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HTML Tutorial 2: Developing a Basic Web Site * * Tutorial Objectives Create hypertext links between elements within a Web page Create hypertext links between Web ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: HTML

  • Tutorial 2 Developing a Basic Web Site

Tutorial Objectives
  • Create hypertext links between elements within a
    Web page
  • Create hypertext links between Web pages
  • Review basic Web page structures
  • Create hypertext links to Web pages on the
  • Distinguish between and be able to use absolute
    and relative pathnames
  • Create hypertext links to various Internet

Creating a Hypertext Document
  • Hypertext documents contain hypertext links,
    items that you can select to view another topic
    or document, often called the destination of the
  • These links can point to
  • another section
  • the same document
  • a different document
  • a different Web page
  • a variety of other Web objects

The browser may only show a portion of the page.
The user must scroll down to see the rest of the
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(No Transcript)
Linear Structures each page is linked to the
next to previous page, in an ordered chain of
Link to previous page
In this structure you can jump only from one page
to the next or previous page
Link to next page
Augmented Linear Structure include a link in
each page that jumps directly back to the first
page, while keeping the links to move to the next
and previous pages
second link jumps back to beginning
first link jumps to previous page
third link jumps to next page
third page has three links
Hierarchical Structure It starts with a general
topic that includes links to more specific
topics. Each specific topic includes links to
yet more specialized topics, and so on
Combination of Linear and Hierarchical Structures
information about the play
information about the acts
overall structure is hierarchical
each level is linear
the scenes
Linking to a Document
  • To create a link to a document, use the same ltagt
    tag with the href attribute i.e. lta
    hrefcontact.htmgtContact melt/agt.
  • In order for the browser to be able to locate and
    open contact.htm, it must be in the same folder
    as the document containing the link.

Linking to a Section of a Document
  • To navigate to a specific location elsewhere in a
    document, rather than the top, you can set
    anchors or ids and link to an anchor you create
    within the document.
  • lta hrefhome.htminterestsgt View my interests
  • the entire text, View my interests, is linked
    to the Interests section in the home.htm file,
    via the anchor name interests
  • the pound symbol () distinguishes the filename
    from the anchor name

Linking to Documents in Other Folders
  • Browsers assume that if no folder information is
    given, the file is in the same folder as the
    current document.
  • When referencing a file located in a different
    folder than the link tag, you must include the
    location, or path, for the file.
  • HTML supports two kinds of paths absolute paths
    and relative paths.

Absolute Pathnames
  • An absolute pathname provides a precise location
    for a file.
  • Absolute pathnames begin with a slash (/) and are
    followed by a sequence of folders beginning with
    the highest level folder and proceeding to the
    folder that contains the file. Each folder is
    separated by a slash. For example,
  • HTML also requires you to include the drive
    letter followed by a vertical bar (), i.e.

Folder Tree
Five HTML files are located in four different
folders. The top most folder is the tutorial.02
folder. Within the tutorial.02 folder are the
tutorial and case1 folders, and within the case1
folder is the extra folder.
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Relative Pathnames
  • A relative path specifies the location for a file
    in relation to the folder containing the current
    Web document.
  • Unlike absolute pathnames, a relative pathname
    does not begin with a slash.
  • To reference a file in a folder directly above
    the current folder in the folder hierarchy,
    relative pathnames use two periods (..) i.e.

Relative Pathnames Continued
  • Relative pathnames make your hypertext links
  • Unlike absolute pathnames, If you move your files
    to a different computer or server, the hypertext
    links will stay intact.
  • If absolute pathnames are used, each link has to
    be revised. This can be a very tedious process.

Assuming the current folder is case1
The relative path to rock.htm is
The relative path to parks.htm is
The relative path to index.htm is
The relative path to chem.htm is
Linking to Documents on the Internet
  • A URL specifies a precise location on the Web for
    a file.
  • You can find the URL of a Web page in the
    Location or Address box of your browsers
    document window.
  • Once you know a documents URL, you can create a
    link to it by adding the URL to the ltagt tag along
    with the href attribute in your text file i.e.
    lta href http//
    Course Informationlt/agt

Displaying Linked Documents in a New Window
  • By default, each Web page you open is displayed
    in the main browser window, replacing the one you
    were viewing last.
  • To force a document to appear in a new window,
    you would use the target attribute in the href
    taglta hrefurl targetnew_windowgtHypertextlt/
  • new_window is a name assigned to the new browser

Linking to File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Servers
  • You can create links to other Internet resources,
    such as FTP servers.
  • FTP servers can store files that Internet users
    can download, or transfer, to their computers
  • URLs for FTP servers follow the same format as
    those for Web pages, except ftp is usedlta
    hrefftp// Microsoft FTP

Linking to E-mail
  • You can identify e-mail addresses as hypertext
    links. When a user clicks the e-mail address, the
    browser starts a mail program and automatically
    inserts the e-mail address into the To field of
    the outgoing message
  • The URL for an e-mail address is
    mailtoe-mail_addresslta hrefmailtocy.lin_at_eku.e
    dugt CY Linlt/agt
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