Credit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Credit WHPE Credit Repair Agencies, con t. For a fee, they promise to clean up your credit report so you can get a car loan, a home mortgage, insurance, or even a job. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Credit

  • WHPE

What is Credit?
What is Credit
  • Credit can be a useful tool that helps you to
    make major purchases, like a car or a house, by
    letting you pay for them over time.
  • It's convenient, it can help in emergencies, and
    its safer than carrying cash.

What is Credit, cont
  • Credit can also be dangerous if not used in the
    right way. Its tempting to buy something using
    a credit card, even though you dont have the
    cash to pay it back. If used too much, credit
    payments can add up quickly, leaving less money
    for your basic necessities.

Look Before You Leap!
  • Before buying something on credit, ask yourself
  • What is the cost of this credit?
  • What is the risk of this credit?
  • What is the obligation of this credit?

Managing Your Credit
  • Every time you pay a bill (or dont) it
    contributes to your credit history
  • Paying slow or not at all is seen as a warning
    to other lenders
  • Signs of Risky behavior
  • May result in
  • Higher interest rates and fees
  • More rejections of loans
  • Smaller loan amounts

Types of Credit
  • An open-end credit account is one under which
    you can make repeated purchases. You can either
    pay the balance in full or in installments.
  • Examples of open-end credit include credit cards
    like Master Card and Visa, gas cards, and
    department store cards

Types of Credit, cont.
  • Is the credit youre borrowing secured or
  • When a debt is unsecured, there is no collateral
    attached to the money being borrowed.
  • Secured credit means there is some kind of
    collateral attached to the money youre
  • Collateral is defined as property that a borrower
    puts up to secure a loan.

Controlling Your Use of Debt
  • 28/36 Rule
  • A good credit risk when mortgage payments are
    below 28 of gross monthly income, and total debt
    payments are below 36.

What is Credit Management?
Credit Reporting Agencies
  • Equifax
  • Experian
  • TransUnion

The Credit Bureau andYour Rights
  • Congress passed the FACT Act in 2003.
  • Allowing individuals a free credit report
  • Contact the bureaus regarding incomplete or
    inaccurate information in your report.

Getting your FREE Credit Report
  • Consumers are entitled to receive one free credit
    file disclosure every 12 months from each of the
    nationwide consumer credit reporting companies
    Equifax, Experian and TransUnion (one from each
    per year 3 total)
  • Many imposter websites and 800s try and sell
    you a credit report or score
  • Totally Needless. Many capture credit score and
    charge monthly fee.
  • You can do it yourself for free

FREE Credit Report
  • 1-877-322-8228
  • Annual Credit Report Request Service
  • PO Box 105281
  • Atlanta GA 30348-5281

A credit report tells
  • How youve paid your debts
  • How much debt you have
  • Whether youve made payments on time

Credit Report Sections
  • Person requesting report
  • Potentially negative items
  • Accounts in good standing
  • Requests for your credit history
  • Personal information

Who cares about your credit report?
  • Creditors / Lenders
  • Insurance Companies
  • Landlords
  • Employers
  • Utility Companies
  • Government Agencies
  • YOU!

How to read your credit report
  • Make sure you name, social security number, and
    current/past addresses are correct.
  • Public Records Verify any information appearing
    here from local courthouses regarding defaults
    and legal judgments
  • Account History Check that balances make sense,
    payment history is accurate, and the account
    listed is in fact yours.
  • Look for anything suspicious in the section that
    lists who has received copies.
  • Make sure no inquiries have been made about loans
    or leases you didnt apply for.
  • Mark or highlight items you feel are not
    accurately reported
  • If incorrect information, contact the creditor
    and the Credit Bureau. Follow up with a letter.
    Report the problem quickly and in writing.

What if theres a mistake on my credit report?
  • You can dispute mistakes or outdated items for
    free. Ask the credit-reporting agency for a
    dispute form or submit your dispute in writing,
    along with any supporting documentation. Do not
    send them original documents.
  • If the reinvestigation does not resolve your
    dispute, have the credit bureau include your
    version of the dispute in your file and in future

2. Understanding Credit Scores
Determining Creditworthiness
  • Your credit information translates into a three
    digit number your credit score which measures
    your creditworthiness.
  • Involves the numerical evaluation or scoring of
  • Reduces the lenders uncertainty, enabling the
    lender to make credit available to good risk
    customers at lower interest rates.

How Your Credit Score is Computed
  • A credit score is referred to as a FICO score.
  • Based on models developed by Fair Isaac
  • The models begin with information on your report,
    using it to calculate your score.
  • Scores range from 300-850.
  • The majority are between 600 and 800.
  • They vary from one credit bureau to another.
  • Visit to get
    an estimate of your score.

How Your Credit Score is Computed
  • What is a good score?
  • The national average is 678.
  • This is often the minimum for receiving credit.
  • A good credit score doesnt just mean that youll
    get a loan, it also means youll pay less for
  • A low FICO score may result in a credit card rate
    twice that of a high FICO score.

Credit Scores
  • FICO Score most widely used
  • Vantage Score 3 Bureaus
  • Many other score brands

Your Credit Score
  • A credit bureau is a private organization that
    maintains credit information on individuals,
    which it allows subscribers to access for a fee.
  • Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax are examples.
  • They compile a credit report on you and assign a
    credit score.
  • Your credit information not only impacts whether
    you get a loan, it affects your interest rate.

