Title: Die%20Hilfsmittel%20des%20Mathematikhistorikers%20im%20Internet
1Die Hilfsmittel des Mathematikhistorikers im
Hans Jürgen Becker becker_at_mail.sub.uni-goettingen
2Informationsquellen SUB
3Bsp WLB
4Biographische Nachschlagewerke SUB
5IBI Saur
6Biographien im Netz
13ETC Yale
15Elektronische Textsammlungen SUB
16Eletronische Textsammlungen
- Beispiel
- gallica
- la bibliothèque numérique
- (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
- http//gallica.bnf.fr/Presentation.htm
18Enzyklopädien, Wörterbücher SUB
19Columbia Encyclopedia
21The Acronym Database
22Journal Abbreviation Sources
23Your Dictionary.com
24Themenbezogene Angebote SUB
25Resource Discovery Network
26Mail aus HM-Liste
27Bibliography Islamic World
282. Seite
29Other bibliographies
302. Mail aus HM-Liste
31Fachsektion Geschichte
33Math. Uni Bielefeld
34Uni-Archiv Bielefeld
35Modules Realization
- electronic dissertations MathDiss International
- subject gateway MathGuide
- preprints MPRESS/MathBibNet server
- electronic journals GEZ-N/E-Lib Osnabrück
- systems MathNet
- Electronic Research Archives for Mathematics
(ERAM) via databases - Jahrbuch und Zentralblatt für Mathematik
- Zentralblatt für Didaktik, etc.
36Modul MathDiss International
- international server for electronic dissertations
in Mathematics - permanent international online full-text document
server - online presentation long-term archiving
- homogenize file formats (TeX, LaTeX, etc.)
- provide access to the tables of contents, lists
of tables and illustrations and bibliographies - metadata international standard for dissertations
37Modul MathGuide
- Quality-controlled subject gateway
- description of over 1.100 online resources
- rich set of metadata, based on Dublin Core
- browse (MSC 2000) and fielded search
- national/international coverage
- cooperation with other partners (CWI, MathGate,
ISAAC, ...) - participant of Renardus
- ...
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40Modul ERAM
- bibliographic metadata digitization of fulltext
for classical mathematical literature - JFM Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der
Mathematik - capture the content of the JFM in a database
- scan selected items covered by the JFM for
storage in an electronic archive (full text) - extend the content of the archive by other
selection methods and provide links to the
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43full text access!
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45Anzahl Anfragen an JFM April 2000 bis Juni 2002
46Introduction EMANI
- Electronic Mathematics Archiving Network
Initiative, http//www.emani.org/ - Tsinghua University Library (China)
- Göttingen State and University Library
- Cornell University Library (USA)
- Orsay Library (France)
- Springer Verlag
- to insure preservation and dissemination of
mathematical information for future generations
and - to agree on common standards (metadata, format,
) - based on JFM and ERAM experiences
- Digital Mathematical Library
- Objective
- to build up by scanned materials (books,
journals, etc.) a digital library comprising all
mathematical publications (full-text indexing) - Partners
- American Mathematical Society
- Several national mathematical societies
- Göttingen State and University Library
- Cornell University Library
- ...
48Modul EULER
- European Libraries and Electronic Resources in
Mathematical Sciences (EULER engine) - EU project
- an initiative of the European Mathematical
Society - European Mathematical Society (EMS) consists of
almost all mathematical societies in Europe
(including Central and Eastern Europe). - EMS will bring in its Electronic Library of
Mathematics, the most comprehensive archive of
freely available mathe-matical electronic
journals and conference proceedings
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50deduplication check!
51Modul Renardus
- Academic Subject Gateway Service in Europe
- EU project (Jan. 2000 - June 2002)
- twelve partners are drawn from European library
and other information-related communities - aim to provide access to distributed
quality-controlled subject gateways (high quality
metadata collections) that will allow integrated
searching and browsing of distributed resource
collections (subject gateways)
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58Future Work Plans
- One single interface for all distributed services
so users can - search (bibliographic fields and subject)
- browse (subject)
- cooperation with scientific publishers (Springer
etc.) - cooperation with Mathematical Societies
- IMU (International Mathematical Union), e.g.
MathNet, DML - EMS (EMIS - The European Mathematical Information
Service) - DMV (Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung)
- cooperation with NSF/DFG
- EU projects (DIEPER, )
59Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!
Hans Becker SUB Göttingen becker_at_sub.uni-goettinge
- SUB Göttingen - http//sub.uni-goettingen.de
- MATHGUIDE - http//www.MathGuide.de/
- EMANI http//emani.org
- EULER - http//euler.sub.uni-goettingen.de/engine/
engine.html - Renardus - http//www.renardus.org/
- ERAM (Electronic Research Archive for
Mathematics) - http//www.emis.de/MATH/JFM/JFM.htm
l and via - GDZ (Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum) -
http//gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/en/index.html - JFM (Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der
Mathematik) - http//www.emis.de/projects/JFM/JFM.
html - EMIS (The European Mathematical Information
Service) - http//www.emis.de/
- EMS (European Mathematical Society) -
http//www.emis.de/ems-general.html - MathDiss international - http//www.ub.uni-duisbur
g.de/mathdiss/ - DMV - Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung -
http//www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/ - Universität Bielefeld http//www.uni-bielefeld.d
e - Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart
- Internationaler Biographischer Index K.G. Saur
Verlag - http//www.biblio.tu-bs.de/wbi/
- Biographien im Netz - http//www.biografien-im-net
z.de/ - Allgemeine / Neue Deutsche Biographie -
http//mdz2.bib-bvb.de/ndb/ndbindex.htm/ - DMV - Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung
(http//www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/) - Athena - http//un2sg4.unige.ch/athena/
- Bartleby.com - http//www.bartleby.com/
- Bücher - http//www.grass-gis.de/bibliotheken/buec
her.html - Bayerische StaatsBibliothek - http//mdz.bib-bvb.d
e/ - eBooks3 - http//www.ebooks3.com/
- Electronic Text Center - http//www.library.yale.e
du/etc/subjects.html - GALILEO - http//www.usg.edu/galileo/internet/elec
tronic/electext.html - Gallica - http//gallica.bnf.fr/Presentation.htm
- HighWire - http//highwire.stanford.edu/lists/free
art.dtl - Columbia Encyclopedia - http//www.bartleby.com/65
/ - Encyclopedia Britannica - http//www.britannica.co
m/ - The Acronym Database - http//www.ucc.ie/acronyms/
- All That JAS - http//www.public.iastate.edu/CYBE
RSTACKS/JAS.htm - Your Dictionary.com - http//www.yourdictionary.co
m/ - Resource Discovery Network - http//www.rdn.ac.uk/
- Bibliography of Medieval Islamic Mathematics -
http//facstaff.uindy.edu/oaks/Biblio/Intro.htm - Fachsektion Geschichte der Mathematik (FGM) -
e - The British Society for the History of
Mathematics - http//www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm