Causality%20and%20Randomized%20Control%20Trials - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Causality and Randomized Control Trials – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Causality%20and%20Randomized%20Control%20Trials

Causality and Randomized Control Trials
Empirical Research
  • Three broad types of Empirical papers
  • Paper Type I - Descriptive
  • CVD mortality over time
  • Regional differences in medical care
  • How are health insurance premiums changing over
  • These papers generally DONT TRY AND SAY WHY the
    trend might be changing over time
  • Although there is likely to be some speculation

Empirical Research (cont.) -
  • Paper Type II Relate variable X to variable Y
  • Effect of Price on the quantity of Medical Care
  • Effect of race on Income/Health
  • Effect of hypertension on risk of CVD
  • These papers are making a causal argument
  • The strength of which is up to the reader to

Empirical Research (cont.) -
  • Paper Type III
  • Use estimates from the first two types of papers
    to make policy recommendations
  • For ex. Some studies find that insurance
    generosity affects the use of IVF services
  • Because of limited opportunities, individuals
    maximize the chance of having at least one child

Empirical Research (cont.)-
  • One unintended consequence of this is multiple
  • Multiple births result in higher costs and lower
    infant health
  • Using estimates from the IVF papers, someone else
    might write a paper about the optimal level of
    insurance benefit

Policy Relevance
  • We are going to focus on the Second Paper Type
  • All three types of papers influence policy
  • But paper type II is generally of most interest
    to policy researchers because it provides
    magnitudes for the phenomena of interest
  • Magnitudes aid policy makers in the decision to
    allocate resources

  • What do we mean by causation?
  • We are asking a WHAT IF question
  • What if instead of X happening, Z happened. How
    would that change the outcome of Interest?
  • Thus one must always state the alternative
  • The what if scenario is also called a

Some Notation
  • Following Folland (1986)
  • Some units U-where U can be a person, city,
  • Assume for simplicity two treatments T and C
  • T-Treatment and C-Control
  • Treatment can be a variety of things Drug,
    education, income, textbooks, co-pays
  • Y represents outcome from receiving treatment
  • So YT(u) And YC(u)

Fundamental Problem of Causation
  • CANNOT observe the effect of treatment and
    control for the same person
  • Unless Temporal Stability AND Causal Transience
    are observed
  • Temporal Stability (TS) -Effect of T on U is same
    now and the future
  • Causal Transience (CT) Effect of T on U doesnt
    change once U is exposed to T
  • Or Unit homogeneity is observed
  • Yt(U1)Yt(U2) and Yc(U1)Yc(U2)

Fundamental Problem of Causation (cont.) -
  • Because of Temporal Stability and Causal
    Transience we can only estimate average treatment
  • Average treatment effect equals
  • E(Yt(U)) E(Yc(U))
  • This is simply the mean difference of the outcome
    across the treatment and control groups

Paper Type II-Causality
  • Observational Studies Most are cross-sectional
  • Some type of statistical procedure that relates
    variables X and Y
  • Ordinary Least Squares, Logistic Regression,
  • Propensity Scores
  • Quasi Experimental/Natural Experiments
  • Regression Discontinuity
  • Difference in Difference
  • Instrumental Variables
  • Randomized Control Trial (RCT) Gold Standard

Observational Studies I
  • Difficult to show causation purely from
    observational data, why?
  • An example Researchers are interested in
    whether income is related to health
  • Direct effects Can buy more medical care
  • Indirect effects Able to afford health
  • Some researchers believe health insurance affects

Observational Studies I (cont.)
  • Money can affect level of education
  • Education might help you get better information
  • Education might help you process information

Observational Studies I (cont.)-
  • Take data from the cross section (point in time)
  • Self-reported health as the dependent variable
    and Income as the independent variable
  • Also adjust for a variables such as education,
    insurance, geography, age, sex, race, income,
    family education etc. and identify an effect
  • Can we say this is the true effect of income on

Observational Studies II -
  • Magnitudes from observational studies are
    generally biased upwards - Especially from
    cross-sectional studies
  • There are some examples where estimates from
    observational studies are biased downward
  • These are rare cases in the universe of all
    published studies
  • Can you think of an association that is biased
  • I.e. An RCT would increase the size of your

