Title: Geography
1Geographys Impact on Architecture
- Commonalities in patterns around the world
2Describe what you see.
3Can you identify any geometric shapes in this
4Can you identify any geometric shapes in this
5What are the similarities and differences between
these images?
6What can you infer about the two images?
7What might happen if you add on to the patterns
in the images?
8Do you think these images have equal significance?
9What similarities and differences do you notice
between these images?
10What materials could have been used to create the
scenes in these images?
11Why might the artisans have created these scenes?
12Window in the Blue Mosque in Turkey
13Window in Notre Dame
14How are these structures alike?
15How does this window differ from the others weve
16Mosque in Mali
17How do you think geography impacted the way the
mosques were constructed?