Information is re-coded,but none is lost or
added - Digital signal processing
- Cryptography
- Communications
- Computer graphics
- Micro-processor instructions for
- Bit-permutations
- Butterfly operation from FFT
15New Motivation Quantum Ckts
- Not related to low power
- Quantum circuits operateon linear combinations
of bit-strings - E.g., (0gt1gt)/?2, (00gti11gt)/?2
- Linear are expressed by matrices
- Reversibility implied by
quantum mechanics - A conventional reversible gate,can be extended
by linearity,e.g., a quantum inverter is just
0 1 1 0
16Classical Versus Quantum Ckts
- Circuit identities for conventional reversible
gates (e.g., CNOT and Toffoli)do not change in
the quantum context - Conventional techniques applicablewhen there are
no purely quantum gates - Conventional subroutines of q. programs
- Purely quantum gates required in apps
- Open problem synthesis withpurely quantum gates
17Thank you!
18Classical Versus Quantum Ckts
- Circuit identities for conventional reversible
gates (e.g., CNOT and Toffoli)do not change in
the quantum context - Conventional techniques applicablewhen there are
no purely quantum gates - Conventional subroutines of q. programs
- Purely quantum gates required in apps
- Purely quantum synthesis An Arbitrary Two-qubit
Computation in 23 Elem. GatesDAC 03, to appear
in Phys. Review A