Title: Hoy vamos a
1Hoy vamos a..
- trabajar en grupos
- identificar estrategias para mejorar la memoria
2Plenary 1
- Did you know any of the words already? If so,
which? - Did you find any patterns that helped you?
- Why are the colours significant do you think?
(did you notice this at the time?) - Would these words be difficult or easy to learn
and remember? Why? - Would some be easier than others? Why?
3A C E
la fruta
el pollo
el helado
la sopa
la ensalada
la carne
el pescado
la tarta
el arroz
4- Metacog Plenary Questions
- How did you do the task?
- How did you work together?
- What did the first person do?
- Was this different from everyone else?
- Did your original plan work or did you change it?
- What was hard about the 20 seconds?
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7Identifying successful thinking
You can describe one or two strategies that you used, but cant say whether or how well they worked.
You can describe one or two strategies that you used and make valid comments on how well they worked or how they could be improved.
You can identify several strategies that you used and make comments on their worth or effectiveness. The strategies are not connected and dont constitute a plan. You might mention changing strategies.
You can link your strategies together to present it as a plan First we did this, then.. You have a rationale for your plan. we did this because You are aware of how you might have changed your plan and can give reasons. You use some prior knowledge.
You link your strategies in a plan that may have evolved and which you can explain. You are more aware of how you worked as a group. You use prior knowledge to help interpret the image and to predict features of the image. You may also predict how the strategy might have to change in other circumstances.
8Hoy hemos..
- trabajado en grupos
- identificado estrategias para mejorar la memoria
Did you learn something today that will help you
to learn and remember new words better?