Impacts of Types of Credit
  • Credit cards Revolving credit accounts
  • Very common due monthly huge variations
  • Store credit cards
  • Store specific limited use and amounts
  • Credit accounts for store or service
  • Due periodically mostly convenience
  • Payday Loans
  • Short-term high cost loans
  • Rent to Own
  • Rental is disguised as loan
  • Reported?
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Sometimes
  • No (rarely)
  • No (rarely)

FICO Score
Source Fair Isaac Corporation
Factors That Determine Your Score
  • Your Payment History
  • Lenders want to know how you have handled credit
    payments in the past.
  • Amount You Owe and Your Available Credit
  • Shows the amount you owe on your mortgage, car
    loan, and all other outstanding debt, along with
    your total available credit.

Factors That Determine Your Score
  • Length of Credit History
  • The longer the credit accounts have been opened,
    and the longer you have had accounts with the
    same creditor, the higher your credit score.
  • Types of Credit Used
  • The wider the variety of credit, the higher the
  • Using different types of credit indicates you
    know how to handle your money.

Factors That Determine Your Score
  • New Credit
  • New applications for credit will lower your
  • Those moving towards bankruptcy take all
    available credit to stay afloat.

3. Dealing with Debt Overload
Credit Danger Signs
  • Paying only the minimum monthly payment on credit
  • Being charged fees for late payments, partial
    payments or over the limit
  • Inability to make all monthly credit payments
  • Using savings to cover everyday items
  • Using credit on items you formerly paid cash

Credit Repair Agencies
  • Disreputable agencies often make claims like
  • "Credit problems? No problem!"
  • "We can erase your bad credit-100 guaranteed."
  • "We can remove bankruptcies, judgments, liens,
    and bad loans from your credit file forever!"

Credit Repair Agencies, cont.
  • For a fee, they promise to clean up your credit
    report so you can get a car loan, a home
    mortgage, insurance, or even a job. The truth is,
    they can't deliver. Only time, a conscious
    effort, and a personal debt repayment plan will
    improve your credit report.

Steps to repair your credit
  • Stop creating debt.
  • Determine how much money you have each month to
    put toward debt repayment.
  • Organize your debt information to develop a
    repayment plan
  • Use debt management plans (DMPs)
  • Restructure your debt

Restructuring your debt
  1. Consolidation loans
  2. Refinancing your home
  3. Transferring balances
  4. Use a credit counselor to negotiate debt
  5. Discharge debt (file bankruptcy)

Rebuilding Your Credit
  • Pay your bills on time
  • Pay off outstanding collections and judgments
  • Dont max out credit cards
  • Pay off re-affirmed credit cards and loans with
    high interest rates
  • Re-establish credit by opening a secured credit
    card (caution!!)

What To Do If You CantPay Your Bills
  • Go to creditors to get help resolving your
    situation or see a credit counselor.
  • Consider using savings to pay off debt.
  • Use a debt consolidation loan to lower monthly
    payment and restructure debt.
  • Final alternative is personal bankruptcy.

4. Seeking Help
  • Caution!
  • Unscrupulous providers charge upfront fees
  • May make situation worse
  • or (800) 388-2227
  • National Foundation for Consumer Credit (NFCC)
  • Nonprofit certified organizations
  • Local agencies CCCS of ______ (Consumer Credit
    Counseling Service)
  • Provide budgeting and other advice to people in

  • Debt Management Plans
  • Voluntary Agreements between borrower and lenders
  • Designed to help organize debts
  • Counselor Can re-negotiate bills due
  • See Fiscal Fitness Choosing a Credit Counselor
    and Knee Deep in Debt.
  • See http//
  • See also http//

  • Personal bankruptcy doesnt wipe out all
  • Chapter 7 Straight bankruptcy
  • Chapter 11 For businesses or those exceeding
    debt limitations or lack regular income.
  • Chapter 12 Available to family farmers.
  • Chapter 13 The wage earner plan
  • personal bankruptcy doesnt wipe out all

Chapter 7 Straight Bankruptcy
  • Allows individuals who dont have any chance of
    repaying debts to eliminate them and begin again.
  • While you will not lose everything, courts
    confiscate and sell most assets to pay off debts.
  • Some debts remain including child support,
    alimony, student loans, and taxes.

Chapter 7 Straight Bankruptcy
  • To qualify, you must pass a means test and
    cannot file Chapter 7 bankruptcy if
  • Income is higher than median in your state.
  • Have more than 100 in monthly disposable income.
  • Have sufficient disposable income to repay at
    least 25 of your debt over 5 years.

Chapter 13 The Wage Earner Plan
  • To file for Chapter 13, you must have
  • Regular income
  • Secured debts under 922,975
  • Unsecured debts under 307,675
  • Repayment schedule is designed to cover your
    normal expenses while meeting repayment
  • For creditors, it means controlled repayment with
    court supervision.

Chapter 128 Receivership a bankruptcy
  • An alternative to bankruptcy for individuals or
    businesses in a difficult financial situation.
  • Helps consumers catch up on unsecured debt
    payments for up to three years.
  • Unlike a bankruptcy, the consumer can choose
    which debts to include in the plan.
  • While a bankruptcy will eliminate the debt (and
    stay on your credit history for ten years), a
    receivership will simply stop additional interest
    from being added

Rebuilding and improving your credit following
  1. Pay your bills on time 
  2. Pay off outstanding collections and judgments
  3. Dont max out your credit cards
  4. Pay off re-affirmed credit cards and loans with
    high interest rates
  5. Re-establish credit by opening a secured credit
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