Observational Studies II (cont.) -
  • In some studies the bias is hard to sign
  • For example a researcher is interested in whether
    having fire insurance leads to more fire
    accidents relative to not having fire insurance.
  • What is the IDEA?
  • Fire insurance lowers the cost of having your
    place burn down
  • Thus individuals have less of an incentive to be
    careful, which in turn increases probability of a
    fire (also called Ex-Ante Moral Hazard)

Observational Studies II (cont.) -
  • Look at the Correlation between purchasing
    insurance and Having a fire in the next 5 years?
  • In observational data-Individuals for whom fire
    insurance is more valuable (more likely to have a
    fire) will be more likely to buy fire insurance,
    How does this affect the coefficient?
  • Not adjusting for this biases the coefficient
  • In observational data individuals who are more
    cautious might also be more likely to buy fire
  • Cautious people might have fewer fires than risky
  • Not adjusting for this will bias the coefficient

Observational Studies II (cont.) -
  • Conclusion A-priori impossible to tell whether
    relationship obtained from observational data is
    above or below the true effect of having fire
    insurance on having a fire.

Observational Studies III
  • Given the above examples, Observational studies
    primarily show associations
  • We will talk more about research designs with
    observational data that get us closer to
  • Why is it important to show that something is
    truly causal and not just an association?

Randomized Control Trial
  • Randomization is a process used to assign a
    treatment to either treatment or control
  • Randomization guarantees independence between
    treatment and all the other variables that might
    affect outcomes of interest
  • A simple procedure for randomization coin
  • If randomizations is done correctly the mean
    difference across treatment and control groups
    E(Yt(U)) E(Yc(U)) is said to be unbiased
  • How can we test whether randomization worked?

RCT (cont.)-
  • Without randomization it is very difficult to
    guarantee that it is truly the treatment that is
    responsible for the outcome
  • Most non-experimental procedures are aimed at
    finding a control group that is similar to the
    treatment group

RCT (cont.) -
  • If its such a good idea why arent there more
  • Ethical Problems
  • Smoking is a good example
  • Costs
  • RCTs cost a lot of money
  • The Rand HI experiment cost 280 Million 2004
  • This was to randomize 7,791 people and to follow
    them for approximately 8 years.

RCT (cont.) -
  • Costs also impact the duration of the experiment
    Rand Health Insurance experiment only ran for 8
  • Attrition can be high
  • This is also a problem with non-experimental
  • Importantly people who drop out of the experiment
    are likely different from people who stay in the
  • Treatment effects could be different for the two

RCT (cont.) -
  • i.e. Conjecture that treatment effect is higher
    for the group that stays in the experiment
  • If you only used people who stayed in the
    experiment there would again be a upward bias to
    the measured treatment effect.
  • Even though there is attrition, one strategy is
    to estimate the effect as if there was no

RCT (cont.) -
  • Keep everyone in the sample even if some people
    are not longer taking the treatment
  • This is called intent to treat analysis
  • Intent to treat will dilute the true effect since
    not all individuals in treatment are taking the
  • But this preserves the experiment and any
    estimates are still valid
  • In a later lecture we will consider another
    solution to the attrition problem

RCT (cont.) -
  • Treatment becomes Controls
  • Different from Attrition
  • Difficult to generalize from location to location
  • Will experiment in location A reveal the same
    effect if done in location B
  • Hawthorne Effects
  • Observation makes people behave differently
  • Thus results might not apply to non-observed

RCT (cont.) -
  • Finally Some things are not easily Manipulated
  • How does one randomize Sex?
  • How about race?
  • Lets come back to this

In Depth Example-Discrimination
  • What is the effect of Sex (Race) on Income?
  • Many studies show differences across the groups
    on a variety of outcomes
  • For ex. Some studies report that a woman makes
    .80 cents for each dollar a man makes

What Does Theory Say?
  • Two Theories
  • Statistical Discrimination
  • Employers have limited resources to get
    information about any single individual, but know
    something about group averages
  • They use information on the group average to make
    an inference about a specific individual

What Does Theory Say (cont.) -
  • Wide applicability Physician decision making,
    Product selection, Speeding tickets - This is
  • Taste-Based Discrimination
  • Employers do not like to employ individuals from
    a specific group

What Does Theory Say (cont.)-
  • Two types of discrimination have very different
    policy implication
  • In a competitive market firm will bear the cost
    of taste-based discrimination
  • Statistical discrimination will likely never be
    competed away
  • Why?
  • Because using information about the group solves
    a problem that the profiler faces

