Title: Atlas Copco Group
1Atlas Copco Group
- Q3 Results
- October 24, 2007
- Q3 Business Highlights
- Market Development
- Business Areas
- Financials
- Outlook
3Q3 - Highlights
- Strong order and revenue growth continue
- Solid market conditions
- Excellent growth in BRIC countries
- Organic order growth 15
- Both capital equipment and aftermarket sales show
strength - All-time high operating profit
- Strong cash flow generation
- Acquisition of Mafi-Trench expands offer to oil
and gas industry
4Q3 - Figures in summary
- Revenues up 31 to MSEK 16 431
- 19 organic growth
- Operating profit up 36 to MSEK 3 127
- Operating margin at record 19.0 (18.4)
- Profit before tax at MSEK 2 708 (2 081)
- Profit from continuing operations up 28 to MSEK
1 890 - Earnings per share continuing operations SEK 1.54
(1.17) - Operating cash flow, continuing operations, MSEK
1 586 (916)
- Q3 Business Highlights
- Market Development
- Business Areas
- Financials
- Outlook
6Orders received - Local currency
Group total 27 YTD, 29 last 3
months (Structural change 9 YTD, 14 last 3
40 25 21
19 33 40
19 20 26
10 39 33
7 46 53
5 28 38
September 2007
A Portion of sales, Year-to-date,
B Year-to-date vs. prev. year,
C Last 3 months vs. prev. year,
7Q3 - The Americas
- Solid growth in North America
- Good demand from most customer segments within
mining, process, and manufacturing industries - Weaker demand from the motor vehicle industry and
parts of the construction market - Continued good demand from all customer segments
in South America - Strong growth in Brazil
19 20 26
7 46 53
September 2007
A Portion of sales, Year-to-date,
B Year-to-date vs. prev. year,
C Last 3 months vs. prev. year,
8Q3 - Europe and Africa/Middle East
- Robust demand in Europe
- Good development within the manufacturing and
process segments - Demand from construction industry softened in
some markets - Best growth found in Eastern Europe and the
Nordic region - Positive development in the Africa / Middle East
40 25 21
10 39 33
September 2007
A Portion of sales, Year-to-date,
B Year-to-date vs. prev. year,
C Last 3 months vs. prev. year,
9Q3 - Asia and Australia
- Asia continues to deliver
- Strong demand for all types of equipment in most
parts of the region - China and India recorded even higher growth than
in recent quarters - High demand from most customer segments in
19 33 40
5 28 38
September 2007
A Portion of sales, Year-to-date,
B Year-to-date vs. prev. year,
C Last 3 months vs. prev. year,
10Organic Growth per Quarter
Atlas Copco Group, continuing operations
- Change in orders received in vs. same Quarter
previous year
Volume and price
11Atlas Copco Group Sales Bridge
- Q3 Business Highlights
- Market Development
- Business Areas
- Financials
- Outlook
13Atlas Copco Group
Operating Profit and Return On Capital Employed
(ROCE) by Business Area
including discontinued operations
14Compressor Technique
- Continued strong development for all product
areas - Organic order growth 11 vs very strong previous
year - All regions showed good growth
- Record operating profit at MSEK 1 801
- Includes MSEK 78 gain from sale of rental assets
in Australia - Underlying margin very strong considering
currency and acquisition effects - Acquisition of Mafi-Trench finalized on August 1
October 24, 2007, www.atlascopco.com
15Compressor Technique
Volume and price
Quarterly operating margins include Prime Energy
from Q1 2006.
16Construction and Mining Technique
- Continued strong demand, particularly from mining
industry - Organic order growth 21
- 22nd consecutive quarter with volume growth
- Operating profit up 50, margin at 16.9
- 19 margin for comparable units
- Low Dynapac margin due to seasonal variances as
well as production disturbances
- Market development and order growth is good and
in line with expectations - Production disturbances primarily related to
Germany and one business line - New product allocation between factories
- Move from station-based assembly to line-assembly
- Introduction of revamped paver-line
18Construction and Mining Technique
Volume and price
19Industrial Technique
- Continued very strong development in general
industry and resumed order growth in the motor
vehicle industry - 13 organic order growth in total
- Operating profit up 10, margin at 20.8
- Negatively affected by restructuring costs
- Suggested move of assembly operations from UK to
Hungary - New advanced battery tool introduced
20Industrial Technique
Volume and price
- Q3 Business Highlights
- Market Development
- Business Areas
- Financials
- Outlook
22Group Total
23Balance Sheet
24Capital Structure
25Cash Flow
Continuing operations
- Q3 Business Highlights
- Market Development
- Business Areas
- Financials
- Outlook
27Near-term Outlook
- The demand for Atlas Copcos products and
services from most customer segments and regions
is expected to remain at the current high level. - The positive outlook includes the main part of
the construction segment, while construction
related to housing is expected to slow down,
primarily in North America.
29Cautionary Statement
- Some statements herein are forward-looking and
the actual outcome could be materially different.
In addition to the factors explicitly commented
upon, the actual outcome could be materially
effected by other factors like for example, the
effect of economic conditions, exchange-rate and
interest-rate movements, political risks, impact
of competing products and their pricing, product
development, commercialization and technological
difficulties, supply disturbances, and major
customer credit losses.