Title: Plus ca change: barriers to innovation in survey research
1Plus ca change barriers to innovation in
survey research
- Patrick Sturgis, University of Southampton
- and
- National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM)
Paper presented at Government Statistical Service
Conference, London, July 6 2011
- Network of gt10 universities offering an
integrated programme of methodological research
and training - Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods
- Online archive of papers, videos, presentations,
toolkits, etc. - Bursary scheme to support training attendance
- Find out more at www.ncrm.ac.uk
3Key changes in survey practice
- Telephone interviewing
- Electronic sample management
- Web surveys
- Mobile digital devices
- Attitude measurement?
45-point Likert agree/disagree format
- Probably the most widely used attitude question
format in the UK and throughout the world - BSA, ESS, BHPS, BCS, Taking Part, cohort studies,
WVS, EVS, etc. etc. - But it has long been recognised that there are
some major problems with this approach
5- Working in government statistics is enjoyable
- Strongly agree/agree/neither-nor/disagree/strongly
6But there is another problem
7Neither/nor mid-points
- Perhaps the most common form of middle
alternative is the neither/nor in Likert items - Usually treated analytically as implying
neutrality, or being in the middle on the
issue - But it is also logically consistent with having
no opinion - If I do not have an opinion on an issue, it is
true that I am neither in favour nor opposed to
the statement
8Research Design
- Face-to-face CAPI interviews on the Ipsos-MORI
omnibus quota survey - May 2008
- n3113
- Respondents randomly allocated to one of three
5-point uni-polar Likert items
9Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you
with the performance of the European Commission?
- 1. Very satisfied
- 2. Fairly satisfied
- 3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4. Fairly dissatisfied
- 5. Very dissatisfied
10How important or unimportant do you think it is
it for Britain to be at the forefront of
developments in nanotechnology?
- 1. Very important
- 2. Fairly important
- 3. Neither important nor unimportant
- 4. Not very important
- 5. Not at all important
11On balance, the advantages of GM foods outweigh
any dangers
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neither agree nor disagree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
12For those selecting neither/nor
- Which of the following statements best describes
why you are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
with the performance of the European Commission? - I dont really have an opinion on this issue
- I have an opinion which is right in the middle on
this issue - Neither of the above
- If (3) Could you tell me what led you to say you
are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied? - PROBE FULLY. For what other reasons?
13- Responses can now be categorised as either
- Substantive (directional) response
- Initial Dont Know
- Hidden Dont Know
- Neutral
14Table 1 Distribution of middle alternative
responses after probing
15Reference category initial DK
16Why are survey question formats so resistant to
17- However, you will have to balance this against
the policy needs of your funders changing the
question and/or response categories will mean
that the data you collect will not be comparable
to other surveys against which you may be
benchmarking your data.
18Some predictions for 2020
- General population surveys will routinely be
conducted using web data collection - Interviewing conducted by avatars
- 5-point agree/disagree questions with neither/nor
mid-point still widely used.
19Some previous predicitons
- Frank Dobson for Mayor of London
- West Ham premier league champions 2010