Testing for Discrimination I
  • How do we test whether there is discrimination
    and second if so what type of discrimination?
  • One idea is to simply compare mean wages across
    different groups from real world data
  • What are the problems with this method?
  • Employer observes something that you as a
    researcher do not (experience, good looks)
  • Cannot separate out two theories with this method

Testing for Discrimination I (cont.)
  • Lets take a step back
  • How would one design an experiment to determine
    whether there is discrimination?
  • In the RCT framework this question amounts to,
    How does one randomize race?
  • Seems impossible to do
  • Falls into one of these characteristics that
    cannot be manipulated

Testing for Discrimination II
  • Audit Studies Send in hispanics, african
    americans and whites for job interviews
  • Two Problems
  • Auditors are matched on some observables except
  • height, weight, age, dialect, dressing style and
    hairdo, Is that enough?
  • Study is not Double blind This can effect
    treatment effects

Testing for Discrimination III
  • Hard to manipulate race in life, but EASY to
    manipulate race on paper
  • Which name doesnt belong?
  • Chow Yun Phat, Pete Sampras, Srikanth Kadiyala
  • Correct answer is clearly Srikanth because he is
    not rich and famous
  • Racial groups can have very different sounding

Testing for Discrimination III (cont.)
  • Manipulate the resume so only difference is a
    Black sounding name vs. a White Sounding name
  • Emily Walsh vs. Jamal Jones
  • Greg Baker vs. Lakisha Washington
  • Find some real Employers from the newspapers
  • Two markets Chicago/Boston
  • 1300 Ads

Testing for Discrimination III (cont.)
  • They vary not only the name (two resumes) but
    also type of resume
  • More experience and Skills vs. Less experience
    and Skills
  • Typically 4 different types of resumes to each
    job advertisement
  • Measure Call Back Rate
  • Researchers set up fake tel. s to receive call

Testing for Discrimination III (cont.)-
  • Results
  • African Americans need to send 15 resumes to get
    1 call back
  • Whites need to send 10 resumes to get 1 call back
  • 50 gap in call back
  • Whites with high quality resume receive nearly
    30 more callbacks vs. whites with low quality
  • Blacks with high quality resumes dont experience
    the same benefit
  • Amazing fact, experience and some other skills
    not being rewarded in the marketplace for blacks

Separating Theories
  • Does this method separate Statistical from Taste
    Based Discrimination?
  • YES, Why?
  • This study is superior to Audit studies, why?
  • Perfect Matching on Treatment and Control
  • Unlike audit studies no bias from either
    participant or researchers
  • This study has quite a few positives in the Realm
    of RCTs, What are they?
  • No attrition!
  • No mixing of treatment and control!
  • Cheap!

Some Common Non-Experimental Designs
  • Designs without control groups
  • X 01 - Observe only data from post treatment (X)
  • 01 X 02 Observe data from pre and post
    treatment period
  • 01 02 X 03 Observe data from pre and post
    observe a longer pre period

Some Common Problems with Non-Experimental Design
  • Ambiguous Temporal Precedence
  • For cross-sectional data
  • History- Events occurring concurrently with
    intervention affect results
  • Maturation Naturally occurring changes over
    time confused with intervention
  • Regression to the mean

Some Common Non-Experimental Designs
  • Designs without control groups
  • X 01
  • No control group
  • Causality impossible to show
  • 01 X 02
  • No true control group, pre-period is used as one
  • History, maturation are problems
  • Regression to the mean is also a problem
  • Most Important thing to remember Treatment
    timing might not be random

Some Common Non-Experimental Designs (cont.) -
  • 01 02 X 03
  • No true control group,
  • History, maturation are problems
  • Arguments can be made against regression to the
    mean since you have longer time period
  • Most important thing to remember Treatment Timing
    might not be random

  • Free For All? Lessons from the Rand Health
    Insurance Experiment, Joe Newhouse
  • Statistics and Causal Inference, Journal of
    American Statistical Association, Vol. 81, no.
    396, Dec. 1986, pp 945-960, Paul Holland
  • Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha
    and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market
    Discrimination, American Economic Review, Vol.
    94, no. 4, Sept. 2004, pp. 991-1013, Marianne
    Bertrand, Sendhil Mullainathan
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